

(part 8)








"We can help Irvine?!  How?" Seifer asks with relief in his voice.  He sits down and puts out his cigarette.  Squall pulls up a chair and straddles it to face his blonde friend.  "Maybe we can catch Headmaster Kramer in the act.  Selphie has a bunch of A/V equipment and if we can film him with Irvine..."


"What?!" Seifer stands up.  "If we do that, then we'd reduce Irvine to mere bait...."


Squall shakes his head, "If we don't, Kramer will keep going!"


"No!  I won't let Irvine suffer anymore!" Seifer shouts as he storms out of the dorm room.  He runs to the elevator when he sees Irvine coming out of the doors. The boy's uniform is crumpled; his hair is mussed up, and his cheeks glisten with tears and something else.  "Oh, gods... he..." Seifer's sentence fades off as he runs up to Irvine and holds him tight.  He strokes the younger boy's long hair, "He won't get away with it... I promise...." the blonde whispers.


"He can.. and he is....." Irvine cries into Seifer's shoulder.  The faceless instructors walk up to the boys.  "The boy is lying...  Our benevolent Headmaster Kramer has done nothing...."


Seifer turns red with anger, "Fuck you.  Kramer's gonna pay for this."


The teachers step forward and grab Irvine after receiving a message from their earpiece communicators.  "Headmaster Kramer wishes that the Galbadian transfer is taken back to his room and cleaned up.  Then he is to get some sleep and visit Kramer in the morning."


Irvine begins to kick and scream, "Let me go!!  Seifer!!"


Seifer reaches for Irvine, but is pulled away by the other instructors.  "That bastard's raping Irvine!!  Can't you do anything?!!"


"Kramer's merely been checking on the boy's progress."




One instructor pins Seifer to the ground, "That is inappropriate language for the Head of our Discipli...!"


"Go fuck yourself!" the blonde punches the teacher in an attempt to free himself, but he is swarmed as two faculty members take Irvine back to his dorm.  The cowboy turns his head to see his Seifer being restrained by the drones.  "Seifer!!" Irvine screams at the top of his lungs.


"Be strong....." Seifer gasps as he passes out.


The young blonde awakens to a cool washcloth being pressed to his forehead.  His vision corrects itself as he focuses on a blurred figure in the room.  "Owwwww...." is all that Seifer can manage.


"Shhhh...  Those bastards beat you good.. you're bruised almost all over your body," The shadow comments as it comes into focus.  It is Squall.


Seifer tries to get up, only to be racked with pain.  "Damn......Squall.... what happ..!  Irvine!"


"I'm sorry....  But he's being dragged to see Kramer as we speak."  Squall looks away, "However...."


"However what...?" Seifer's eyes squint.


Squall grins as he rises from the bed, "Selphie helped me bug Kramer's office.  The room is laced with tiny cameras and microphones.  He'll indict himself."


"But Irvine....." the blonde buries his face in his hands.


"I tried to interfere... but they pushed me away too....  I wish there was another way, but....." Squall forces himself to comfort his friend and rival.  Seifer looks up at Squall, "I know you mean well....  Thank you Leonhart...."


"Anytime, Seifer..." Squall hugs the older boy.  "Kramer will pay for what he's done.... no matter what..."