"The Reclamation"

chapter 1

Seiya Kou


Vincent awoke with a shock. He had that dream again, making it the seventh time that week. Cid, sans flight goggles and most of his clothing, was still asleep, one arm draped over Vincent's chest, preventing him from sitting up.

"Cid, not now. I'm not in the mood for it," he muttered as he tried to sit.

"Again?! You had that fucking dream again?! Are you okay?" Cid was fully awake now; his gray blue eyes flashed as he flicked on the bedside lamp.

"I think so, yes."

"That does it! I'm taking you to a fucking shrink! Those dreams you've been having are getting weirder each night, and they prevent us from having our usual fun." Cid stepped out of the bed, completely unaware of the fact that he was totally naked, and very aroused at that.

"Cid....er....uh....I....you're so 'at attention' about this," said Vincent as he propped his elbow up on the pillow, long raven hair draping down to the white linen. "You are very 'upstanding' about the issue at hand."

"Whaddaya mean, 'at attention' an' 'upstanding' about this?" Still oblivious.

"Look down," the one in the bed couldn't suppress the devilish grin as those gray-blue eyes traveled south of the midsection.

"Ah, shit!!" Cid reached over to the bed and yanked a pillow off to hurriedly cover the fleshy protrusion Vincent had mentioned. "You could've told me!!"

"I thought I did, but it's better this way." The grin was now ear-to-ear in intensity and length. Vincent moved closer to Cid, red eyes filled with determination and something resembling lust.

"Vincent?? Are you sure you're all right?" Cid became nervous when he saw his lover's bizarre expression. "Oh shit! He's going to play the mute game again," he thought. Cid trembled when his suspicion was confirmed. His lover got on all fours and moved his face closer to the erect organ. "But you're dream! You...shouldn't!" Cid protested aloud.

Vincent's grimace made him appear more vampirish, his red eyes terrified his lover with luminescence...no...it was almost bloodlust. "Lemme guess, my vampire...I am going to get something sucked, aren't I?"

The vampire's long, dark tresses only glistened in response. He reached his open hand out farther, almost protectively before it surrounded Cid's firm cock. Cid shuddered as the goose bumps prickled their way down his spine. "Why is it always a shock to me when he does it," he wondered as Vincent's grip around him tightened.

"I'm sorry, Cid. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He taunted his squirming companion greatly as he moved his thumb around the head and hugging the organ slightly. "Or is it just your pilot's nature?"

"Fuck! Vincent, just fuck me already!" It was Cid's order and plea. "Do it, goddamn you!"

"Much better," he exhaled, right before he took Cid in his mouth...all of him and sucked heavily. He licked up and down the shaft, caressing every inch, pressing his tongue under the slow ridge underneath the head and gently rubbing it. His lover moaned before the orgasm took it's course with him, inundating Vincent's mouth with torrents of his semen. He swallowed every sphere of the fluid and continue to suckle on Cid, bringing him to higher pleasures.

"Holy shit! Shera couldn't even do that! Where the hell did you learn that trick, Vincent?" Cid was shocked, even somewhat amazed at how adept his lover's tongue was at stimulating the flesh.

Suddenly easing his mouth of Cid's cock, Vincent looked at him squarely in the eye with sorrow and a bit of contempt. Talking about his sexual expertise always troubled the raven-haired man. It dredged up ghosts that needed to stay dead.

"Cid....there are things about me that I...no...that you shouldn't know. Things that involve people who would seek to do horrible things to me...again. I don't desire to continue this activity any longer this night. I'm very sorry, but the fact that all these issues came to mind suddenly put me out of the mood. It isn't you....but rather, it's me for repressing them for so long." The extreme sadness was more than evident in Vincent's voice.

"Hell! What did 'they' do to you? I'm sorry I brought it up!" Cid shouted as he brought both hands up in mock defeat, but definite exasperation. "Whatever it was, it couldn't have been that bad!" Cid was starting to grow impatient at his companion's sudden clam-up. "I'm horny as hell, but I don't want him unhappy....he's had too much of that for a million lifetimes," he thought.

