Part 2
By Domino

Irvine runs out of Headmaster Kramer's office like a bat out of hell. His innocent eyes splash his cheeks with tears of pain and disgust. He hugs his lower waist, trying to hold up his uniform pants, now almost in shreds. The memories of what just happened play over and over in his mind as he hits the elevator and rushes inside.

"Don't fight... I know you want this...."

"Mmmm.... you're so tight.. aren't you... you little slut..?"

"This'll be our little secret, cowboy.... If you tell anyone you're expelled... and your reputation is ruined...."

The young man sobs into hands when he hears the elevator chime for the next stop. As soon as the door opens, he spots Seifer and their mutual friend Squall waiting for the elevator. The blonde smiles and speaks, "Irvine, how was the..?"

Irvine Kinneas pushes his boyfriend out of his way and runs off toward the dorms. Squall looks at his friend. "He looked almost.. scared."

Seifer frowns. "Something's wrong. Squall, tell Instructor Trepe I'm training."

"No prob."

"Thank you." Seifer Almasy bids his friend good-bye and runs after his beloved.

A harsh stream of hot water nearly scalds Irvine's naked form as he sits in the shower, sobbing into his hands. This disgusting feeling refuses to wash away in the bath water. Trails of blood and semen drip from his delicate opening and mix with the draining water. Why? Why did this man, this respected man, do it? Irvine's sniffles echo through the bathroom, but they are muted when a knock is heard at the door.

"Irvine...?" A voice says. "You okay...?"

"(Seifer! Oh, gods....)" Irvine sobs harder, recalling what his assailant told him.

"If you tell anyone.... you're expelled... and your reputation's ruined...."

"I'm coming in...!" Seifer almost shouts as he opens the door to a steam-filled room. He bats the clouds of vapor out of his way when he pulls away the curtain and locates Irvine in the bathtub; his eyes are red from crying. Seifer shuts off the water, only to find the lines of tainted blood streaked on the pristine porcelain tile. Irvine hugs his nude body tight. Seifer disregards his own clothing as he picks up Irvine and holds him to his own body. The cowboy cries into Seifer's shoulder. "Seifer..." his voice is hushed and shaken.

"Irvine.. what? What's wrong...?"

"Cid..... raped me....."