Parrot Page II

Welcome to JollyMon's ParrotHead Corner of the World Wide Web...Part Two!

The Coral Reefer Band is in full swing...but my page-making skills are just warming up....


It's a bird! It's a plane...


Okay....The graceful one is my buddy Pete, demonstrating his flying "skills" at DisneyWorld, on the moving walkway exiting Space Mountain.
(...and I am seen in PUBLIC with this guy!)

Pete, Jackson, and I are triplets, separated at birth! We're all exactly alike! (Well...I am the best looking of us three!)

Ladies and Gents...

The triplets!..(Ain't we something?....okay...don't say WHAT!)

Hey! You know that manatee I adopted, Floyd?...Well here's his picture, and you can still help out. Just Click on Floyd and get involved!

Okay....I should mention here that I'm also a big fan of SUPERMAN!
How BIG of a fan? Find out....

May the Force be with us....Always....

(Chewie, Han, (holding my friend Jody), Lori,(my girlfriend), C3PO, and Me)

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