~None of the characters of the Tekken 3 Sony Playstation game, belongs to me. Ok? Do NOT sue me!!!~  ^__^



This fic contains some *EXPLICIT LEMON YAOI* e.g; BOYS WITH BOYS... Don’t come cryin’ to me sayin’ I didn’t warn you!!!  ^___^


If you have something you would like to tell me, please mail me at: sakura_chan@starplace.com

Oh, and, by the way... I don’t accept flames, except for the flames of love, of course! ~____^

Harigatou Gozaimaaasu!! ...and, enjoy the fic!!



A Trial of Strength





Chapter 1



Later that night, Jin was lying on his bed, in his room at the Mishima Grand Hotel, where he and all of the other participants were staying as well.  He was curled up in a fetal position, shedding tears on the already tearsoaked pillow and cover, almost  ripping the pillow apart in sheer anger and hatred. I’m gonna kill him...! I’m gonna smash his pathetic ass into the wall!! I’m gonna kick him back into last week, that’s how hard I’m gonna kick him!!!


“I hate him! ....I hate him! ....I......!!” he sobbed, every syllible painful to say because of the big aching lump in his throat. Suddenly, there was a knock on his hotel  room door.


“Jin. Are you in there?” a soft voice sounded through the small hotel room.


“Go away! Leave me alone!!” Jin roared, failing to hide his trembling voice.


“It’s me, Xiaoyu. I just came to check on ya. Are you alright in there?” the voice sounded once again.


“Go away, Ling. Please.” he sighed, silently sniveling.


“I will not.” she stated, and with a small ‘Hiyaah!!’, she kicked the door open, to Jin’s surprise. He quickly wiped away the tears still rolling down his face, and got up to push her out of his only private space.


“Xiaoyu, please. I asked you not to come in here.”


“No, you didn’t.” she smiled, “You just asked me to leave!” and then she put on a more serious face:  “Jin.. What happened between you and Hwoarang earlier today? If I’m not prying, that is...”


“Yes, you are. I don’t wanna talk about it. Now leave me alone, please!!”


“No. Now, Jin, what happened? You seemed very upset when you rushed out of the training ground. ... And Hwoarang who was hopping his heart out to get to you...”


“What..!” Jin froze. With big eyes, Xiaoyu looked at him:


“You didn’t hear him calling for you, over and over again? Poor Yoshimitsu was all confused, being forced to help Hwoarang rush out after you.....”   Jin’s face went to the floor, and he ran a hand through his hair.  “What was all that about anyway?”  Xiaoyu continued. 


“I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s none of your business!” Jin hissed, and walked past the slightly pouting Xiaoyu, one of her eyebrows raised. She swiftly turned around, pointing a long finger at him, her eyes squinting:


“Something happened between the two of you, Jin. And I’m gonna find out about it, even if it’s the last thing I do before this tournament is over!”


Jin paid no notice to the young girl, as he stood by the thrashed door, showing her the way out. Just as she was to pass over the threshold, he said to her, his voice as cold as ice.  “Nothing happened between me and Hwoarang. And, just for your information...”  He pointed his thumb at the hinges of the door, “You’re the one paying for this. Not me.”  She gave a nod, and walked away.


Jin went back into the room and decided to get out of his clothes and have a shower, but then he thought; Not before the door’s fixed. and went straight to the reception downstairs, to ask for someone to help him replace the hinges and put back the door where it should be, instead of lying on the floor. The female receptionist was more than eager to help Jin out with his problem, not even asking how the door could suddenly fall off its hinges.


Jin went back to his room with two attendants and soon the door was back in place. He tipped the attendants generously, and made sure to send his thanks to the very kind receptionist.  A little sucking up can’t do any harm. Jin thought as he went back into his room, greatly anticipating having the long awaited shower, getting out of those sweaty slacks and t-shirt. As he locked the door, he pulled the t-shirt off and threw it on the bed, while stroding up to the tiny wardrobe against the wall of the bathroom connected to his bedroom.


Hmm... What should I wear? Another pair of  slacks? Probably. Nothing more interesting going on tomorrow than practise... Slacks it is, then,  he thought and pulled out a pair of black slacks, and another t-shirt.


