A Heart Split in Two (The Final Chapter)
By: Domino
        “What the HELL is going on?!” Rinoa shouts at the top of her lungs.  Irvine
kisses Squall’s hand and gets up from the bed.
“Rinoa, please....”
“Not another word Irvine!  When were you gonna tell the rest of us that Squall
was still alive?!”
“It’s not like that.  Rinoa, sit down.  I’ll tell you everything....”
        Rinoa’s eyes burn with anger toward Irvine Kinneas and is prepared to cut his
throat, but Zell grabs her arm.  “Come on girl.....,” Zell whispers.  “Let’s
hear the guy out.”
“Fine,” Rinoa snaps.
“Thank you Zell,” Irvine responds.  “Where should I begin.....?”
“How about when we’re at the Lunar Gate.  That’s where my journal ends........”  
        Everyone’s head turns as Squall strains to speak.  He struggles to sit up in
his bed.  Irvine immediately aids Squall in sitting up.  “I’m sorry about lying
to you Rinoa.....  I should’ve told you sooner about me and Irvine.  I just
wasn’t sure about it myself......”
“Oh, Squall.......  Why did you lead me on to believe that you loved me?” Rinoa
“I didn’t want to hurt you....  I know it’s a stupid reason......”
“I.......  I don’t know what to say....”
“Rinoa....  You’re my best friend....  You brought out so much in me....  And I
want to thank you....”
“And what about Irvine?!”
“I showed my true self to him thanks to you.  We’re in love....”
“Oh, Irvine......  I’m so sorry.....”
Irvine smiles and nods.  He clears his throat and says, “Come on Squall.  Tell
her about the Lunar Gate...”
        Squall asks Rinoa and Zell to take a seat by his bed.  “I already know what
happened Squall.  We got loaded up on the shuttle and got shot out into space.”
“That’s only part of it Zell,” Squall says softly.  “You didn’t see what went on
after you boarded the shuttle.”
“I didn’t?  Well then what DID happen....?”
“During Rinoa’s comatose state we had decided to take her to the satellite that
orbited the moon.  After they loaded her up, I wanted Zell to go with us....”
“Why me?” Zell asks.  “You said you love Irvine, why didn’t you take him
“If anything should’ve happened, I didn’t want to lose the two people I truly
loved the most.  I know it was foolish because I put your life in danger Zell.”
“It’s over now Zell.  You’re alive and safe...  I’m glad.....”
“Please, Squall....  Go on.”  Rinoa says.
        “Well,” Squall continues, “after Zell boarded the ship I turned to the others
and stared at them.  I had this feeling lingering inside me.....  A feeling that
told me I was never going to see them again.  I gave Quistis my journal for
safekeeping.  I told her if anything should happen to me to give it to Rinoa. 
Then I turned to Irvine....”
“It was hard on us all,” Irvine says with a somber tone.  “Squall looked at me
with those beautiful eyes and told me how much he loved me.  I remember how he
just wrapped his arms around me and kissed me full on the mouth with Selphie and
Quistis watching.”  “So......  Quistis knew about you guys too?!”  Rinoa
inquires.  “Then why didn’t she tell me when she gave me the book?  Why didn’t
she give it to Irvine?”
“Rinoa.....,” Zell answers, “maybe this was Squall’s way of telling you the
“Exactly Zell......” Squall adds.  “It was best that you heard it from me rather
than Selphie or Quistis.”  Rinoa sits there silently as Squall holds her hand. 
“It’s okay.  But how are you alive?”
“It’s a long story......”
        Squall asks Irvine for a glass of water before he continues.  He sips the
liquid as he prepares to tell Rinoa the rest of the story.  “We were placed in a
cold sleep as we were launched into space.  It was amazing.  Zell and I were
floating around while they took you to an observation cell.  As we wandered
around, we saw the monsters on the moon swarming into one spot.  The Lunar Cry
was about to repeat itself......”
“Oh, wow....”  Rinoa leans closer so she can listen closely.
“Then there was Ellone....  I finally found her.  She sat there quietly in her
room when I asked her to help you.  She said she couldn’t help me......  She
needed to know the person before she sent them into the past.  That’s how she
transferred all of us, but not you.  But she agreed to do what she could.  But
when we arrived at your cell......”
“The alarm went off and guards were bein’ tossed everywhere!”  Zell interjects. 
“I protected Ellone while Squall here went after you.”
“Thank you Zell.  You drifted into the control room and began to override Adel’s
holding cell codes.......”
“I drifted....?” Rinoa asks.  “Yes....,” Squall responds.  “You looked like a
puppet on strings.  Every time I tried to get near you though, a powerful force
knocked me into the walls.  I believe you were possessed....”
