Brian Thomas Littrell(a.k.a. B-Rok, Frick) was born on February 20, 1975 which makes him 23 years old.
and a Pisces. Horoscopes I personally think he is such a sweetie. Although I have never been lucky enough
to meet him. I have seen him in interviews and I think he has such a good heart.
he seems so giving and loving. He is great boyfriend material. If Brian is your favorite
BSB. You made a good choice. Always polite and courteous Brian would go out of his way
to help someone or make a fan happy. He would also make a great friend. He is the type of
person that could keep a secret and you could always get a good laugh from him. He is truly
one of a kind. Brian was born in Lexington, Kentucky. He is a baptist and is very religious.
He used to be in the church choir and also sing at weddings. He has an older brother Harold
who is 26. His parents names are Jackie and Harold. Brian now resides in Orlando Florida.
Some of his musical inspirations include Luther vandross,Boyz II Men, Take 6,Michael W. Smith,Shai,Jodeci.
He loves to eat macaroni and Cheese (ANYTHING WITH CHEESE) Too bad I'm lactose intolerant LOL. : (
His hobbies are BASKETBALL, golf, and he likes to play nintendo with Nick (Awww, how cute!!!)
His favorite actors/actresses are Tom Hanks, and Sandra Bullock. His favorite Movie is Star Wars.
Favorite TV. Show is Fresh Prince of Bel Air (reruns) His worst habit is biting his nails. (like me )
His biggest fear is Heights. He is so afraid of falling and hates flying (like me, I even hate stairs and escalators)
And Brian's favorite color is blue. His best Friend in the group is Nick. They love to goof off with each other but I bet
all of you knew that already : ). Arn't they sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!
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