With no more thought wasted on his choice of clothing, he threw his filthy ones away into a laundry-basket situated in the corner of the bathroom, and turned the knobs of the shower. While the water heated up to just the perfect temperature, he took out a big bath towel, and placed it onto the small bureau. Then, he went to check on the water, Just perfect. and gladly stepped into the shower, pulling the glazed walls shut behind him. He took a deep breath and felt his muscles relax under the hot water. He ran his hands through his hair now being quite limp when exposed to the rush of water. The usually so obstinate mohawk-like thing on top of his head fell down quite easily as the water rinced through it, and the wet black bangs slicked down his face. He wiped them away, and stood like that for a few well-deserved moments, trying to relax not only his aching muscles, but also his aching mind.

Damn you, Hwoarang! he thought angrily, gritting his teeth as the anger started bubbling inside of him once again, Damn you! I’m gonna...   Then, interrupting his train of thought, suddenly someone slid the glass doors open, and his mind raced in panic. He turned around only to look straight into two  familiar eyes, iceblue, they were.


He yelped in surprise as he was pinned to the back of the shower cabin, Hwoarang’s hands holding his in a tight grip above his head. He looked frantically at the wild expression on Hwoarang’s face, and then at his own hands being caught in such a forceful grip. Before he had any chance to complain the slightest, not that he was really going to, but still, Hwoarang had locked his lips into a strong, hard kiss. Jin’s eyes flew open, wide as saucers, and found himself involuntarily reacting to the sudden impact. Jin broke free from the hold Hwoarang had on his lips, and gasped:  “What are you doing! ... your clothes! They’re ruined! And... and your leg!!”


Without any obvious remorse over the ruined clothes, Hwoarang said calmly, his voice rough, “What do you think I’m doing... And my leg is just fine!” and once again attacked Jin’s lips, taking full advantage of the fact that Jin’s mouth hung open out of sheer shock.  Deepening the kiss even further, Hwoarang also took full advantage of the fact that Jin was currently without a single thread of clothing on, and made sure to press himself closer, pinning Jin if possible, rougher against the wall.


“Oh Gods!” Jin grunted when Hwoarang went for his neck, ever so slightly grazing the flesh with his teeth. With an utter fight for strength and air, Jin managed to whisper: “Why? ...And how...? ..you..”


Hwoarang looked up at him, and then straightened to look him straight in the eyes. He went to nuzzle Jin’s chest, making sure not to miss the small pink buds of hot flesh, and he said: “Earlier today, when you tended to my wounds... Something happened...”


Jin blushed: “Of course it did, I kissed you for cryin’ out l..”


“Schh!” Hwoarang said, hushing him by putting a finger on his lips, and by doing that, releasing one of Jin’s hands.   “Let me speak.” Jin didn’t do anything to reclaim his freedom from Hwoarang’s grip though, and nodded once, unable to say anything.  “What I meant to say was, that you touched a part of me that I hardly even knew existed. I never thought just the mere touch of someone could make my heart race like that... I never thought a kiss could hold such fire, such... Such emotion...I..” he lowered his eyes, and then once again looked into Jin’s. He gave him another deep kiss, and then continued: “I... I think I’m a good way fallin’ in love with you Jin... I just couldn’t forget about that kiss, and what it so easily did to me! I had to be near you again... I had to! I couldn’t stay away!”


“But... But how..? I locked my door when I came back here, and no one....”


“I snuck in here when you were out doing something... I didn’t mean to sneak in, but you weren’t here, and the door was lying on the floor... I couldn’t leave when I had made it that far...” he went silent and a light pink colored his cheeks, “When I heard you come back with those men to help you put the door back in place, I panicked! I didn’t want anyone to know that I was here... I dove underneath your bed, and stayed there for I don’t know how long.... And then you came back, without me really noticing it until you were standing by the bed, getting undressed... I couldn’t just hop out from underneath your bed and shout ‘Surprise!’ now could I..?”


“No, but instead you decided to scare me out of my mind, attacking me in the shower, like some ‘Psycho’-fanatic!” Jin grinned at him, almost forgetting how uncomfortable he had first felt at being naked in front of Hwoarang.


“No...no.. I thought about what to do, and I kinda hopped into your bathroom, thinking that maybe I could make my presence known by just knocking on the door, and ....” he smirked, “....But when I saw that silhouette of yours, being all soaked in water, knowing that you were all.. you know... I just couldn’t help it, I had to see you, feel you close to me again...I want you so much Jin. I-I... need you...”


Jin felt like  a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders when Hwoarang so innocently tried to explain how they could have ended up in such a weird position, that he instantly broke loose from Hwoarang’s grip and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close to his chest.  “Oh, Hwoarang! You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been wanting to hear you say that to me!”


