Kids Only Writing Showcase- January, 1998

A magazine for young people by young people, to showcase all of the hard work that goes into the preparation for a writing career, or just a hobby! Show off your best work and get feedback from your peers. Become a better writer.

The stories, poems, plays, etc. that you see here are submitted by people from ages 5-18. They are all original works. If you wish to congratulate the author of a certain piece, or offer comments, the screen names are listed. We really encourage you to offer feedback. It actually does help you to become better writers. Just remember, there are different styles of writing, so don't cut down other people! Constructive criticism is fine, but please respect the feelings of others.

If you have a friend online who would like to receive or submit to the Kids Only Writing Showcase magazine, please tell them to e-mail, or e-mail me and tell me their name. Ask if you need a black and white version of the magazine. Keep those creative works coming in!


There are some special issues of KOWS coming up, but we will not be able to publish them if we don't receive enough submissions. Published in October- Halloween Spook Spectacular. A great success! Congrats to our winner, TragicGlee and her spooky story "Cassandra and Warrick."

Published in December- Holiday Greetings. Thanks you to everyone who sent something in. Congratulations to our winners, AKDenning, WhiteTiges, Megatusa, Willow1175, ShulmanAM, and Vanden4. Everyone keep up the good work!

Coming on Valentine's Day- Sugar is Sweet. Send in your best love poems and stories. Before you send something in, e-mail me for an entry form and complete contests rules. The deadline is not to far away! SiS will come on ON VALENTINE'S DAY, and all entries must be in by February 10. Please support this contest if you want us to continue having this type of event.

Coming in April- The Joker. Humerus stories, poems, essays, etc. You can even send in any really funny jokes, riddles, or e-mail forwards (no scrolling shows)

Sometime this Spring- Best of KOWS Poetry. Send in your best poetry. Humerus, dramatic, reflective, nature, or whatever. They don't have to rhyme. Since most poems are so short, we'll need a lot, so start writing!

New Home @ Blackberry Creek? Would you like to see the Kids Only Writing Showcase on the Blackberry Creek newsstand? E-mail,, and and tell them you'd like to see this magazine on the newsstand. Be sure to give them my e-mail address. Thanks!

Comments, Questions, Concerns? Changes are constantly going on here. I'd like to know what you think of them. I'm a very easy person to talk to. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions, don't hesitate to talk to me!

On with the show!

The Dingy Little Puppy ©1997 by Vicki (Gabe2468), age 11

The dingy little puppy went one summers day. He felt the radiant rays of the sun That beautiful day. He felt a tinge of sadness, when he couldn't find his way. He went right through some real dense woods and out the other way. He saw his house a block away, and couldn't have been any happier That day in May.

The Life of Tim Johnson: The Daily Logs of a 13 Year Old Boy ©1997 by JC11DE

The Week of December 8, 1997:

A slow week for Tim's usually hectic life. When Patricia got on the bus he knew what she would say first.

"I am dumping Todd" she said in her usual prissy voice. Todd was one of Tim's best friends and Patricia's boyfriend. Patricia had had a number of other buy crushes, which really got on Todd's nerves. Todd, in revenge, was flirting heavily with two girls in Tim's class. Todd and Tim were in 7th grade, and Patricia was in 8th grade. And the two girls Todd was flirting with (Kara and Jessica) Patricia hated the most even before the incident. Patricia never did break up with Todd though, they made up and I think it made their relationship stronger.

A new girl Margee, in 6th grade caught Tim's eye. She was really cute, but Tim wasn't ready for a relationship. He was just fine being single with no girlfriend to tie him down. Although many girls liked him, he was content with just having girls as friends.

Science Class was the worst and most boring class of the day, escpecially with a teacher like Mrs. Marks. The lady was the strictest, most cold-hearted teacher in the world. Project after project, every chapter they had at least three projects to do. They were hard projects, and most of them made no sense at all. Like making cinnamon rolls for a Chapter about cells. The woman struck terror in the hearts of all the students when she would day, "Get out your assignment books, you need to write down the dates your projects are due." And to top it off she hated Tim the most. It seemed like she was always picking on him. The weekend before the last week before Christmas Vacation and he was stuck doing a Dinosaur report. No Christmas shopping, parties, or the "Christmas Classic" (a basketball tournament between his and 5 other schools). One week until Christmas very long week.

