About me

About me! 

                    So,  you're interested in knowing about me...

                                    * My name is Karen 
          * In the Web I am sometimes known as Rachell (my second name)
                       * I have brown hair and light brown eyes
* Lots of people say I look like Zac Hanson only my hair is a different color
                            * I was born on April 29th, 1985.

                                         Band: Hanson
                            Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio and JTT
                               Actress: Alicia Sylverstone
                                          Color: Red
                       Food: there are so much to pick just one
                                           Number: 7
            Movie:  I like home alone, Wild America and lots of others
                                      Hanson:  Zachary
                                      Subject: English
                                 Book: Sweet Valley Series
                             TV Program:  Sweet Valley High

                                          Just Stuff

                                     * I like computers
                       * I like writting poems in my spare time
                        * I don't like school (Does anyone do?)
                     * I am in 8th grade (I didn't skip a grade)
      * I know english (duh!) Spanish and I understand some languages... 

                                        Scary moments

                * I got lost at Disney Wold when I was really little
                             (I can't remember more now...)

                                      Belive it or Not

                   * I went to school when I was a year and a half
                    * I used the computer when I was about 4 or 5

                               Well,  that's all for now...

Karen Rachel L.
