
Historically, the American public has had a curious relationship with the actual facts of George Washington's life. As definitions of "American virtues" have shifted over time, our grasp of the historically accurate traits and events that constitute his life have changed. From the
famous cherry tree story,

to Washington's (apocryphal) wooden teeth, the biography of Washington has been enlarged to mythic proportions. In an attempt to separate fact from fiction, I have delineated a skeletal view of Washington's "real" life.

Life History
1st President of the United States (1789-97).
Nickname: "Father of His Country".
Born: Feb. 22, 1732, Pope's Creek, Va.
Profession: Soldier, Planter.
Religious Affiliation: Episcopalian.
Marriage: Jan. 6, 1759, to Martha Dandridge Custis (1731-1802).

Children: None.
Political Affiliation: Federalist.
Writings: Writings (39 vols., 1931-44), ed. by John C. Fitzpatrick.
Died: Dec. 14, 1799, Mount Vernon, Va.
Buried: Mount Vernon, Va. (family vault).

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