Kids (and Teens) Only Writing Showcase ~September, 1997

A magazine for young people by young people, to showcase all of the hard work that goes into the preparation for a writing career, or just a hobby! Show off your best work and get feedback from your peers. Become a better writer.

The stories, poems, plays, etc. that you see here are submitted by people from ages 5-18. They are all original works (except for the Classics Corner, which will be attributed to a different classical author each month). If you wish to congratulate the author of a certain piece, or offer comments, the screen names are listed. We really encourage you to offer feedback. It actually does help us to become better writers. Just remember, there are different styles of writing, so don't cut down other people! Constructive criticism is fine, but please respect the feelings of others. If you have a friend online who would like to receive or submit to the Kids Only Writing Showcase magazine, please tell them to e-mail, or e-mail me and tell me their name. Keep those creative works coming in!

Attention! There are four special issues of KOWS coming up, but we will not be able to publish them if we don't receive enough submissions. Coming in October- Halloween Spook Spectacular. Send in your scariest, wierdest, most horrific work. It doesn't necessarily have to be Halloween related. Any kind of work is acceptable, but please nothing too graphic or violent. Coming in December- Holiday Greetings. Send in your recollections of favorite Christmas or other holiday traditions or happenings, or fiction stories, poems, essays, etc. about the holidays and winter. Sometime this Spring- Best of KOWS Poetry. Send in your best poetry. Humerous, dramatic, reflective, nature, or whatever. They don't have to rhyme. Since most poems are so short, we'll need a lot, so start writing. Coming in April- The Joker. Humereous stories, poems, essays, etc. You can even send in any really funny jokes, riddles, or e-mail forewards (no scrolling shows) Remember, these will only come out if I get enough submission, so get writing and tell your friends!

The Best Friends by J.L.N.(Tigger8833) age 10

70 years ago there was a frog named Lili. She lived in Melody Pond. Lili was 20 and very polite. One day she decided to go out to the Lovely Forest. "Hmm. I'll turn right," said Lili to herself. " Yes!!! I made the right turn. Ouch!" Lili fell on to something, but it was soft. So Lili asked, " Who are you?" The soft thing replied, " I am a dog named Rover. I can understand that you are a dog, but what is your name? Oh and age please too? I'm just curious." " Well my name is Lili. I'm 20. How ol......" Rover interrupts, " I'm 20, too. Pleased to meet you Lili." " Pleased to meet you too, Rover."

In the afternoon Lili and Rover started to get hungry. They passed a house that was full of wonderful smells. "Why don't we knock on the door and ask if they would at least give us a piece of bread and some water?" asked Rover. " Well okay Rover. It does look like a nice house, so maybe there is nice people in there too." Knock, knock. " Coming, coming. Who is it? I am really busy cooking a feast for my cousin," a voice said. "We are hungry lost people who are on a adventure," called out Lili. "We are on a adventure?" Rover whispered. "Why not?" asked Lili. "Okay, okay," said Rover. Right after they finished their quick conversation, the door swung open. A was a rabbit in her twenties answered, and a cat was right next to her also in his twenties. "Hello", said the rabbit. "My name is Hope. This is my cousin Alex. We are cooking a feast, so you came just in time. Well come in, come in. Have some sparkling peach punch, tea, biscuits, sandwiches, and some cake. Oh, and there is plenty more." "Well thank you. It sounds so delicious!" replied Rover and Lili. They all ate until they were stuffed. Soon Lili whispered into Rovers ear and asked him if he would like Alex and Hope to go with them to there adventure. Of course Rover said yes. When they asked, Hope and Alex sat there for a moment, and then they finally said yes.

The next morning they ate there breakfast and started of on there adventure. There were nice cool breezes that morning. It was almost winter. It was almost noon and all the animals in the forest started to awaken. There was a very loud thumbing noise and a chirp of a bird. Lili was soooooo scared that she hopped onto Rovers back. " Its okay Lili," said Rover. Soon they saw a grey trunk and the bird on it. Then they saw an elephant that was in his twenties. So was the bird. " Hello," said the elephant. "My name is Bombor and this here is Tweety. " " I am Rover and this is Lili, Alex, and Hope," said Rover. " And we are all pleased to meet you." " Same here," said Tweety. " We are very pleased to meet all of you too." Lili jumped up in excitement. " Oh, please come with us on our adventure." " Oh why not," said Bombor. " Well what are we waiting for??" said Rover. " Lets go!" They walked and walked. Finally they started to get hungry. They found some banana trees. Then they found some fresh water too. Then they started off again. It was starting to get very cold. Winter was coming.

