Aslah Lenoir

This gorgeous, ultra-sexy bishounen comes direct to me from my dear friend, Aslah, who operates the Psychodelic Asylum (the link can be found in The Exxodus)! She is so sweet and nice and really, really cool, not to mention her unparalleled artistic talent. ~drools~ Hottie bishounen....~drools some more~...I love him to bits and pieces! ~huge hug for Aslah-chan~ Domo Dankoo for the beautiful piccie and your awesome friendship, Aslah-chan!

Untitled Birthday Fic

This sugoi birthday present comes from the lovely and multi-talented Teka of the Yaoi Federation! Her website features the absolute best Cid x Vincent yaoi fanfics I've ever read, not to mention the really great FF8 shounen-ai, and the fact that she's a fellow Zell fan! ~glomps Teka and snuggles her tight~ Thank you very much for such a beautiful present, Teka-chan!

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