Vincent instantly picked up on this, the sadness element now becoming that familiar unemotional tone. "I know you didn't mean anything you said to hurt me, but it is time I resolved this once and for all. To not do so would be hazardous to both our happiness."

"You in trouble or something?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. As long as I'm here, you're in danger." He paused, noting the surprised look on Cid's face. Vincent bit his lower lip nervously, and two small droplets of blood oozed out of the pinholes. Dripping down his chin, they met his salty tears at the apex of his neck before falling off in one rosy blob. Vincent's bottled emotions were too much for him to control now, and he let them loose without thinking of the consequences. "I love you too much to have you be hurt by one of my problems." The sobs were silent, the tears were not.

"You're leaving?" Cid inquired, his voice indicated the stress and pressure he was all too suddenly placed under. His defeatist thoughts soon made themselves loud within his tortured mind. "First, I screwed up with Shera when I yelled at her for trying to fix that damn oxygen tank. Now you, Vincent? Why the fuck does this always happen to me?" he thought glumly. "What was I thinking?" said Cid aloud. "How could anyone like you or Shera love me, a simpleminded, maudlin, romantic grease monkey." He spoke the last two words with utter contempt. Cid couldn't hide the tears of anger and inner rage for much longer.

"Cid, listen carefully." Vincent was careful not to let his own frustration get the better of his voice. "I'm going to have to leave you momentarily, but I swear to you this: I promise to come back to you...I love you too much to let you go," he whispered. Leaning over, Vincent planted a very gently, very loving kiss on Cid's lips. Slipping out of his lover's embrace, he walked to the closet and pulled on his clothes, methodically and meticulously. On went the hair band that Cid hated so much.

"You promise?" He asked.

"Here, give me your hand." Cid placed his sweaty palm in Vincent's pale grasp. Maneuvering his claw above his lover's appendage, he flicked the index finger slightly, causing a sharp blade to slide out.

"Your blood," he said as he scraped the waiting hand gently, drawing the reddish ooze. "My blood," he said doing the same to his flesh hand. "Our blood," he pressed both bleeding palms against one another and held them together until he could feel Cid's life-fluid mingling in with his own. "I promise you, Cid Highwind," breathed Vincent as he ripped two thongs from his crimson cape and bandaged both hands. He kissed Cid again, this time, brushing his lips more carefully across his lover's.

"Don't go...and leave me here to worry about you," he pleaded.

"I mist. But you have my promise, my blood, and my love. Stay here with Shera; you'll be safer that way." Vincent walked out of the front door and into the crisp night.

Waiting a few moments until he thought Vincent was well out of earshot, Highwind opened his pilot's mouth and let loose a string of obscenities that he would never use again. "FUCK!!!!" Cid was screaming at the top of his lungs. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You had to fucking leave me, didn't you?!"

Vincent felt the thorn of singularity as he left his post from behind Cid's door in Rocket Town. He made his way out of the small, proto-industrial neighborhood and leaned against a nearby tree.

"Tseng, you can come out now," he sighed. He knew all along that he was being followed, hounded by the Turks. Now was the time to confirm his ominous feeling. A long silence followed, before Tseng, leader of the Turks stepped out from the shadow of a nearby boulder.

"Our offer is still good, Vincent Valentine," came the familiar voice. "We're the ones who planted those 'dreams', those posthypnotic suggestions in your mind after Hojo screwed around with your body...in all senses of the word. You know that, don't you?"

"Why should I desire to rejoin the corrupt ranks of a Shin-Ra outfit?" Vincent's rage made him shake slightly. His claw, flexed and five very menacing and very sharp blades slid out with a soft "shhktt" sound. "You think after what you did to me I'd be your whore again? You will die tonight, Tseng." He moved to strike the Turk.

"I see you are able to recall attack position number one, though you've modified it," taunted the waiting man, arms folded across his jacketed chest.

"Consider it a warning. I'm going to give you a few minutes to leave here and never return," Vincent snarled. "And I might let you live, too."

