
By:  Miracle Shining

A Gift for my dear friend, Seiya Kou, for 16,000+ Nexxus nuts and still going strong.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:  All Xenogears characters are property of SQUARE software and their subsidiaries.  Please don't sue me, I have no money.  This is  SHONEN AI fan fiction piece, so you have been warned.  This is also an exclusive gift for Seiya Kou's Nexxus, and if I see it removed and put on another site, I will Mercury Aqua Rhapsody you into next week.  Without another delay, enjoy!!  =^.^=


            I watch you quietly from the doorway of the bathroom.  I smile to myself as you comb through your shoulder length green hair.  I always mused over the fact that you had decided to dye it that color after you had arrived at Eugent.  I told you I thought it would look silly, but I was wrong.  It brought out your almond skin color and your rich brown eyes even more.

            I can't help but laugh to myself as you fight to keep the steam from fogging up your vision.  Those glasses of yours have become a curse in some aspects.  Thank heavens you don't work much with the heavy weaponry.  You scrub at your spectacles again and pick up the comb once again, tugging the snarls out lightly.

            My yellow gold eyes scan over your form, hidden so carefully underneath the Eugent standard white barrack towel.  You have been blessed with a wonderful lean shape, that is of no argument.  Of course, I've become rather accustomed to that slender shape of yours.

            I step into the bathroom quietly, and you take no notice.  You are so focused on pulling a particularly stubborn knot out of your hair, that my movement passes your usual cat-like senses.  That was something that had always intrigued me about you.  You seem to be able to sense things that others can not.  Almost angelic in a way that I can not describe.

            Frustrated, you set the comb down and begin to wipe at the mirror.  I can't help but look on amused.  You've always liked taking unusually hot showers.  I swear that they would have scalded anyone else.  But, not you.  I take a couple more steps forward, some of my whitish yellow hair falling in front of my eyes.  I always favored keeping my hair shorter than the rest.  It took less time.  Jessiah and Sigrd, our fellow Eugent members also favored the shorter hair, with the exception of Sigrd's bangs.  But not you, no, you loved the way your hair set on your shoulders and your neck.

            You grumble a little as you once again try to clear your glasses.  You sigh. I can tell that you know you're fighting a losing battle.  I smile, and quietly I creep up behind you.  Slipping my arms very carefully around your slender waist, I feel you jump a little before you realize who it is.  Smiling, you reach behind and caress my face with one of your wonderful slender hands.

            We stand like that quietly, the steam slowly airing out of the bathroom, and the mirror in front of us clearing.  Our two images stare back at us, both smiling content smiles.  I kiss your cheek very gently, and you sigh softly in response.

            "Carlin, I didn't hear you come in."  Your soft, gentle voice finally speaks.

            "I know, Hyuu, I was just thinking...about you..."