The week of December 15, 1997:

More trouble in paradise...Tim's usual calm life (ya right) is being disrupted during the usually calm week (you wish) before Christmas Vacation. Tim's grades are gradually dropping, and his haircut that he liked so much the week before is getting on his nerves. The shirt he wore on Tuesday ended up having a hole in the right sleeve, he didn't even notice the hole until someone in his class did. Lucky for him no more than five people noticed it. Todd and Patricia are having their usual troubles. Nothing new to Tim; it seemed like every problem they had it was his job to iron out. The highlights of his week were a video they watched in Literature class. A Muppet Christmas Carol, since they were studying the classic story of Scroge and Tiny Tim written by Charles Dickens. It was something fun and different to do. Hey it got him out of Mrs. Norris's lectures! Even though Mrs. Norris could really lecture a LONG time, she was his favorite teacher. She was really cool. Another high point in his week was the Christmas Party on Friday, or, actually, how they renamed it "Christmas Social". The difference between a party and a social? Time. Party= two hours, Social= 45 minutes.

It was cool! They did Secret Santa, talked with friends, and had pizza, soda, and cookies. Got some Reeses Cups in the shape of Christmas trees from his Secret Santa. Zach had got him and Tim couldn't think of anything else under $5 except candy. Tim had picked Brad, a quiet kid but man could that kid play sports. He got him a nerf gun, kinda cool. Brad seemed to like it. Also Kara and Jessica have turned into such snobs, Tim can't even stand them anymore. Ever since Kara came from another school she infested Jessica with snobiness now Tim thinks Jessica is even worse than Kara.

Cast of Characters

Tim Johnson- His life is what this story is based on

Mrs. Norris- Literature and Grammar Teacher

Brad Smolka- Quiet Kid, who Tim picked for Secret Santa

Zach Lyons- Loud, Arnry, Tim's Secret Santa

Patricia Eby- Friend of Tim's, Todd's Girlfriend

Todd Morgan- One of Tim's Best Friends, Patricia's Boyfriend

Kara Alexander- Snob, Likes Todd, Enemy #1 of Patricia

Jessica LeNoir- Snob, Likes Todd, Enemy #2 of Patricia

For a complete list of characters, some not featured in this story. E-mail

Bringing Tally's Dance To Everyone by Rachel Lee Raper (COOLKIDD89)

One day, when Tally was paying in the forest, she made up a dance. She showed it to her mom.

"That is wonderful, my talented daughter" said her mother, so Tally showed her dance to her freinds . After a while it became a trend and everyone was dancing Tally's dance.

Finaly, Tally showed her dance to the wize man who could tell the future. She asked him if the good dancers would like her dance.

He said no, so Tally cried herself home. But forever she did her dance.

Untitled By Claire Mixson (Fox317)

-Part 1- 1913

³Come on Welksch!² A man of about thirty with jet black hair and an in-style mushstash who was hand cuffed in a chain to other men was arguing with a rather large police captain.

³You heard the rumors: Nazis are planning an attack on Brooklyn, New York on December 13.²

³That¹s all they are, rumors. You committed a crime you; stay for the trial,² The captain said sternly.

³Bert! You know I couldn¹t, wouldn¹t murder that woman!² he said annoyed and surprised.

³Right now you're the prime suspect.² The captain said.

³Bert, please-² The man started, cut off by the captain.

³Jasper, sit down and shut up.²

³Damn you! Don¹t you see?² The man said, but the conversation was lost.


Cassandra by SMHBK100

There once was a girl named Cassandra. When she was born, everything was normal. Her parents were together, she had a house, and had enough food. Everything was going great.

Then, two years after Cassandra was born, her mother had another baby. Things started to get a little hacktic. Cassandras' parents strugled to get enough money for food, bills, and everything else. That went on for a couple more years, until Cassandra was almost nine. Then her parents got into a huge fight over something stupid and got a divorse. Cassandra and her sister went to live with her mom. They moved to Sacramento, California, and lived there for three years.

During that time, Cassandras parents were having a coustody fight. After it was over, she had to go live with her dad.

However, during that coustody fight, her dad got in a huge accient with a cow. He was in a coma for nine days. Every bone in his face was broken, and swollen.

