STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Please read the disclaimers from Chapter 1 Personal Assistant. It takes up a lot of data to repeat these disclaimers.




Perhaps the chief business of life

Is simply to learn how to love.

********Marsha Sinetar********




CHAPTER 5 – R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me.

Jessica stretched her full length. She hadn’t slept this well in at least a couple of years. For a moment she couldn’t remember where she was, and then the events of the previous day seeped into her consciousness. Somewhere in the house someone was cooking breakfast. Jessica could smell fresh bacon, and the comforting aroma of toasting bread. She decided to get up and shower, and see who was around this early in the morning.

On the other side of town, Kate was searching frantically for her wallet, to run down to the grocery store for supplies for her lunch meeting with Jessica Ryan. The boys were still sleeping, so she thought she would dash out and grab the groceries, and then come back and cook breakfast. Her head was feeling much better, just a little sore where the stitches were. Something though was bothering her. That scary dream she had the previous night kept coming back to her. Her nerves seemed to be on edge.

Kate bent over to pick her wallet up from the floor when someone grabbed her from behind. Without thinking she turned and in a fluid motion hooked her attacker’s arm, and slammed him into the floor. It wasn’t until she had her knee firmly planted in an extremely sensitive position that she realized that she had just dropped Michael Ryan.

Half smiling and half grimacing, Michael held his hands out in surrender. "Hey there, I have no question in my mind, that you are perfectly capable of protecting my sister. Now, can you help me get up? I need to ask you a favor."

Kate blushed a deep crimson. Reacting to the attack was such an automatic response, that Kate surprised herself. I have to watch that hair trigger of mine! "Michael! Gosh, I’m so sorry! I just . . . . reacted. I didn’t hurt you did I? Holy Cow, make noise next time." She fanned herself a few times with her hand. "Okay, I think my heart has stopped slamming. What’s going on? What can I help you with?"

Michael put his arm around her shoulders, and led her over to the sofa in the living room. "Listen, I’m worried sick about Jessie." He had Kate’s complete attention.

"Where is she Michael, what’s wrong?" Kate interrupted, a small tingle of fear sliding up the back of her neck.

"I’m not sure. Jessica called last night, and said there was some trouble. She said she was safe, but she didn’t want to let me know where she was. She did want me to let you know she would be here for lunch. I couldn’t tell, but I think something bad happened on the set. And I would put money on it that Gregory was involved."

Kate pursed her lips, and wrinkled her forehead in thought. "I know it really isn’t my business, but what is this thing with her husband anyway? It seems to me that there was definitely not any love, or even like involved in this relationship. Frankly, I don’t trust him, and I feel as though he intends to do more than mentally abuse your sister."

Michael thought about his response for a moment. He wasn’t sure how much he should tell her, but he had this feeling deep down inside that this petite little red haired girl was going to become much more a part of his family, and soon. Besides, he was already becoming a part of hers. He turned his head towards the room where Steven was still sleeping, smiling in spite of himself.

"Okay, but I’ll probably get killed if Jess finds out I told you. Back when we were kids, our dad lost his job, and he never did find another one. He started drinking, and the more he drank, the more abusive he got. Every once in a while mom would try to stand up to him, and he would slap her down. Injured her several times. Jessie was barely 10, and I was 8. We have another brother, but I haven’t seen or heard anything about him since that time." Kate stopped him for a moment, and went to pour a couple of mugs of coffee for both of them.

When Kate returned, she motioned for him to continue. She didn’t want to make him lose his train of thought. It seemed so strange, yet so comfortable to be sitting here listening to all of the secrets of her idol Jessica Ryan, and her family. Maybe it was the writer in her. That unquenchable need to absorb information. Or maybe something else. Something she couldn’t quite materialize.

Michael continued. "Anyway, dad got meaner and meaner, but he also started getting sicker. We thought it must be the booze, because his skin turned gray, and his hair started to fall out. He was disoriented a lot even when he wasn’t drinking. The abuse excelerated too. Until one day, one by one, we started to fight back. Jessie was first. She clocked him with a frying pan one day, when he grabbed her so hard he almost broke her arm. He was always very careful not to leave bruises where anyone else could see them. He wanted her to do something, that she didn’t like and she told him to leave her alone. That she would never do anything like that ever again. He grabbed her and slammed her into the kitchen counter. She reached back and slammed him with the pan. Then she grabbed me and we ran. We had built a special hiding place back in the woods behind our house. We hid there for hours waiting for him to show up. He never did, but our older brother Kevin finally came. He brought us food, and warm jackets and told us to stay there until someone came to get us. When he left we talked about how maybe Kevin was going to kill him, or maybe the frying pan killed him. We were scared to death. It was way after dark when our Aunt Jean came and got us. We never saw dad, mom, or Kevin again. I know Jessie knows more about what happened than I do, and she keeps telling me that someday she will tell me, but right now it’s better I don’t know. It frustrates the daylights out of me."

"Michael, I’m so sorry. What a terrible story. I’m guessing that Gregory must know something about what happened on that day, and is holding it against her. I know it’s hard, not knowing, but I also know she loves you, and is probably just trying to protect you. I promise not to say anything. It would probably hurt her feelings to find out that you told me. Poor Jessie! She’s been keeping all of this inside of her for so long. No wonder she’s in so much pain. We’ll have to take care of her Michael. It’s not right to make someone go through that. Not right at all!!" Kate was now clearly angry. She was going to do everything she could to be the very best assistant, and friend that Jessica Ryan, and Michael ever had.