When it night came, they found some fresh coconuts and water. It was hard to find better food. After they ate they made a place to sleep. " Good night everyone," said everyone. The next morning they decided to skip breakfast and headed out for more adventure. Soon they came to a sign that said, " SCARY WOODS". But they decided to be brave and go into the woods. There was different noises. One noise sounded actually like a nice greeting. Out from the bushes a horse came. " Hi, my name is Violet but, I'm not violet," said the horse. " Hello, my name is Lili. This here is Rover, Alex, Hope, Bombor, and Tweety. We are all twenty. Please to meet you Violet. Oh, would you like to join our little adventure?, " said Lili in a greeting voice. " Why I'm twenty, too. Pleased to meet you all too. Oh, sure why not. I'll join your adventure," said Violet. " Well lets go," said Rover. They started off again on there adventure. It began to rain and they found a cave for shelter. " Oh, I found I nice bed," said Alex. Then there was a scream from Alex. " A bear, a bear!" cried Alex. "Sorry fella. I didn't mean to frighten any of you. Hi! My name is Peanut. I got my name from my coat of fur. You see my fur is a peanut color. I was trying to sleep and you guys frighten me too. I am twenty," said the bear. " Hi!! My name is Bombor and this here is, Rover, Lili, Tweety, Alex, Hope, and Violet. We are 20 too," said Bombor. " Oh, would you like to join our adventure?" added and asked Lili. "Sure," said Peanut. " But let's just sleep now." The next day they ate breakfast. They started on a cold a wet day. Soon it started to lighting storm. Peanut and Violet stayed behind the group so everyone was safe. Violet got so startled that she fell over the rest of the group protecting them. Soon the rain storm stopped and Violet was still on top of them. Peanut picked up Violet and moved her. " We need to get her with a animal doctor said Peanut looking at Violet. " She saved our lives sniffed Hope. " Why is your coat black, Peanut?" asked Tweety. " Its winter and I always grow a black coat, " said Peanut. " Sorry leafs are getting in my face. Aww. There's the doctors right next to some place." When they took Violet in the docter said she would be alright.

After a month Violet was completely better. And guess what?? They started back on the adventure. " You know what guys?" asked Violet. "What?" " You guys are my best friends." "Big time same back."

Ten minutes later they came to a beautiful village that was mixed up with every place that the best friends came from. It had a low population, and nice people when everyone knew everyone. Years later they met each back at that place, and they moved in with all their stuff. They moved in the same house together with each others family. They found out what the village was called so they could invite other relatives. It was called " Peaceful Love Village". And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

A Friend © January 23, 1997 by SMHBK100, age 12

For a special friend, who always cares About others around you. Who loves people, no matter what they do. Your some one special, people can talk to you No matter what it is about. So when people walk past you And they start to whisper... Don't worry... They're just saying, "There goes one good friend!"

The Story of Elizabeth Anne Winchester Historic Girls of America Series: Book 1 by CaseyNissa