"That isn't going to happen. One way or another, you're coming with us tonight." He clapped his hands. Out walked Rude and Elena, with Cid bound and gagged. Vincent was more than ready to whip out the Death Penalty and blow a hole the size of a garbage can lid in Tseng's abdomen when he saw his lover hog-tied and treated less-than-human.

"Leave him out of this." Vincent could feel his limit level nearly peak; enough to become the Chaos demon and unleash havoc upon the Turks. "Just a few more seconds and...wait....there's only three of them..shouldn't there be four?" He asked himself.

Vincent's question was answered when he received a jolt from Reno's trusty, handy-dandy stun gun. He fell to the ground, unconscious. Cid, upon seeing this, was none to happy and managed to wiggle free of his gag and berate Reno with every foul word his pilot's mind could dream up.

"You stupid dumb fuck Turk! When I get out of this stupid-kinky-ass bondage gear you've laced me in, I swear I'm gonna take my Venus Gospel and ram it straight up your ass before summoning the Tetra-Elemental/W-Summons. You'll die then, you piece of shit corporate lackey! Argghhh, you bitch!" Cid felt the sting of Elena's slap.

Tseng gestured to Reno. "Maybe we should knock him out as well."

"Gladly!" Reno bent forward and pressed his lips to Cid's before ramming his tongue down the pilot's throat, bringing about the vomit reflex. "Goodnight Mr. Highwind," said Reno cruelly, just as the vomit was about to surge out of Cid's mouth. Highwind fell forward, as if in slow motion. His head landed on the waiting Turk's shoulder. Reaching into the shocked burden's pants, Reno grasped Cid's heavy cock and began to stroke it, slowly and methodically. The residual electrical current also had a profound effect on his libido, as his organ was already erect and waiting for a new assault.

"Reno, not now! We must get Valentine back to the lab and restrain him before you jerk his lover off!" Tseng was growing impatient with the red-haired, lust, and still quite young looking Turk. "You give them an inch," he thought angrily.

Suddenly, a loud moan escaped Cid's mouth when he climaxed. Withdrawing his hand, now coated with the viscous whiteness, Reno slid two very wet fingers into his mouth and savored the taste, like a connoisseur does to a fine wine. "Mmmmnnhhh....Tseng.....this one tastes really good! I can see why Vincent holds onto him!"

"Fine, you sex-crazed little insolent! We'll take Highwind with us as well. Everyone, get back to the gelnika as soon as possible. We don't want either one of them reawakening now!"

In single file, the Turks proceeded to their aircraft and entered through the side hatch. Tseng took to the cockpit as he always did.

"Everyone here?" he shouted over the whining engine as it ignited.

"Yes, Tseng. All of us are present and accounted for, even Reno and his 'friend,'" replied the ever-so-doting-and-obsequious Elena.

"Let's take off then."

The gelnika roared to life as all of its propulsion units kicked in. Tseng tugged on the control stick and the craft shot up into the air, then sped towards Shin-Ra headquarters in Midgar.

"Ah, let 'em have fun, Reno," jeered Rude as he plucked Cid by his neck and threw him atop to the still unconscious Vincent. "If they want to fuck each other all the time, I say let 'em. I like a good peep show ever know and then, especially if it's free!"

Cid's head fell, almost lolled against the vampire's warm, steadily breathing chest. His arm landed near Vincent's soft, yet slightly muscled neck.

"See, Reno? Valentine's enjoying himself already!" The sentence was punctuated by Rude's broken laughter and pig like snorts.

"Rude, that will be enough from you today!" Elena liked to scream at the other Turks. Ever since she'd slept with Tseng, she'd felt that bossing the Horde around was her new responsibility, her obligation. "We need Vincent uninjured by your foolish dalliances! Reno! Stop snacking on our captive!" She saw him bent over the vampire's crotch, with telltale head and hand movements about that area.

"B-but," Reno stammered. "He seems to enjoy it!"

"He's comatose, you half-wit!"

