A viewers guide to TV History... that YOU can add to! | ||
TV Job sites, network pages, a smattering of all types of TV-related stuff. | ||
This Handy-Dandy Worldwide TV Guide actually seems to work - I'm impressed! | ||
Some of my favorite Links that are not TV-Related. | ||
This got E-mailed to me, I think it's funny, so I thought you might think so also. | ||
Personal stuff - You Know, about me, my family,
my life, resume, and personal reflections.
(Oh, C'mon - it 'aint that painful!). |
A place for me to put my clients' commercial scripts,
for them to see .
(in other words "Works in Progress") |
How often have you wondered if you're the only one in the world who spends 6 hours in the evening, watching the tube - after working in front of one 8 hours prior? Do these quotes sound familiar..."why should
we go out, Ali McBeal's on right here!", or "Are you crazy, not tonight,
It's Thursday night - must see TV!!"... Do you know the meaning of "DOHHHH!!!"
Do you talk in TV quotes? - Well, DO YOU???
Ever wonder why you put the kids to bed at the top of the hour???, why your bladder pressures coincide perfectly with network commercial breaks???? - Your a TV junkie, that's why!!! It's OK - Don't be afraid, Embrace it! Enjoy it - It's your passion, and nobody can take take it away from you!! Hey, While you're away from the Tube, enjoy my TV links below - and for goodness sake... Go on.... |