Chapter Three

Elizabeth woke up, the sun shining on her face. She felt warm inside. She had bravely done this for the family. She was proud. America was a place to be brave, and that is what she was. She sat up. A squaw came in the leather flap and handed her a piece of wood with corn bread and meat on it. She thanked the lady. She ate and felt good once again. She felt differently about the Indians now; they were to be their friends. But Elizabeth was mistaken. That afternoon Elizabeth explored the village. She had just made a bead necklace when she came to several Indians talking to two white men. They looked like traders. She watched from behind the tree. They were talking, trying to reach a bargain. One man looked awfully pale, but it must of been Elizabeth's imagination. Then, once the bargain had been reached, the chief shook the pale man's hand. To Elizabeth's surprise she saw red dots on the man's hand. Why does he have spots on his hands? She thought, worried. She ran off to go see the children. That night there was great disturbance in the tribe. The chief was sick. And so were others. Elizabeth was worried; had she caused this sickness? No, she couldn't have, she was not sick. Or was she? She turned towards her hut and decided that she would sleep on her problem. That night she woke up. She got up. She peered outside. Then, in the one of the huts she saw a glow coming from. She silently walked over too the hut and peered through a crack. The Indians were talking, in their own native tongue. She saw the man point in the direction of her hut and he sounded angry. Oh, my! They think tis' mother and me who brought the disease! We must get out, fast! Elizabeth's mind was a whirl. She dashed to the hut and woke up her Mother. "Oh, mother! They think tis' us who brought the disease. We must leave immediately." "Oh! Elizabeth, you don't say-- Oh, let us leave at once!" She scooped up Mary, and they dashed out. At that very moment the Indians came out; their meeting had come to an end. The leader shouted out something in his language, and then, to Elizabeth's horror, the men were gathering bows and arrows and about to come after them. Elizabeth ran as fast as she could, her hand on mother's, so they would not get separated. She ran faster and faster, the night air nipping her cheeks. They ran in all directions to lose the Indians. Luckily, Elizabeth had the gun. It was dreadfully heavy, but she needed it. They fell behind a log and breathed hard. Elizabeth's mother was very good at keeping Mary calm, which was good for this situation. She held the gun above the log and held it steady. But there was no noise. Nothing at all. Just snow falling and the sound of Elizabeth's breathing. They sat there at least 20 minutes and still nothing happened. Elizabeth motioned for her mother to get up. "Since the snow is falling, they won't see our tracks." "Good." Elizabeth pushed away a bare branch there was a small cabin, with a small glow shining forth. "Mother come and see what I found!" Elizabeth's mother came over holding Mary. When she saw the cabin she exclaimed, "Oh, the Angels have blessed us!" The light did seem heavenly. There was a warm glow from that house, as if they were actually blessed. They walked slowly to the house and knocked on the big wooden door. Out came an English man, his wife, holding a small baby boy. "Oh, look it is travelers! Come in, won't you? We miss good company." Elizabeth and her Mother were led inside. It was a small house with one room. The fireplace on one side, the bed on the other and a small cradle in the corner. There was a wooden table in the middle with four chairs and a rocking chair in the corner. A black pot was boiling over the fire. "Would you care for some stew?" "Yes, thank you very much." Elizabeth said as the hot steamy stew was put down in front of her. Elizabeth gobbled it down. "Where are you from?" The man said as he and his wife sat down. Mother looked pale so Elizabeth did the talking. "We came over from Jamestown and had some run ins with the Indians. "Oh, my how awful! We came here to get away from Jamestown too, too strict of rules I say," the lady said. "Why, I haven't even introduced myself! I am Mistress Essen and this is Master Essen my husband. And this is James George Essen. The little baby giggled. Elizabeth smiled. "I am Elizabeth Anne Winchester, and this is my mother, Mistress Winchester and my little sister Mary Annabelle Winchester." She tried to sound polite, and she succeeded. "Well you must be tired. George will you get down the extra mat?" George climbed a ladder that Elizabeth had missed seeing before. At the top there was little storage area. He pulled down a excess mat. Mary was placed with James in the large cradle. And Elizabeth and Mother laid down happily on the comfortable bed. Mother sighed. Elizabeth knew what she was thinking. It was good to be in a real house again. The candles were snuffed and everyone went to bed as the fireplace crackled. Elizabeth was happy again, and hoped this would work out well. To be continued.....

The Mystery Man September 1997, by Dancer977, age 12 (Story in progress)

The bright light moved closer to Beth. A figure of a man was slowly formed within the light. Somehow she knew that the man was important, but she couldn't help thinking about running away from him. Run as fast as she could back to her house. An invisible force held her where she was. Beth couldn't even move. "Who are you?" she managed to get out. The man looked in his forties. He had graying brown hair and deep eyes that were almost black as the night. This guy isn't real, Beth thought. I'm imagining him standing there. She couldn't even convince herself. "No one knows who I am, but I have come to help you," the man said. He didn't walk. He floated towards her. Beth stepped back cautiously. "Help me? How?" "You're in danger, Beth. Serious danger. Never go outside at night. Not even with your parents. You'll get killed," he said. "How do you know my name?" she asked. "Never mind that, Beth. I know a lot more. Just be careful, okay? Promise me you'll be careful. I wouldn't want to see you dead..." The End.... for now.

Rose October 10, 1997, by Karyn Pugh

Once upon a time there was a girl named Rose. She had lips like a rose, but her sisters were jealous. They dressed her in rags, but that could not hide her beauty. They put ashes in her blond hair and on her face! One day, she met a prince. The sisters saw him and ran outside. He had taken the girl in his arms, and said "This is my bride!" They lived happily ever after.

The End

Chesh, Editor in Cheif, KOWS