Cid Kramer listens to a droning Muzak song as he waits for someone to pick up on the other side.  After a couple of minutes, a well-spoken voice answers.  "This is Headmaster Martine....."


"Yes, Martine.  It's Cid."


"Oh, hello Kramer!  How is Edea?  Is she free of the sorceress' control?"


"Not yet.  My SeeDs did manage to subdue her.  She's resting for now."


"That's good.  So, why did you need to talk to me?"


"I've received your file on Irvine Kinneas.  Very interesting history.....," Cid almost snorts in laughter, but holds it back.


"He does have his uses despite that personality......  He's more than just a flirtatious little tart."


"Definitely......  And I just wanted to keep you posted on his progress."


"Thank you very much Kramer."


"Bye."  Cid hangs up the phone and snickers to himself as if he was taunting Galbadia Garden's headmaster.  He opens up his desk drawer and pulls out a file clearly marked, "KINNEAS, IRVINE".  From this incriminating file he pulls out a small packet.  He begins to read it, knowing he can use this piece of evidence to retain the sniper in his present role.  A smile spreads across his lips as one of his hands dips into his pants....


"From the diary of one Erik Strecht......  Galbadia Garden's highest ranked SeeD...."  Cid chuckles.......


      "Gods.. that boy was incredible.....  I can't believe he went down on me.  I can still feel his mouth on my cock...... his finger in my ass.....  I know I'm straight.. but Irvine.... he...... It felt wonderful....  I still find it hard to believe he's only a freshman...  He performs like an adult....  I almost feel bad since I let him do it....  but it felt too good."


"Never ceases to amaze me Irvine......  You've been a slut your whole life...."  Cid laughs as he continues to read. 


      "Last night was my big game.  Irvine came to comfort me.  I didn't really know him except from our math classes.  We began talking and the next thing I knew he had tugged down my shorts and jock strap.  The way he bobbed up and down; it almost seemed as if he knew where every nerve was.  He slipped a finger inside..  I've never felt something like that before.  When it was over, Irvine almost seemed happy to swallow.  He said I tasted sweet.......  He smiled and thanked me for letting him do it.  I should've been thanking him.  Needless to say I played one of the best games of my life that night......  Trabia's basketball team didn't stand a chance!!"


      By this time Cid has a full erection being stroked in his pants.  Within a couple of minutes he lets loose a stream of white that runs over his hand.  "Damn.....  Mmm..... but you're not without your uses......."  Cid cleans up and buzzes his secretary.  "Could you call in Mr. Kinneas, please?  I have a few matters I need to discuss with him."




(PS- you can post "Irvine's night off" if you want to.  Sexy Edge is gonna MST it, so I give you my blessing to post it.  ^_^)