CJM Music: Joanne Boyce and Mike Stanley... their biographies!

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Joanne Boyce, although born in Birmingham, UK, lived in Trinidad and Tobago, the twin island home of her mother, from the age of nine. Returning to England she applied her musical talents to become music director of Soli House, a Catholic youth retreat in Stratford-upon-Avon. She works full-time with Mike Stanley in taking Christian music into schools and colleges, as well as leading workshops and concerts.







Mike Stanley received his first guitar, a gift from his parish priest, at the age of seven. Since that time he has added the piano, flute, mandolin, violin, and tin whistle to the list of instruments he plays. Mike worked as a teacher and youth leader for many years, including outreach work in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Like Jo, Mike worked as a music coordinator at Soli House for a year and a half which is where Jo and Mike met.


Jo and Mike (CJM Music) acting as First Light Ministries, are officially supported by the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, which covers the area , from Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham up to Stafford and Stoke-on-Trent. Their primary ministry, for which they get a grant from the Archdiocese as well as remuneration from concerts, workshops, and their music sales, is to work with young people in colleges, schools and at festivals so that through music and composition they may praise God the better.

Jo and Mike are also heavily involved with the ecumenical music project,
now available from this web site,
Songs for the New Millennium

Their musical output is a mixture of praise music and liturgical settings. Following the release of Imagine a World and their first songbook, CJM released 'Born for This'
This is a dramatic fusion of music and drama, performed each Lent by CJM Music, together with young people from various parishes. It offers an intensely moving portrayal of the Stations of the Cross.
The CD, cassette and songbook - with all the reflections that make the live show so dramatic - are available now! Click here for more information.

Then, in 2000, they released In the Company of Angels, their most accomplished studio album to date.

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