“Oh, be quiet and kiss me again, will you!” Hwoarang sighed against Jin’s neck, and turned his face upwards. Jin willfully obliged, and started nibbling on Hwoarang’s jawline, drawing sighs from the now squirming Hwoarang. He stopped to sigh into Hwoarang’s ear:


“Hang on a sec... you’re clothes’re all wet... and we don’t want you to catch a cold... now do we?”  Jin took hold of Hwoarang’s shoulder, and pulled the fabric off slightly, exposing the soft skin, “Let me help you out of these...”

Hwoarang was more than willing to assist Jin in his endeavours. In a matter of seconds, his more than just soaked shirt was on the floor of the shower cabin, and next were his pants. Obviously, Jin weren’t the only one suffering from ‘growing’ pains.


“Gods, I’m so horny right now!” Hwoarang stated and slipped his hands down to Jin’s lower back, roughly rubbing the mounds, making him grunt out loud; making him cling closer to Hwoarang.


“And, you think you’re the only one?” Jin’s voice rumbled from deep within his chest. His hands went up and down Hwoarang’s back, slowly caressing it. The readhead grabbed an even tighter grip around Jin’s waist, hoarsely whispering into his ear:


“Let’s go to the bed.”


Jin grinned, as they slowly, still tightly clutched together, backed out of the shower cabin, their lips never quite leaving each other. Since Hwoarang’s leg was in a not-so-good shape, Jin’s grin went even wider: “I think I’m gonna have to carry you...”


“Fine by me.” Hwoarang smiled.


As he had offered he did, and Jin promptly lifted Hwoarang up into his arms, one arm securely hooked under his legs, the other one hooked around his back and torso.   “How’s this?” he asked, as Hwoarang roughly seized his lips once again, and pulled back, only to say:


“Just get your sorry ass to the bed, already!”  When they finally got all the way to the bed, single as it may well have been, Jin put Hwoarang lovingly down on the soft matress.


“There. Now, we are going to have some fun..” Jin stated, laying himself beside Hwoarang, and starting to paint kisses all the way from his lips down to all over his chest. There, he made sure not to miss the small pink pebbles, and put his lips as softly as he could against the right one. Licking, and then nearly biting, he made Hwoarang pant with such heat, his chest rising and falling heavily. As Jin rubbed the other pebble with his hand, he started to rub himself against Hwoarang’s pelvis, slowly, and fully aware that it would drive the redhead crazy.


Hwoarang breaths became rasping, and he entangled both hands in Jin’s soft hair, almost pulling.

“Jin! Unnhhh!...” he moaned loudly, grinding his aching member into Jin’s.  Jin, grinning widely when he gathered what Hwoarang wanted, stopped his oral assault of Hwoarang’s nipples. Kissing a hot trail down his belly, he slowly made his way down to the fussy hair just above Hwoarang’s most sensitive parts. Knowing it was pure torture to Hwoarang, he stopped going downward, and instead he just barely nuzzled the soft hair, kissing the tender flesh of his inner thighs as carefully as he could.  “Oh, Jin!” Hwoarang gasped, almost pushing Jin down, aching for release. “Jin, please! Don’t do this to me!!”


Jin slightly chuckled and scooted down on the bed, supporting himself on one elbow, and just before he went down on Hwoarang, he looked up, delighted to see the blue eyed beauty eagerly looking at him.

“Whenever you’re ready.” he said, making sure that this was what Hwoarang wanted. He blinked once, and then took a deep breath. Almost trembling, he said:


“Get down, boy.”


Instantly, Jin charged, and teasingly, he ran his lips against the stiff shaft, only to entirely go down on it. Poor Hwoarang didn’t know what was coming his way, and he almost screamed as the warmth of Jin’s mouth enclosed him. He arched his back, and pulled at Jin’s soaking hair, grinding his teeth. Jin lifted one milky white  leg up on his shoulders, and went back to rubbing Hwoarang’s sensitized nipples.


“Jin!” he gasped, his eyes tightly clutched together, almost in an expression of pain on his face, “....OooOOooh!!”  Jin grunted hungrily, and went even rougher on Hwoarang, who couldn’t believe his own body was reacting so heavily to what Jin of all people was doing to him. He took full advantage of Hwoarang’s arched back, and slid one hand down to his soft supple mounds, stopping him from pulling back. For a brief moment, Jin ceised his ministrations and started suckling on a couple of fingers on his left hand, all while locking Hwoarang’s eyes with his own. He must have known what Jin was planning, since he let out a small moan at the sight, spreading his legs. With the outmost carefulness, Jin slid one long finger into Hwoarang, knowing it would take him to even higher peaks of ecstasy, if done properly.  “Jin! Oh, you’re.... H-aaah!” Hwoarang yelped, as the sensation wasn’t quite what he had expected. It was much more...inexplicable. Before he had the chance to further contemplate what Jin’s hands could do to him, the darkhaired man in question continued his nipping and licking, kissing and sucking on Hwoarang’s more than willing body, going from the inner thighs to hipbone, from navel back to taking him all in.


