You are Worthy

CJM Music

The first track from 'Imagine a World' in MP3 format

This file is 3.1 MB and will take about 30 minutes at 28.8 speed. Best downloaded on an early morning!

Download MP3 file You are Worthy by right-clicking and selecting 'Save Target As...' or 'Save Link As...'

Once downloaded you can play the file using any MP3 player...the quality is astonishing and you will see why this CD is one of CJM's best-selling albums
Our advice is to download the MP3 file then play it;
however, if you can't wait for a download, then Netplayer is a free streaming audio player for MP3 files. If the player is downloaded and opened from the start menu whilst on a web page containing a link to a MP3 file, the file link can be dragged into the player and it will start to stream the file. It is not perfect quality and jumps and stutters but will give you an idea of the song content and style without first having a long download.Click for Netplayer  DOWNLOAD

The new windows media player from Microsoft is similar; if you install it on your PC (release version available) then it too will stream the MP3 file when you (left-)click on the link above.
This media player is very versatile and will play all media with one player.

 Return to CJM P align="center"> CJM's music is available on line - Click here if you wish to buy by credit card!