hehehe... thou who enter here...

Hi! Go away! Don't ask...

Okay, here is the thing, I, GlO'Ria Feather, have three personalities. One, As you see now, is called Glowwy. I am... god for sake it, ALMOST normal. I advse you to beware my other seves, O'ria the freaky hippy lady, and Negahick..lets just say he pantie are not the only thing twisted. Get The Heel out o here!!!

No!! Wait!! I'm ,here!!! Hi. I'm NegaChick. Not really. I hatye that name and I need a new one. If you didn't vote above, then I'm gonna get Violent!!!!

Vote yet?? I should hope so. You arn't any goodie two-shoes are you? If you are, ah heck. You can stay even if you are a goodie-two shoes. I'm Nega chick, like I said. Have you seen Flight yet? He is hot!! Anyway, I've got little time so Get back later!!

Ka-Tessa: This Page is run by Cleo, my pal from the Penalty Box