Hwoarang’s face contorted with the pleasure emanating from Jin’s mouth and hands, and he started moving without even noticing it, his whole body aching for the sweet pleasure that only Jin could give him. He couldn’t believe the way Jin seemed to be all over him, touching every spot; every surface covered in warm, soft hands and lips. He ripped his eyes open and looked down at Jin, that warm hand rubbing his chest roughly, and those soft lips encircling every inch of his length. His whole body started trembling, and he found himself unable to breathe. He started moving even faster, desperately trying to bring Jin’s finger to rub harder against that spot that brought stars before his eyes. He thought for one fleeing moment that he was going to faint. In a single, moaning gasp he came, totally unprepared for it.


Jin’s name was the only thing he found himself able to articulate, and he sighed his name over and over again as his body relaxed, settling itself onto the soft pillows and cover. Jin came up to face him, and put kisses all over his face.  “So...how did you enjoy my performance, Hwoarang?” he smiled, dying to ease his own desire. But seeing the look of complete bliss on Hwoarang’s face changed his mind. Nothing else mattered but Hwoarang.


“Very...satisfying...” Hwoarang almost frowned in his dazed condition. He could only barely figure out just what Jin had done to him.


“Good... I wouldn’t want to disappoint you the first thing I did ...” Jin said, with such an unusual warmth in his voice.


So soft... Hwoarang thought, His voice... so soft... another thought then struck him: “...But what about you?  You’re...” Hwoarang said, dazedly looked up at Jin’s smiling face.


“Don’t worry. Some other time, it will be my turn to have some fun....”


Hwoarang gave up a tired laughter, and leaned back on Jin’s shoulder. “Sure.. Some other time...”


“Maybe you should spend the night here...” Jin whispered, and there was more than a hint of worry in his voice. It made Hwoarang smile, coming to senses that he actually enjoyed being so close to Jin.

How could I ever have despised you, my wonderful Jin? How could I ever have wished to hurt you... but at that particular thought, the smile on Hwoarang’s face melted away. He remembered that he was forced to fight Jin in the tournament. No! I don’t want to... Not to...


“Hwoarang... Is there somethin’ wrong?” Jin asked, feeling how Hwoarang went tense.


“No. Of course there isn’t... I’m just so..tired, that’s all..” Hwoarang smiled at him, to make his worries go away, “I think you’re right... Maybe I should spend the night here, with you... I mean... I would rather greatly mind hopping back to my room, clothes soaked and all...” he tried to chuckle, and to his relief, it fooled Jin, who was now happier than ever.


“Great!” he kissed Hwoarang once again, now seizing his lips in a soft kiss, almost only the whisper of one. He pulled Hwoarang closer and started pulling the cover over them both, when he turned to Hwoarang, worry once more grazing his voice.


“If you wish, I would be more than happy to let you have the bed! I could always take the couch, it’s ok!!”

“Don’t be silly, Jin! I don’t mind. I’m the intruder remember..” he put his hand on Jin’s and pulled the cover over both of them.  “There. Much better, don’t you think?”


Jin nodded happily, and rested his head on the big pillow, his forehead against Hwoarang’s, and his arms around him. Hwoarang put his arms around Jin’s neck, and tried not to think of the tournament. It scared him to think, that he would be forced to hurt Jin, and it scared him even more to know that he couldn’t back out of it, no matter what had happened between them. But, he told himself, what did it matter if Jin had feelings for him? As long as he didn’t let himself get attached to him, nothing would have to change. He could still go on resenting him, he could still fulfill his promise to beat him into a bloody pulp ...

He refused to let his thoughts from going any further, and he turned his eyes to look at Jin. He was sound asleep, his breaths deep and calm. An arrow of pain shot through Hwoarang’s chest, as he came to a conclusion.  He looks so peaceful... So beautiful... he stroke Jin’s cheek as softly as he could with his trembling hand.  He fought against the cold lump forming in his throat, and swallowed hard, knowing he couldn’t stay any longer.


End of chapter 1