Today, Cassandra is 12 years old and in school, and living at her dad's house. To this day, Cassandra can remember all the horrible fights her parents had, and the way it was during the coustody battle.

I'll Never Forget You ©1997 by Tazz (Soccertazz), age 12

"We've got bad news for you, Jessica. Becky just died. We tried to save her, it-it was so hard... her life just slipped from our grip. You understand, don't you?" Dr. Martins looked at me with sad eyes. Sad with pitty.

"What? It can't be! You got the wrong person! Get away from me!" My heart sunk lower as I said that. My blue eyes watered up with tears. "Becky was fine, you told me so! I'll sue you! You lied to me; you said she was fine! You said that the wreck couldn't hurt her!"

My mom put her arms around me, and held me close to her, but all I did was cry. An icy chill came up my body. Becky, my own sister, dead? "She's still here," I thought to myself. "She is still here, right by me." The trouble was, she wasn't.

Three days later we had her funeral, but I didn't think about it. I thought of when she said she didn't need her seatbelt.. how she would never get in a wreck. I cried agian, and all the way home.

Today is the day after the funeral, and I'm looking at pictures and memories of Becky. You know.. it really helped. "Becky, I'll never forget you," I thought. I repeated the words over and over again. BECKY, I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!

Cheater, Cheater by Vipergi279 One sunny morning Milly woke up and thought what a beutiful day! She got up got dressed and had enough time to kiss her mother good bye. As she was walking out the door a boy came up to her. " Hello " he said. "My name is Tony. What's yours? "

Wow!! Milly thought. What a cutie! So Milly said her name, and they talked all the way to the bus stop. She usally sat with her friend Laurie on the bus, but today she sat with Tony. She couldn't believe all the things they had in common! They both loved soccer, liked their teachers, had good grades and so on. When she got to school she and Tony went their own ways .

Milly wandered over to her two best buds Laurie and Connie. They chated about the usal stuff when, right right before Milly could talk about Tony, the most popular boy in the hole school walked up to her . He pulled her away from her friends and asked her out. She couldn't believe that Zac Dullucas liked her! Milly said yes, of course, and slowly walked over to her buds.

After school, Tony caught her when she was going on the bus he asked to sit with her. She said, "Sure."

When they got of the bus, Tony asked her out . Milly said yes, because she had forgoten about Zac . When she reached home she remembered that she was going out with Zac and Tony! After a few weeks of dating them both ( Tony on saturdays and Zac on fridays) ,Zac called her up and told her he needed to talk to her A.S.A.P.

They met at the pizza place, and thats when Zac kissed her for the frist time. She knew she was going to have to tell him, because she really likes him. Tony called when she got home, and told her he needed to see her too. She hopped in his car when he came to pick her up . On the way to the movies, he asked her if he could kiss her. She said " Fine," so they kissed, and Milly felt even more mixed up, because she really liked Tony a lot too.

The next weekend Zac called her up and told her it had to end, because he had found out what she was doing. Milly was so sad, but it was her own fault. Then she went over Tony's and saw Laurie sitting on the couch with him watching a movie . She went in and he told her it was over between them because he loved Laurie.

She went back oveer to Zac's house to see if he would give her a second chance, and she saw Connie in his house kissing him. So remember don't cheat: look what happened to Milly.

I Am Me ©1997 by Nikki S. (NikkiCool), age 11

I am me and no one else, and that is how I will stay. I dont want to be like some other girl, I do things my way.

I dont care if other girls think I'm not popular or cool. I just live me life and go along at home and in school.

So, even if I am fat or skinny, Or if I am dumb or smart. My personality will never change, my soul, my mind, my heart.

So you should take these words, and remember them every day and night. "If you just be yourself, you will always be all right."

Galaxia¹s Quest ©November1997 by Tabitha Blackman (Jayasolo13), age 13

In a galaxy far far away, there lived a beautiful girl named Gaxalia. She was princess of the planet Akentha. Galaxia was unhappy because her handsome Prince Tiberious, had gone away to fight in the war of Akentha. Tiberious was the Prince of Querk. Querk was an unknown galaxy on the edge of the universe. Princess Galaxia wandered around her palace forlorn and wondering if her prince was alright.

One night she woke up from a horible dream. In it, her Prince had met a servent girl, and they had a child. The dream had upset Galaxia so much that her grandmother sent for the Prince.