"He came, didn't he?!" A big drop of the pearly liquid dripped off the corner of his mouth and collected with the rest of it on his collar.

"Valentine would not be one to agree. However, as both you and Elena are relatively new to the Turks, I feel I should inform you of his 'experiences' with us," said Tseng.

"Oooh, yes! Do tell, Tseng! He's so good at what he does!" Elena's voice oozed the syrup of sarcasm from it's numerous treacherous folds. "Why, Reno is practically drenched in cum!"

"There's a reason for that, Elena, and if you quiet down, I will be more than happy to tell you why. You see, after Hojo infused Vincent with a Jenova derivative and modified his body structure, we regained his 'services' for a brief time. Prior to Vincent's rebirth at the hands of science and the Jenova experiment, Rufus' father published this manual for sexual expertise at various levels, and required the Turks to learn them, in case they could use sex to escape a situation. This was before females were permitted to work with us. Until you and Scarlet came to Shin-Ra, we had to practice these various techniques on each other. Vincent and I were paired together, and our captive was quite proficient in his doings..he mastered level black, which means he was the best of the lot. Soon after he rebelled, Hojo locked him away in the mansion's basement in Nibelheim. It is conceivable that his aversion to Shin-Ra and the Turks includes the instructions within that manual," Tseng said, leaning over and rubbing his shoulder, where Vincent bit him to stifle his own cry of pleasure so many years ago.

"Doesn't surprise me," Reno said coolly after zipping Vincent back up. "Though I wanna know: do you still have that manual?"

"No. Rufus ordered all manuals destroyed after Sephiroth killed his father," came the unemotional reply from none a certain crimson-garbed Vincent.

"Impossible! How are you conscious? That was a 16,000 volt stun gun!"

"I modified my claw to neutralize any electrical discharge in excess of 8,000 volts. Your stupid toy only put me to sleep, if anything at all," came Vincent's slow counter. His red eyes traveled over to Highwind. "As for Cid, if you've hurt him, you had better pray to your God now. In my hands, Tseng, I can kill you any number of ways."

"I know you could. I'll have you be doing something else in my arms," Tseng replied coolly. "You'll forget Cid Highwind soon enough, Vincent."

"You know nothing of Cid and I!"

"I know you were fucking him before you came out of the house and were captured by the Turks," another smug reply from Tseng. That seemed to shut Vincent up for a few moments as he was slightly embarrassed by his captor's bang-on assumption. "I suggest you try to get some sleep. You have a very exhausting day planned for you tomorrow."

"Lemme guess: you're gonna have him fuck every one of you? Well, I'll tell you something. Vincent is for my use only," snapped the supposedly-unconscious pilot.

"You! How could you be awake as well?" Tseng was a bundle of nerves; his wavering voice coupled by his momentary loss of control of the gelnika, causing downward suddenly. This shattered the mental tranquil of the leader of the Turks. "Reno, open a window and dispose of your stun gun." Reno complied. "The warranty's expired on that thing, anyway," he thought to himself.

"Thank God I brought this!" Elena whipped out a Mako gun and leveled it in Vincent's and Cid's general direction. "Freeze those knees and raise your hands to the sky Gods you two."

"Fine. We won't do anything. Don't worry about us killing you now. That'll come much latter," Cid muttered as he raised his hands above his head. Vincent was a little slower in doing likewise. "My limit meter has almost peaked. I'll soon be able to call up a good Dragon Dive," he thought happily.

"Rude, come here and take the controls. Mr. Valentine and I have something to discuss, in private of course." Tseng noticed his crimson-attired captive tremble with dread. He got up and made his way to Vincent, pausing only to grab the man by his chains and drag him towards to small enclosed nap room aboard the gelnika.

"Don't you fucking touch him, you hear?!" Cid was red-faced when he saw his lover dragged away like a lamb being led to the slaughter.

"Elena? Please take care of Mr. Highwind for me. I think 'sleepel' should keep him quiet," Tseng's stern voice was like ice; cool and calculating.

