

(part 10)







            Cid looks at the angered blonde staring back at him, "How did YOU get in here?!"


            "I have my sources," Seifer snorts and points his gunblade at Kramer's

head, "Let him go, you suck fuck...."


            "Is that any way to treat your Headmaster?" He grins, still deep inside his younger, unwilling lover.  "He asked for it Seifer.  The way he began dressing... his behavior at Galbadia....  You don't know it, but Irvy here is a total slut.  Every boy in his old Garden had a piece of this ass...  and I'm just taking my share."  As Cid speaks, Irvine breaks down into tears, the pain of having this man taking him and the sheer humiliation taking its toll.  "I.. I'm so sorry…Seifer.... forgive me...." He cries.


            Seifer nods, "I forgive you Irvine.  It wasn't your fault...  Let him go, Cid... or else I'll blow your head off."  The blonde puts his finger on the trigger of his gunblade.  Soon a loud crash distracts Seifer and Cid pulls out of Irvine, taking him hostage with a hidden knife in his sleeve.  The Balamb police force arrives along with Squall and Quistis.  Along with Seifer they point their weapons at the Headmaster.


            Cid laughs at all of them, "You shoot me, and the Galbadian slut loses more than his dignity.  He belongs to me now, Seifer..." He laughs harder and presses the knife against Irvine's throat.  He roughly grabs the cowboy's exposed front, making him squeal in pain. 


            "You're insane...." Seifer whispers to himself, "Matron loved

you... and now you show your true self...."


            "Don't you dare drag Edea into this!  She's a sorceress... tainted blood...  You were lucky you and this slut weren't abandoned along with the others.  But because I respected her wishes I helped raise you.  I had to put up with the fact she was one of them.  Of course after she was defeated, I had to satisfy myself.....  Irvine was the most experienced.  So leave me alone or you lose the cowboy forever."


            Squall blinks, "Edea is your wife?  That's... so sad.... doing this to a woman you love...."  Cid looks over at Squall, "You were always so wrapped up in yourself.. you never socialized....." 


            The cops take a step closer, "Let the boy go, Kramer..." They order.


            Kramer chuckles, "Nah."  He begins to slowly cut Irvine's throat, "Stay with me Irvine....  Be my toy.. or you're dead...."


            "...... Seifer...." Irvine cries.  Seifer shakes his head, pointing his gunblade, squeezing the trigger....


            Irvine suddenly falls, graspiing his leg.  In the confusion the cops grab Cid and put him in handcuffs.  They wrestle him down, and haul him off to Balamb's jail.  Seifer holds Irvine close, using a cure potion on his leg, "Sorry lover....  I didn't mean to hurt you....." He places a hand on Irvine's healing wound, "Will you forgive me?"




            "I mean, for everything?  I acted so stupid...  I should've believed you in the first place.  I'm sorry," Seifer kisses Irvine's trembling lips. 


            Quistis looks at them both, "Irvine...  I'll make sure Kramer is prosecuted to the full extent.  And I'll make sure the Garden helps in your full recovery." 


            Irvine nods to this, holding Seifer close, "Thank you, Miss Trepe.  You were always so kind.. despite bein' so bossy when you were a kid."


            "What the..?  What the hell do you mean, Irvine?" Squall asks, also pondering what Kramer said about him.


            "I'll explain everything, once I recover..." Irvine smiles, "Quisty."


            Seifer cannot help giggling as he hugs Irvine tight.








            "IRVINE KINNEAS, PLEASE REPORT TO THE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE.  THANK YOU," The intercom booms as Irvine cuddles his new fiancee. "I think being headmaster went to her head," He smiles.


            "You'd better go see her Irvy," Seifer kisses Irvine's lips then the engagement ring on his finger, "I love you."


            "I love you too," Irvine grins and disengages.  He walks to the Headmaster's office, opening the door, "You wanted to see me, Headmaster Trepe?"


            Quistis nods, "Yes Irvine.  I thought you might want this.  I found this while cleaning out Kramer's things."  She hands him his file.


            Irvine looks at it, "Thanks Quisty.  He almost got away with controlling me with this thing.  I'm glad they put him away.  But Matron...."


            "I know Irvine.  She's doing much better.  Maybe we can all go see her when she feels better.  Of course you decide if we can go before or after your wedding."


            Irvine smiles, "I'll discuss it with Seifer.  Thanks again."  He bows in respect.


            "Anytime Irvy," She smiles back as she watches him leave.  She sighs and goes back to her paperwork.  As she toils over SeeD payroll she grins when she sees a small silver-white envelope.  Embossed on the paper is the official engagement of Seifer Almasy and Irvine Kinneas.  Quistis then looks at a photo Irvine gave her of all of them as kids by the lighthouse.  The little Seiffie and Irvy are holding hands.  "May nothing stand in the way of your love..."  She whispers and goes back to her work....