Welcome to Gum Tree Genealogy Ring

The Home-base for Australian Genealogists

The Gum Tree Genealogy Ring was created in July of 1998 to give the growing number of Australian Genealogists, and those whose family links lay mostly in Australia, a starting point in their searching - a way to help each other in the never ending search for branches of their family trees.

Ten months have passed now, since Gum Tree was born, our membership grows at a steady rate. Due to work and family committments and the growing amount of voluntary work that I do besides, I have been forced to re-evaluate the necessity for some of the things previously available here. I trust that no-one is inconvenienced by the changes and hope you continue to enjoy the remaining services provided here at Gum Tree.

Our motto:-

Bringing Genealogists together - Across Australia and the World

Without the input of the World, Australia would not be what it is today.

Urgent Plea for Help

The 19th Century clipper ship City of Adelaide is about to be destroyed. You can help save her.

Visit her website for details

If you have any problems with it, please contact me immediately.

Happy Hunting!!!

Important Message for Members

Please read the current URGENT Announcement
Announcements © JK Stokes

The names "Gum Tree Genealogy Ring" and "Gum Nut Papers" are copyright © J.K. Stokes 1998, all rights reserved. Graphics on this site are copyright © J.K.Stokes 1998, all rights reserved. Graphics used in awards are adapted by J.K. Stokes from original drawings by the late May Gibbs. Please do not copy graphics without permission.