"Will do, sir." She aimed the Mako gun at Cid's face and fired at pointblank range. A pink star and sleepy music circled Highwind's head just before he fell into a deep slumber.


"Shut up, Vincent!" The harsh slap was issued from Reno's hand to his pale face. It stung, but Vincent's pride was hurt more than his visage. The burning cheek was quickly cooled by Tseng's shower of kisses, which surprised the vampire and aroused the Turk.


"Tseng, I never...you ever do that and you'll be missing a lung. Only....only Cid can touch me like that," said Vincent shakily.

"He's not the only one. In case you've forgotten, whatever the Turks want, they always get. Reno, for example, wanted to pleasure you and satiate his own erotic tastes, so he did," came the sarcastic retort. "It is only a matter of doing. At any rate," he continued. "You're coming with me." he hauled his captive to the nap room and pulled Reno inside before shutting the door and locking it.

Fastening the raven-haired one to the bed, Tseng proceeded to unlace and remove Vincent's cape and shirt, exposing the pale, slender, yet slightly muscled chest.

"Tseng," he sighed, as if scolding. "It's not happening."

"Yes it is!" The Turk straddled Vincent's lower torso and began to suck seductively on one of the man's nipples. Feeling the harden beneath his tongue, he gently bit the taut flesh and licked the small drop of blood off, savoring the taste. "Come on, Vincent. This is no different from what you do with Cid."

"It is nothing like what you are doing to me now. Cid is someone I love and not just a sex toy!" Tseng's last comment brought tears to Vincent's scarlet eyes. The slid down over his cheekbones and were just about to land on his neck, but Tseng kissed them away.

"Vincent, rejoin us. This is where you belong."

"Never. I'd rather tongue a snake."

"That can be arranged if you'd like." Tseng truly hated hurting Valentine any more than he had too. Turning to the young redhead, he formed the most obscene directive Vincent had ever heard.

"Reno, come here and fuck our captive."

In a trice, the Turk's pants were dropped around his ankles and he advanced, thick cock erect towards Vincent's shivering body.

"You should've been nicer, Valentine," Tseng's thin mouth twisted into a psychotic grimace. "I'm mots sure that Reno is hung better than that grease monkey you play around with. As for me, I like a good menage every now and then." He forced his lips down on Vincent's; his tongue pillage the vampire's mouth with authority, yet there was a bizarre tenderness that surprised the victim. "Why is he doing this," Vincent thought as he tried to use his own oral appendage to shove Tseng's rude tongue out of his mouth. While he was distracted with trying to remove Tseng from his uvula, he failed to notice Reno, who lowered his swollen head to Vincent's anal opening.

Reno grunted as he pushed onward, feeling the tight passageway constrict around him.

"Tseng, this one is so tight!" He moaned as he thrust in deeper. "Mmm...feels good!"

"Take your time, Reno. I want Valentine to feel every movement, every thrust, and ever spasm that you afford him."

"Ahh!" cried Vincent as Reno forced himself in most cruelly. He could feel the tears in his eyes at the humiliation and the violation that was his punishment. "Tseng, I'll never forgive you for this...and you should know what this Turk does to me doesn't hurt me in the least," Vincent's voice was brave and strong...but not for long.

"You can take Reno, but that is only because he does not know the techniques of a level parallel to yours," Tseng replied without emotion, mimicking the vampire's speech perfectly. "Let's see you take me on as well."

At that, Vincent couldn't hold the salty droplets of despair and hatred from spilling down his cheeks. "There is no way I can keep this up if Tseng starts on my body; he's a level black as well," he glumly thought. "Cid, I'm so sorry.." he whispered as felt Tseng's hot, lubricated mouth surround and engulf his limp organ to the hilt, causing it to harden at an alarmingly fast rate.

Just then, Reno thrust in so deep and Tseng lapped so firmly that his senses went completely off-line as the Turk climaxed inside the furnace.

The other Turk slurped, and Vincent was left only to have an orgasm himself, which was greedily swallowed by his captor.

"Cid...forgive me...," he sighed as his eyes short-circuited and everything went dark.