...PHinz Up, Y'all, here we go...

BUT WAIT!!!! That's not all! Tell 'em what they've won, Jolly!
Sure thing! They've just won...
A Change in Latitude AND a Change in Attitude!
Hey! I've adopted a manatee. His name is Floyd. Wanna help out & possibly save these gentle animals from extinction?
Click on this banner and get educated....then get involved!

My pal, Cad97, has a page...
as big an Eric Clapton fan as I am a Jimmy Buffett fan! Check him out and tell him I said, "Howdy"!
This is THE OFFICIAL Margaritaville site!

Going someplace tropical? Gonna need tropical footwear!...Check out my friend's store in St. Thomas!
(These are quality, hand-made sandals....straight from "St. Somewhere"!)
Feel THE FORCE at this way-cool STARWARS site!...(check out "Troops"...It's worth the download time).

This "store" has everything. Trivia contests, Novelty items, tropical apparel, Nautical supplies, and Caribbean Soul merchandise!

This is THE site for up-to-the-minute news on the Head Parrot!

The home page for the radio station I work at...(my picture isn't on there yet, so don't bother lookin'!)

Kindof a "girlie-site", but this belongs to a good friend. Check it out & tell her Jolly sent you!

Jeff Pike: Founder, Guitarist, Programmer, Nice Guy, Lucky Man, & Lead Singer for A1A!
"Who's A1A?", You ask...

THE Jimmy Buffett Tribute Show!
Stay tuned....More to come VERY soon!...