Ode To A Songbird.....

Ahhh, the summer of 1996... I remember it well. It was a Saturday evening and I was casually looking through the TV guide. My eyes were drawn to a small listing which read, "Babes In Arms". I noticed the two main stars were Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. "Wow," I thought, "I knew that Mickey Rooney was once famous in the Golden Age of Hollywood, I wonder what he was like back then?" Then I looked at Judy's name and thought, "Oh, Dorothy from the 'Wizard of Oz' I want to see this film!" So I made up my mind to watch the film. Having never seen those two familiar names in earlier roles, my curiousity peaked. Little did I know that a simple viewing of a black and white 1939 musical, would change the course of my life for the better. As soon as I heard Judy Garland sing the first few notes of "Good Morning", my ears perked up and I was immediately drawn to the vibrant young girl with the voice of an angel. Judy made such an impression on me, that I watched the film again when it was repeated two hours later.

A week later, I wanted to see more of this "new" Judy Garland which I had never known before. I rented "Girl Crazy" and "Meet Me In St.Louis". Judy's natural beauty, wit, and charm had an effect on me and I was officially enchanted by her natural personality which came through her roles. The next few months, I began my journey of being touched by the sincerity, voice, magic, and laughter of this girl as she danced and sang her way across the screen.

I had never seen another performer so talented as Judy. She is one star that will shine brighter than all the stars who have lost their glitter. I joined the Judy Garland Internet Fan Club in May of 1997, and through the magic that Judy left, I was able to meet many people who were also struck by this songbird. My life has changed because of her, and she is one individual who will have a special place in my heart. :)

More Thoughts on Judy...