"Disciplinary Measures"


Miracle Shining

AUTHORS NOTE: All characters within Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII are property of SQUARE software and their subisidaries. This is a yaoi fan fiction piece, so you have been warned. Please do not sue me, I have no money. I'm just a poor college student who drools over gorgeous video game bisien. Thank you to Seiya Kou for allowing me to expand on her "The Reclaimation" idea. She deserves complete credit for all things revolving around the sexual expertise instructions. She was just kind enough to allow me to expand on the idea. This piece is seperated by levels instead of chapters. The order is Intro (duh!) Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, and Black.


The sun was too bright for the liking of the young poker faced man walking through GARDEN's main corridors. The whole place had to be made of glass. The light glinted everywhere and created a painful reminder that one shouldn't drink more than one's fill before Monday morning.

Grumbling, the young man pushed his tousled auburn bangs out of his dark blue eyes. Other students of GARDEN watched him walk through the corridor. They all knew well enough to stay away from him. He was famous for his short temper and his quick tongue.

The students began to congregate in the large hall that was the center of GARDEN. All members that were being considered for the special military organization of SeeD were to be prompt and ready for attendence. The young man pushed through the crowd, elliciting a number of dirty stares from other students who were being considered for SeeD. He took his place next to a young man with a very high blonde mowhawk and a black tribal tattoo that ran down the right side of his face. Beside the blonde young man was a pretty young woman with dark black hair with streaks of brown lacing through the length. Finally, next to her was a stoic looking reddish haired man with a scar down his face that matched the other young man's very much. Upon seeing the other young man, the scarred equivalent frowned.

"So, Leonhart, you decided to pull out of bed, eh?"

"Leave him alone, Seifer. He's had a long night. In least that's what Junie said." the young woman teased.

"Leave Squall alone, Rinoa. Can't you see the man's got a headache? AIN'T THAT RIGHT, SQUALL?!"

Squall winced and rubbed his temples. He threw a firey glance at the tattooed young man that could have melted ice.

"Thank you, Zell." Squall responded.

"So, rumor has it that you and Junie kind of got it on."

Squall glanced over at Rinoa who was nervously playing with the strands of her hair. Squall frowned and made a clearing sound in his throat. Rinoa looked up and gave a somewhat weak smile.

"Now, where would Zell get an idea that a girl like Junie and I guy like me would be "getting it on?" Would you mind answering me that question, Rinoa?"

"Um, well, Junie and I were, uh, talking, and uh, she said, uh, said that you and her got pretty wasted last night, even if, uh, it was against the rules, and she said that you and her started to, you know..."

"We didn't." Squall cut Rinoa off.

Siefer looked at Squall cooly.

"What's the matter, Squall? Couldn't handle someone like Junie?"

"Well, you should know alot about her, shouldn't you, Seifer?"

Seifer's eyes flared and he was about to reach across Rinoa and Zell to pummel Squall when one of the professors stepped up to the auditorium podium.

He was an older man with spectacles that rested just barely on his nose. His blonde slightly thinning hair rested back on his neck slightly. He wore one of the traditional GARDEN outfits and had in his arms a pile of papers that he placed carefully on the podium. A woman a little younger than the professor produced a pen and some notecards.

"Thank you, Shera." the professor said and gave the woman an affectionate kiss.

"Boy, Professor Highwind is sure kissy with his wife all the time." Zell whispered to Rinoa.

"But, they're just so cute together." Rinoa giggled.

"Not to mention absent minded."

"Shut up, Squall." Rinoa scolded.

"Students and future members of SeeD, I have a very important announcement to make in reference to your training. Some of you students have excelled to be the best of the best, the top of your class. For this I congratulate you. But, for those of you that are at the top of your game comes a greater responsibility. I have brought you here today to recognize the top five students in GARDEN. Please stand when I call your name. Darin Westley. Guren Yamazaki. Zell Dincht. Seifer Almasy. Squall Leonhart."

The five young men all stood and were greeted by a courteous round of applause.

"Gentlemen, I would like you to follow me. The rest of you may be dismissed to continue your classes. Gentlemen, if you would please."