Tiberious got the message three days later. Four days after he got the message, Tiberious had decitded to go to Galaxia and tell her the truth.

One Day Later

Tiberious enterd the palace and walked up the flight of stairs. Dred filled him with each step. He slowly opened the door and looked through the gloom at Galaxia¹s slight, limp form on the bed. The Princess lay silently on the bed, quietly breathing. Tiberious leaned forward and put an hand on her arm. Galaxia¹s eyes flutterd open. She smiled at the sight of Tiberious¹ face and beautiful green eyes. Tiberious smiled back weakly. He didn¹t have the heart to tell her, but he had to. He quietly told her waht had happened:

When he reached the planet of Akentha he was taken prisioner and they told if he didn¹t marry the the Princess their planet he could return home. He saw their Princess and she looked exactly like Galaxia. They married and had five children.

Galaxia was very unhappy about Tiberious¹ marriage. She set out two weeks later to the planet Dirox. Dirox didn¹t have a Prince or Princess, but instead had an Emporer and Empress; they had a son named Orion. Orion and Galaxia fell in love and were married. They had two children and lived on a peninsula in the part of the planet where nobody knew they existed.

They lived there untill she was 25 and a plague struck . Her whole family was killed in a period of 52 hours. She dumstuckenly wondered around the peninsula untill she met an old begger woman named Cherrie. Cherrie told Galaxia not to give up hope, and to keep looking for the man she could spend the reat of her life with. Galaxia took the womans words as a wise telling of an elder. Galaxia went back to her Galaxy only to find out that they had a new ruler. For several days Galaxia roamed around from planet to planet. Finally she found a man named Tobious; he was kind, gentle, and had a great personality. She married him, and they had a family of their own. They found a galaxy that had never been discovered. They lived there with their family for the rest of their lives without any problems.

Magic Pen ©December1997 by Caroline Beltran (ButterC344)

It was a nice day, and Scott went out with his best bud Matt. They found themselves at the beach, an were on the way down to the water. Scott tripped over some sort of sharp thing and landed face down in the sand. Scott searched for the thing that he had tripped over. Then suddenly, he saw a unusual looking pen that had many colors. At one side it was very pointed, and at the other side was very round.

Then Scott wished that he never even triped over the pen and the pen made a twich, but it didn't disappear. Even without him knowing it was a magical pen, the bruise on his foot and knee were gone as if he never even triped on the pen at all.

After that he thought what could have happened, and realized that he made a wish that he never triped over that pen and then all the bruises were gone.

When Scott got home he told his sister Kelly that he found a magical pen. Like any person, she didn't believe him. He showed her that he was telling the truth, and gave her some flowers with a wish. She was amazed, and told him that she wanted to try.

He gave it to her and wished she had a dress that she saw at the mall but couldn't get it because it was to much money. In a few minutes the dress appeared and she said to Scott that they could wish for endless money and make people pay for one wish. Then when she was done, Scott grabed the pen away from Kelly and told her never in a million years would he ever do somehting like that.

Whenever anyone would say something like that, he would always answer that same way, and he enjoyed all the time with that magical pen.

Mardi Gras by PeppaiII

if you live in New Orleans then you must be pretty exited about Mardi Gras coming up and even if you don't live in New Orleans you can see (as i have heard) parades in almost any state

The Adventures of Pin-Ball A comic strip by Peanut 4435

HI my name is Pin-Ball. What is yours? I go on a lot of adventures, and you are welcome to come with me. Today we are going to New York City. Do you want to come with me? Come on, it will be fun! All you have to do is flip the page and we will be there.

Now we are in New York City We are only to see the rockets, and look in side of F.A.O. Schwartz, the toy store Here we are at F.A.O. Shwartz, the toy store. Wow this gum is $5! Wow, let's get out of here!

Let's move on to the Rockets. Come on, flip the page why don't ya?! Well here we are at the Rockets Wow! Did you just see there famous high kick? Wow! Was that high or was that high?! Well, it is getting kind of dark, so flip the page.

Here we are: back. Boy, that was fun, and I hope you had fun too, so join me next time. BYE!!!!

