Lucy Visits Grauman's 10/3/55 Having only two weeks left in Hollywood, Lucy wants the souvenier to beat all souveniers: John Wayne's footprints in cement. Lucy, Ethel and Fred manage to pry them loose from Grauman's Chinese Theatre. When Ricky discovers the theft, he demands the slab of cement be put back, but before that can happen, it gets smashed.
Lucy and John Wayne 10/10/55 The saga continues as several attempts to replace the lost footprints are bungled. Lucy ends up giving John Wayne a massage (she is in disguise). John Wayne ends up giving Lucy a 6-month supply of his footprints.
Lucy and the Dummy 10/17/55 When Ricky refuses to dance at a studio party, Lucy rigs up a dummy that looks like him so she can dance with "Raggedy Ricky".
Ricky Sells the Car 10/24/55 Ricky sells the car they came to California in for more than he paid for it, and decides to return east by train. However, he forgets about the Mertzes!
The Great Train Robbery 10/31/55 With everyone finally aboard the train (Mertzes included), Lucy realizes she has left her purse behind with the tickets inside! Ricky goes to get the purse, but has not returned when the train starts to depart. Lucy pulls1 the emergency brake. (First of several times!) Lucy also runs across a jewel thief who is after a salesman's jewelry collection. Only she thinks the thief is an FBI agent, and the salesman is the thief!
Homecoming 11/7/55 Home again in New York, Ricky has become a star with much attention by all. After an interview with a reporter that tells Lucy that Ricky is "special and belongs to the world now", Lucy begins treating Ricky like a king. She does everything for him. So much so that it drives Ricky crazy enough for him to start acting like a spoiled movie star to snap Lucy out of it. *Lucy out of it.
The Ricardos are Interviewed ("Face to Face" or "Person to Person") 11/14/55 The Ricardos are due to be interviewed on a tv show Face to Face. Their agent suggests they move to a bigger, more glamorous apartment before the interview. Knowing the Ricardos don't want to move, the Mertzes pick a fight with them on purpose so they will move. Trying to be nice to each other during the interview, the Mertzes and Ricardos start another fight on the air!
Lucy Goes to a Rodeo 11/28/55 Ricky is unable to oblige when Fred asks him to perform at his lodge meeting due to what he thinks is a radio show. Ethel and Lucy lend their talents to the western-themed show though, and a good thing because Ricky learns that the "radio" show is really a "rodeo" show at Madison Square Gardens.
Nursery School 12/5/55 Ricky & Lucy argue about whether or not to send Little Ricky to Nursery school. He ends up going, but develops tonsilitis. Little Ricky has his tonsils out, and Lucy wants to stay all night with him at the hospital. When she is told she can't stay, she disguises herself as a nurse.
Ricky's European Booking 12/12/55 Ricky is going on an overseas tour with his band. Fred is joining Ricky as his manager. However, if Lucy and Ethel want to go, they must come up with their own money. They organize a raffle for the Women's Overseas Aid (themselves), with the prize being a tv. Their scheme almost gets them arrested! All ends well though, as a cruise ship offers Ricky free passage if he performs on the trip over.
The Passports 12/19/55 Unable to locate her birth certificate that she needs to get her passport, Lucy ends up locked in a steamer trunk.
Staten Island Ferry 1/2/56 Realizing he suffers from seasickness, Fred figures he won't get to go to Europe. Lucy advises Fred to try some new seasickness pills, and takes him on a trial run on the Staten Island Ferry. Fred does fine, but Lucy gets queasy! Naturally, she tries some seasickness pills too, which make her very sleepy. Asleep on the ferry, Fred and Lucy make five trips! Awakened, Lucy and Fred realize they have only 6 minutes to get to the passport office in order to get their passports in time for the trip. Trouble is, they can't get Lucy to stay awake long enough to sign hers!
Bon Voyage 1/16/56 Lucy misses the boat when she gets off to give Little Ricky one more kiss goodbye. She ends up being transported by helicopter and lowered to the deck of the ship.
Second Honeymoon 1/23/56 On board ship, Ricky must spend most of his time performing/practicing with his band. Wanting to spend some time with him, Lucy plans to kidnap him by locking themselves in the cabin. After she tosses the cabin key out the window to Ethel, Ricky surprises her by saying he has the night off to go dining and dancing with her. Trying to find Ethel to return the key, Lucy gets herself stuck in a porthole!
Lucy Meets the Queen 1/30/56 Lucy and Ethel try to make a guard at Buckingham Palace laugh. Lucy finds out that the Queen wants to meet Ricky after his performance at the Royal Palladium. Lucy gets into Ricky's act so that she too can meet the Queen. Her act goes well until the cramp in her knee (from practicing her curtsey for the Queen) causes her to mess up. Not being able to curtsey, Lucy is afraid she won't get to see the Queen, but the Queen wants to meet her!
The Fox Hunt 2/6/56 Jealous of the starlet that Ricky spent an evening with, Lucy wangles an invitation for a weekend fox hunt at a British estate for them and the Mertzes. Once there, Lucy finds out that the owner of the estate is the father of the starlet! A jolly good fox hunt ensues.
Lucy Goes to Scotland 2/20/56 Unable to visit her ancestors homeland, Lucy dreams about the MacGillicuddy's village. Lots of songs, and Fred and Ethel as a two-headed dragon.
Paris at Last 2/27/56 Two classic scenes in this one. Lucy ordering snails with catsup at a Paris cafe. The second when Lucy is arrested for counterfeiting, and Ricky tries to explain what really happened using a German drunk who speaks Spanish, and a french policeman that speaks German to translate.
Lucy Meets Charles Boyer 3/5/56 Lucy hires an actor to pose as Charles Boyer, not knowing he is the real Charles Boyer.
Lucy Gets a Paris Gown 3/19/56 Lucy goes on a hunger strike in order to make Ricky buy her a Jacques Marcel dress. Ricky buys the dress, discovers Ethel has been sneaking Lucy food, and returns the dress. Ricky and Fred design their own "Marcel originals" from burlap potato sacks, an ice bucket, and a horse's feedbag and give them to the girls.
Lucy in the Swiss Alps 3/26/56 The Ricardos are trapped by an avalanche in a mountain cabin.
Lucy Gets Homesick 4/9/56 Lucy misses Little Ricky on his birthday, him being 4,000 miles away, so she has a birthday party for the local children.
Lucy's Italian Movie 4/16/56 What more to say, the famous Grape-stomping scene!
Lucy's Bicycle Trip 4/23/56 The Mertzes bicycle from Italy to the French Riviera. All are allowed to cross except Lucy who has sent her passport on ahead with their luggage! Ricky and Fred go ahead to get it, but when they arrive, they can't open the case because Lucy has the key! Ethel is sen ahead with the key, and Ricky finally shows up with her passport. Lucy is also seen milking a cow in this episode.
Lucy Goes to Monte Carlo 5/7/56 Ricky forbids Lucy to go near the gaming tables. However, when Lucy and Ethel eat out, they do so at a casino. Lucy finds a chip on the floor, and innocently picks it up, placing it on a table. She wins 875,000 francs! Terrified that Ricky will find out, she hides it in Fred and Ethel's hotel room. Ricky finds the money and accuses Fred of embezzling.
Return Home from Europe 5/14/56 Having gone over the weight limit on their luggage, Ricky refuses to pay extra for a huge hunk of rare cheese Lucy is taking home to her mother. The cheese ends up dressed as a baby, and Lucy is it's not so attentive mother.