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Personal Interests
A little bit about me.
Well I am in my 50's and married to Brigid and We have 5 children. 3 Girls, 2 Boys and 3 beautiful granddaughters
I'm into radio since I was knee high to a grasshopper.
the first introduction to radio was when I was about 7 years old. I remember my father getting a new valve radio which ran on a wet and dry battery and he had to take one of them back to the shop to get it re charged. Well I was really fascinated when I heard all the sounds coming from it !! Then one Sunday morning while my mother and father were gone to Church AND of coarse my brother who is 7 years older than me was supposed to be looking after me but he was more interested in a young lady which lived up the road from us, So when I got the chance I duly got a knife and opened the back of the radio to see if I could find the little people that were doing all the talking in there. I even took out the valves to see if there was anyone in there Hi Hi.. Well anyway I got the radio back toghether and all was fine till my father turned it on and of course there was a fizzzzle and silence. Well at that I went into hiding and my father was furious because the radio was only 1 month old. So next day he brought it back to the shop and was asked to call back for it a few days later.. OOooohhh boy !! when he came home from work that evening with a new radio !! you guessed it !! the big question was who did it !! Well anyway in the finish I had to admit to it. Well I got the biggest hiding I ever got that evening !! BUT that didn't put me off !! I'm still playing with radio and still find it as fascinating as ever..
Ok I better finish before I bore you all..
Please let me know what you think of my page and let me know if there is any more interesting stuff out there that I could add to my page.
For now from Jim and thank you for taking the time to brows my page.
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Current Projects
- FSTV (Fast Scan TV)
- This is a picture of me with some antennas I built. the one on the right is what we build our 23cm beam's from. The one I'm holding up is a 16el which I made from the one on the right which is a 8el yagi for uhf tv and the big one on the left is a 36el which I made from 2 of the one on the right.
- Well I have been playing around with FSTV with about 5 years now but never got it off the ground properly till this year.
- My 1st experence with it was with a 10w 70cm tx and got a distance of 25miles apptox as the crow flies to Ian EI6GY's shack, but he is up high over Waterford city and I need to get into the city which is somewhere between 40 and 50km from my QTH as that's the closest Ham radio population to me and I also suffer with big hills almost all the way around me. Ok thats enough about my location.
- I recently got a 1w 23cm tx and have done some tests with that and to my amazment I'm getting some brilliant distances with just 1 watt. So far Ive got approx 15 to 20km as the crow flies with it !! BUT !! that was more or less on level ground and I need to get out over a 100mtr hill which is about 7km away.
- So that means that I will have to use a repeater to get the distance I need. I am trying some sites at the moment but I need a little more power before I can go any further.
- Ok That's about it for now. I will keep adding to this page as I keep making progress.
- 24/7/00
- Right I'm back again with some good news and some bad.
- 1st of all the 2nd picture above is from a test we did on around 20 of June from a sight called Portlaw which is overlooking Waterford City and as u can see the results were 100% eventhough the picture dont show it that way as that evening the WX was blowing a gale on the hill and was next to impossiable to hold the antenna in any straight line.
- Now since that test I've built a kit 10w linear (and heres the bad news!! the Mitsubishi main block was selling for £45 sterling up to last week and now weve been told that it's out of stock and wont be available again till October 2000 and the price is to take a jump to over £100. SORE HeHeHe)
- Now with my cheap £45 block !! and a 36el homebrew yagi I've done some tests from Portlaw back to Dungarvan (My QTH) approx 35km with some very good results (BUT still need some more work) results about a P3 to P4 and I need to have 2 antennas on RX and 2 on TX so by splitting the antennas Im gonna loose some of the signal again.
- Well anyway heres some pictures of that test and hopefully it will be all good news next time. Bye for now again 73 Jim.
- This is me Live from Dungarvan to Portlaw.
- Some of the boys interested in ATV. From left is John EI8JA, David EI7FYB and Mick EI3IQ.
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Irish Radio Transmitters Society
For the cheapest ATV TX and RX in Europe
Dungarvan is steeped in history.. I think you might find this site somewhat interesting.
For good quality and eaisy to assemble ATV linear amp kits
Weather pictures. See if the WX last long enough to get that new antenna up Hi Hi.
FSTV RX TX. Same as G1MFG but without mods.
For good quality and eaisy to assemble ATV linear amp kits
Ham radio New and Used (Martin Lynch & Son)
Buckmaster Ham Radio Call Book
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Copyright Jim Farrell.
Last revised: May 2003.