Sing a Song of Dumpy-Wump ©1998 by Tipi164036 and Soonibux, ages 11 and 14

Dumpy-wumpy, thumpy, fumpy, harrah, harrah, harrah, Black dragons live in my attic, harrah, harrah, harrah, They eat dumpy-wump at noon harrah harrah harrah, I ate what was left, harrah, harrah, harrah, Dumpy-wump in Vegas!, harrah,harrah,harrah, Served by dumpy-wumpers, harrah, harrah, harrah, Sing a Song of Dumpy-Wump, my fellow dumpy wumpers!

author's note: "dumpy-wump" means breakfast.

The Dream Maker By: Mary Beth (schulmanAM)

There was once a girl named Julie, who just turned five. Her father had died before she was born. Her mother did not work, and Julie's birthday was in three days. They lived in a beat-up old apartment, and all she wanted for her birthday was an apartment that could let Julie have her own room. She knew her mom could barely even afford the apartment they were living in, for she only had two outfits and a pair of shoes that barely fit her feet, but she still had hope. Every night she would pray for a new apartment, hoping that somebody would hear her.

The night before her birthday, Julie prayed one more time, unexpectedly. On her birthday she was disappointed when all she got was a slice of bread with butter on it; not even close to resembling a slice of cake. Julie stayed up all night crying at her misfourtune.

Then, just around midnight, she saw a light coming from her window. Julie put her hand in front of her face so that she wouldn't have to stare into the light. What was it? Then, suddenly, her window opened and the light was caught inside her room. The window closed, and she saw a creature much like a human begin to form. It had wings and started to fly in circles around Julie's bed. Was it an angel? Could it be? It was; there was no doubt about it!

The angel started roaming around Julie's apartment, pointing her wand at things and changing them into new! Julie did not want her mother to be awakened by this, so she crept into the kitchen and closed the door. She hid under the small table and watched as the angel changed her apartment to the way Julie had dreamed of. It was perfect: just the way she wanted it. When the angel was gone and her mother awoke, Julie told her mother about the angel. She called it "the Dream Maker".

Kiss Me Mamma ©1997 by Ben Burns (Getty0), age 12

Kiss me mamma, and hold me tight, Kiss me mamma, I will not fight.

Kiss me mamma, and don't let go, Kiss me mamma, and let your love show!

Classics Corner!

Every month we feature a famous author. Find out everything you need to know about an author, from "D Work", what s/he's written, to "D Buzz," what critics say. Not only is this very entertaining, but help expose everyone to great literature, and may even encourage some of us to read it! This Month:

Name: Pearl S. Buck

*D Author: She lived at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, the daughter of American Missionaries and a China missionary herself. She is best known for writing accurate and moving novels about Chineese peasents (trust me, it's more interesting than it sounds). She also won the Nobel Prize for litterature in 1938.

*D Work: (select few) The Good Earth, Pavilion of Women, East Wind: West Wind, Dragon Seed, Today and Forever, Other Gods, The Exile, The Chinese Novel (Nobel Prize Lecture), The Dragon Fish, The Water-Buffalo Children, and many others.

*D Flavor: Advanced reading level. Heavy and complicated subject matter and plots. Mostly historical fiction, but very believable and compelling. Endearing, vivid charactars and engaging plots.

*D Best: For your reading pleasure, may I recommend The Good Earth. It's the story of a poor Chinese family of farmers who manages to keep his bond with the land through flood, pestilence, and war. This novel won her the 1932 Pulitzer prize. *D Buzz:

"A beautiful, beautiful book. At last we read, in the pages of a novel, of the real people of China."

-Saterday Review of Literature

"To find such a book gave me a thrill of delight. A rare, fine, sterling piece of work."

-Dorothy Canfield Fisher

"I have no adjectives too complimentary to apply to The Good Earth."

- Burton Rascoe

"To read this story of Wang Lung is to be slowly and deeply purified; and when the last page is finished it is as if some significant part of one's one days are over."

-The Bookman

*D Place: A local library, or your grandparent's attic.

That's all for this month's issue. Please remember to send in your work for the Sugar is Sweet edition! This is your chance to become a better writer and be published in a national magazine! Keep that work coming in, and make sure to tell all your friends about KOWS!

To be removed from the KOWS mailing list, simply reply with Remove From List in the message. Please inform me of any address changes. Thank you.

Bonus Section! Would you like to be published by a non-online publisher? Do you feel confident that your work is good? Here are the names of a few publishers who specifically publish the work of young people.

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