        Rinoa looks into Squall eyes as he is about to continue the story.  Her eyes
hold a painful secret, a secret that could destroy her in the end.  But she
retains her silence as Squall goes on.  “Rinoa, you then entered the astronauts
quarters and knocked them senseless.  You stole a space suit and floated out to
Adel’s satellite.  I put on a space suit and tried to chase after you in space,
but I was too late.  You already unlocked her cell and she fell to the earth
along with the Lunar Cry.  According to Irvine, she fell directly into that
Lunatic Pandora thing.”
“That’s true,” Rinoa confirms as tears build up within her.
“You were then helplessly floating through space.  Time was running out.  The
Lunar Base was about to explode.  The main director Piet, Zell, Ellone, and I
strapped ourselves into an escape pod and prayed.  Rinoa.....”
“Yes Squall....?”
“I asked her again to take me to your past.  She finally agreed and melded my
mind with yours.  I saw who possessed you.  It was her.....  Ultimecia.....”
“(Squall.....  I know....)”
“I couldn’t stand the thought of you dying out there.  I unfastened my straps
myself and went after you.  After nearly depleting my own air supply, I finally
grabbed you from the brink of death.  I saw that you were wearing my ring around
your neck.....  That’s when I knew you were gonna be safe.”
“I remember what happened after that.  I know you led me to an abandoned
spaceship and pushed me inside......”
“That’s the last thing I remember......”  Squall sits back and has Irvine fetch
some healing potion.  Rinoa sits there as she recalls the rest.  “Squall, let me
tell you what happened after you pushed me into the ship.”
“Go ahead....”
“You got hit by an energy spear from the ship and lost your grip.  I tried to
reach for you, but.....”
        Squall holds her hand as he listens.  “I crawled through the portal and
stabilized myself.  There was no time to mourn your loss, so I kissed your ring
and proceeded to explore the ship called the Ragnarok.  Thanks to you guys
training me, I outwitted the monsters that had taken over the ship.  Soon,
Esthar contacted me via the radio and guided me to landing......  But you were
gone...  Or so I thought....”
“Yeah Squall!” Zell shouts.  “Where’ve YOU been, hanging out here with your
sweetheart while we searched for you ass?”
“Zell......,” Irvine sneers with an angry look on his face.  “Squall was found
about two days ago outside of Eshtar.  I heard rumors in Balamb about a young
man being transferred from Esthar to Deling City for recovery.  When I asked
around, I found out it was Squall.  I lied to you guys and came here as soon as
I could.”
“Why did you lie to us?”
“I wanted to make sure before I got your hopes up.  My heart almost dropped when
I saw Squall half-covered in bandages.  I nearly cried my eyes out.  So Zell, be
careful about what you say next time....”
“So you’ve been by his side this whole time....  You do love him...” Zell puts
his hands behind his head and smiles.  “I’m sorry guys....  I really am....”
“It’s no problem Zell.  As for Squall’s amazing survival,” Irvine continues “it
turns out he managed to grab the cargo door in the Ragnarok after he was nailed
by the energy beam.  He crawled inside and rode back to the planet.  Eshtar
soldiers discovered him after they took Rinoa away....”
“Took her away?!  Why?” Squall asks.
“I’m a....... sorceress Squall.......”
        Squall stares at Rinoa in shock.  “Oh, man.......”  
Rinoa moves closer and wipes away his tears.  “I was taken in by Eshtar and they
tried to remove my powers given to me by Edea.  We’re all praying to see if the
curse has been eliminated.  I’m so scared......”
        Squall tips up Rinoa’s face and smiles.  “We’ll protect you no matter what.” 
Rinoa looks at Squall and smiles.  “Zell?” Rinoa asks.
“Maybe we should go.  Irvine missed Squall as much as we did.  We should leave
them alone.”
“Fine with me.  See ya soon Squall.  You too Irvine.”  Before Zell can step out
the door, Rinoa stops in her tracks.  She turns around and hands Squall his lion
ring.  “I think this belongs to you....”
“Thank you........”
“I read in your journal that you wanted to give it to someone special.  I think
now’s the perfect time.”  Squall blushes after Rinoa’s remark as she and Zell
leave the room.  Irvine turns to Squall and asks about the ring.
“What did she mean by that, exactly?” He asks.
“Um.......  She meant.....  (Oh, man this is so embarrassing!)”
“Oh, come on Squall....  You can tell me....”
“Okay, you’ve twisted my arm......  I love you Irvine....”
“I love you too......”
“And I want us to be together forever.....”  
        Irvine takes some time to recover from Squall’s intentions.  Squall takes
Irvine’s hand and slips the Griever ring on his finger.  “This is what Rinoa was
talking about....  It will be a symbol of our love.”  Irvine is speechless as he
admires Griever.  The entwined gold and silver sparkle with the unspoken purity
of Squall’s heart.  Squall caresses Irvine’s face and brings him closer.  Within
seconds their eternal bond is sealed with a kiss.  No matter what happens in the
future, they will never be separated.  The sun sets, and the two lovers drift
off to sleep, hoping for the best for them and their friends.  May the gods be
watching over them........