"Professor Highwind drug us all in here just to congratulate you guys on a 'job well done'?" Rinoa sarcastically questioned.

"Hey, anything for the attention!" Zell quipped.

"C'mon, move it." Seifer pushed Zell forward.

Squall still relaxed in his seat. He wasn't too anxious to head anywhere, especially anywhere that Seifer was present.

"C'mon, Squall, we had better get moving."

Squall stretched his arms lazily and stood up with the same cocky confidence that made people at GARDEN love and hate him. The three joined Darin and Guren who were all ready at the front of the auditorium stage. Professor Highwind greeted each one of the students with a handshake.

"Now that the required public recognition is out of the way, we can actually get down to business. I have chosen you five because you are the best of the best. I did mean what I said about having more responsibility. What you are about to be introduced to goes no further than among yourselves. This is a very delicate project and I trust that all of you will be responsible. Do I have your agreement and full fledged cooperation?"

The five young man nodded in agreement.

"Very good then. Shera, shall we take them into the back and introduce them to their special trainer?"

Shera smiled.

"Of course, dear."

The couple led the five students into the back of the auditorium. They passed through a door into a classroom that was used for theatrical purposes. The room appeared to be empty. All the students entered after Professor Highwind and his wife.

"Where do you suppose he is?"

"Don't worry about him, Shera. He probably went to have a breath of fresh air."

"Am I late?"

A voice that seemed to float out of nowhere drew the students attention. They all turned to face the door they had entered through. There stood a roughly six foot man with long raven hair. His eyes were the color of rubies and he wore a black suit with a slim red tie. The suit's sleeve covered a metal claw partially. The man was as white as snow and slim as a slinky cat. He made his way to Professor Highwind with such grace and ease, it looked as though he was dancing.

"Ah, no you are not, my friend. But, you do know how to make a fashionable entrance." Professor Highwind laughed.

The raven haired man turned to see that the five young men were staring at him with their mouths gaped open. The other four were staring at his claw, but the young man with the large scar across his face and the auburn hair was staring him straight in the eyes. The black haired man was suprised to see that the young man's stare never wavered.

"Cid, are these the students that are the best of the best?"

"That's correct, my friend." Cid responded enthusiastically.

"Why had I expected something more?" the man spoke softly.

"We're not the Turks, Vincent."

"I know."

Cid cleared his throat and pulled the students out of their infatuation with Vincent's claw. They all looked up at Cid pleading for some sort of explanation.

"Students, this is an old compatriot of mine named Vincent Valentine. He and I fought side by side some years ago. He is a master gunman, sharp shooter, and all around frighteningly vampiric person."

Vincent raised his eyebrow at the last comment.

"Sorry, Vincent, just couldn't resist."

"I know, Cid."

Vincent looked at the five young men. These were the students he was to train? The oldest one couldn't be over eighteen. They got younger and younger every year.

"As you know, my name is Vincent Valentine. I am a former Turk, a specialized "fighting association."

"You mean assassins." the one with the auburn hair and blue eyes spoke up.

"To put it bluntly, yes." Vincent responded calmly. He continued to speak without paying attention to the interrupter. "Cid has informed me that your training has been coming along quite well. Unfortunately, he also informed me that your training was not complete. He wished me to introduce you to more specific methods one can use when faced with extreme situations."

"Like what?" the young man with the black tattoo on his face questioned.

"Perhaps Cid should distribute the manuals and then we can further discuss the ideas contained within."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Students, please introduce yourself to Vincent."

"Guren Yamazaki."

"Darin Westley."

"Seifer Almasy."

"Zell Dincht."


"And you, young man?"

"Leonhart. Squall Leonhart."

Squall. The young man who had interrupted Vincent earlier was named Squall. A short rain shower and the young man apparently had a short temper.

The five students began to page through the manuals that Cid had given them. Their faces soon went white when they realized what was contained within the book.

"Is, is this for real?" Zell barely managed to get out.

Vincent nodded, finding that he was chuckling on the inside. Oh, if his old Turk mates could see the looks on these students faces.

