The Fanfic Adventures
At the sites below, are the various Adventures of Sinbad sites with Fan fic.
Most of these are at the library already, so this page is sort of redundant.
But I thought you would like to see them anyway.
If you do come across a fanfic that is not in the library, please contact me or Susanna, and let us know.
The Great Library...The Adventures Of Sinbad FanFic Library
Forums for the writers.
- AOS Reference Library Fourm
- For the great library above.
- Adventures of Sinbad Fanfic season 3
- For the writers, and general discussions.
The fanfic sites
- The Adventures of Sinbad Season 3 Fan Fiction.
- Kid's version of the third season. Read the latest episode!
- The Galley ~ Selynne's AoS Fanfic Page
- Selynne's great stories.
- More Authors, More AoS Fanfiction
- The next page at Selynne's site.
- Faranath's AOS FanFiction Website
- Faranant's FF site. Not to be confused with her AoS site.
- The Society For Injuring Firouz and other AoS...
- Name says it all.
- The Library
- Someone's library of Fanfic.
- Sinbad FanFix
- More fanfic.
- Captian's Log
- More fic.
- Swashbucklers Fan Fiction
- Some interesting stories.
- Some Fanfic from the good ol days.
- AngstFest '98
- The other site of Torra and Selynne.
- tarturus 's Home Page
- Lots of stuff.
- Sadize's Stories
- Recently updated. Includes other authors.
- Fan Fiction
- Another site full of stories.
- fanfic
- And another.
- Main Library
- Another library of fanfic.
- Portal to Another Place
- You never know what you may find.
- Gwynfallan: Welcome!
- Gabi's site of stories.
- Fan Fiction on the Net
- All kinds of fanfic, including some AOS.
- The zone of fanfic.
- HBKid Productions
- All you wanted to know about the production team.
- "My" Drama page
- Now, if we can find out who My is, this listing won't look so strange.
- Fandom on the Net
- A secondary site for the fanfiction on the net above.
- The Alternate Adventures of Sinbad
- Another HBKid Production site.
- My Fiction Index
- Crystal Keepers fiction index
- Scripts of AoS
- The scripts, transcribed to text format.
- Shac's fanfiction clearinghouse
- Another site of links.