"Vincent has been trained in almost any form of sexual techniques that can be described. He is capable of using sex to get information, get out of dangerous situations, and if necessary, kill with it."

"Killing someone with sex?" Guren gasped.

"That's correct, Guren. Vincent has used his techniques before to get him out of a number of bad situations and to get him into a number of good situations, eh, Vinnie?"

Vincent rolled his eyes. No matter how much Cid acted like a professor, he was still the mouthy pilot that Vincent had always known.

"So, you mean we're supposed to learn this stuff in this manual? How are we going to do that?" Zell asked.

"Well, that's the unusual part, Zell. You see, there are no females that were in the top five in the class, so unfortunately you'll have to..."

"Do all of this with men." Squall finished flatly.

Vincent was impressed. Squall didn't even seem to be bothered by the idea. The other three, excluding Seifer looked nervous. Seifer appeared only slightly preturbed, but quickly returned to his stoic exterior.

"So, who's going with who?" Seifer questioned sternly.

"You have been paired up by random choice. Because there are only five of you, Vincent has agreed to take part in the training. The manual is divided into five parts, from simplest at Level Green, to the most difficult at Level Black. Remember, it is imparitive that you keep this training to yourselves. We don't need some kind of bizarre scandal breaking out in GARDEN, do you understand."

The five students nodded, Zell, Guren, and Darin somewhat hestitantly. Seifer sighed as if it was the greatest burden not to talk about their special assignment. Squall remained aloof and that interested Vincent greatly.

"All right then, Guren, reach into my old hat and pull out the name of your partner. Once a name has been drawn, that person will be removed as not to pull the same name twice."

Guren reached a trembling hand into Cid's old Highwind pilot's hat. He fished around for a moment until he retrieved one of the pieces of paper.

"Zell Dincht."

"Okay, remove Guren's name from the hat."

Shera fished around until she found Guren's name paper. Zell and Guren looked nervously at one another.

"Next, Seifer."

Seifer reached into the hat and pulled the first paper his finger rested on.

"Darin Westley."

"Well, now that Seifer and Darin are paired up, I guess that leaves you Squall. You will be training with Vincent."

Vincent made eye contact with Squall. For the first time, Vincent saw Squall flinch just a little bit. He couldn't help but feel a small victory. The young man was confident, but he didn't want him to be too cocky. Squall nodded at Vincent and then at Cid.

"Well, gentlemen, your lessons begin tomorrow after normal block classes. Vincent will check up on your progress and recommend to me whether you should be promoted to the next level or not. That will be all. You are excused to attend the rest of your classes."

The five young men turned with their manuals tucked under their arms.

"Oh! Remember not to show those manuals to anyone but each other!"

"Yes, Professor Highwind." the young men said in unison.

"He actually expects us to go to class after this?" Zell uttered in amazement.

Seifer walked nonchalantly beside Squall. Squall was busy paging through the book and not paying a bit of attention to the man beside him.

"Lucky you, Squall. You get to be the teacher's pet. Literally."

Seifer let out a laugh and walked ahead of the rest of the group. Squall fingered him from under his book.

Back in the auditorium, Cid, Shera, and Vincent wandered around the auditorium stage.

"So, do you think this is a good idea still, Cid?"

"Hey, it worked for you. There's a whole new group of fighters out there Vince, and these kids have to be ready for anything."

"That's the thing, Cid. They're so young."

"You were young yourself, Vince."

Vincent nodded feeling somewhat defeated. Cid came over and placed a comforting hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, Vincent. Besides, these are truly the best of the best. And that Squall Leonhart. He might have a bit of an ego and an unpleasant attitude, but that young man is gonna' get into SeeD if it kills him. You have to admit, he's pretty easy on the eyes, aye, Vinnie?"

"Cid!" Shera mocked a look of shock.

Vincent only smiled and shook his head. Squall was definately the best looking member out of the five of them. Perhaps the fates were smiling upon him. Cid patted Vincent on the back.

"C'mon, Vincent. We'll go and have dinner and then we can show you your lodgings for the next little while."

Vincent nodded and followed Cid and Shera out of the auditorium. The sun still shone brightly threw the glass rooms of GARDEN.