Kate hugged Michael fiercely, and then sent him back to snuggle with Steve. Grabbing her keys, she dashed out the door, and jumped in the car to go to the grocery store and do her shopping. She never stopped thinking about all of the things she had just learned. Kate arrived at the grocery store, and spent at least an hour making her selections. She wanted everything to be perfect for her new friends. She paid for her groceries, and then went out to the car to load them into the trunk. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a limousine that looked strangely like the one that Michael drove Jessica around in. She was a little surprised, thinking that it must be Jessica arriving early. Kate got into her car, and backed out with the intention of beating them to her house.

For no apparent reason she started to feel a little bit nervous about the car. If Michael was sleeping at her house, and he had no idea where Jessica stayed the night before, then who was in that car. Maybe it wasn’t her car. There are lots of similar limousines in Los Angeles, no reason to believe it was Jessica’s. Except for the fact that the limo had just made a sudden turn into the grocery store parking lot, and was heading right for her. Kate took one last look into the rearview mirror. Staring back at her, was the license plate. It read 1TGHINK.

Spelled from front to back it meant KNIGHT1. That could only mean that she was being followed by Jessica’s husband, Gregory.

DAMN!!! Kate fumbled in her fanny pack, and pulled out her cell phone. Quickly dialing her home number, she maneuvered the car into the street, and drove in exactly the opposite direction from her house. There was no way she was going to lead that jerk home. For all she knew, he had already found out where she lived. But hopefully her luck was with her, and they had discovered another way to track her down. The phone rang several more times, when Steven’s sleepy voice answered it.

"Hello? Who’s calling please?" Steven yawned.

"Steven it’s me. Steven where is Michael? I need to talk to him right now!" Kate nearly shouted.

"Honey okay. He’s right here. What’s wrong?" Steven became immediately alert.

"I need to know if anyone called after I left. Someone’s following me." Kate sounded a little scared.

"What? Following you? What in Hades is going on?" Steve was shouting now.

"Kate, this is Michael. Someone did call. They said that they were from your agency, and they were going to stop by with the contract papers from Jessie’s office. I told them you were at the Ralph’s on Buena Vista. They must have tracked you there. I’m sorry, I didn’t think. I should have let Steve answer the phone. Drive to the nearest police station. Get out of the car, and head right inside the building. Don’t let them find the house, and don’t let them stop you. No telling what might happen if they catch you." Michael was frantic.

Kate took his advice. She kept them on the line, to have company while she was being followed. She took them on a winding, wild goose chase. They drove for almost 45 minutes, from city to city, in and out of traffic. Just when they thought they were close, they would pull up on her bumper, and honk at her trying to wave her over to the curb. She kept pretending not to hear them, or to act annoyed until the car pulled up into the lane next to her.

Kate had managed to make it as far as West Hollywood, and was slowly working her way into downtown traffic. The passenger lowered his window, and started waving at her to pull over. She flipped him off, and then gunned it down a side street. When she came out the other side, she turned right and pulled into the service yard of the local police station. She slipped her convertible into a reserved spot between two police sedans. Locking the door, she ran for the back entrance into the station house.

The short round officer standing inside the doorway spotted Kate, and tried to stop her. "Excuse me. Miss? Excuse Me!! You can’t park back there, and you can’t come in this doorway. Hellooooo. Miss? Yeah, you with the red hair? I said. . . ."

"Oh my god!" Kate breathed in relief. "Someone is chasing me in a large black limousine. They’ve been following me since I left my grocery store in Glendale. You have to help me." She pretended to start crying.

"Oh, wow, okay. I’m sorry. Listen come on up to the desk, and tell us what you know. It’s okay. We’ll take care of you, miss, you can bet on it." The officer suddenly transformed himself into super cop. "Right this way. Would you like some coffee? Or tea?"

He looked across the main hallway, bustling with activity, and spotted his Captain. "Yo, captain, I think you should hear this. Sounds like one of those prima donna actors or somebody has been harassing this young lady."

The captain came over, and taking her elbow, led her over to a chair in his office. Kate took the opportunity to take a peek out the window. She could see the long black stretch limo gliding very slowly down the street near the station. The captain looked in the same direction she looked. The familiarity in which he tipped his head in the direction of the car, did not get past her. The captain was obviously on Gregory’s payroll.

"Umm, listen, I think I’ll just be going now. It looks like I may have made a mistake . . . ." Kate muttered.

The captain smiled at Kate, and then picked up his phone. "Hi, Gregory, long time no see. What’s that? Ms. McKenna? Yeah, she’s here Greg, but she never mentioned your name. Something about a red chevy convertible cutting her off. I have her with one of the other officers giving a statement right now. Sure Greg, call me when you have time."

Kate breathed a deep sigh of relief. Apparently the two men were acquaintances, but not friends. She cautiously turned her gaze in the captain’s direction.

"So, I’m sorry I bothered you, Captain. You’ve been very kind." Kate tried sounding businesslike, instead of scared.

"Ms. McKenna? You haven’t asked me why I didn’t give you away. Don’t you even want to know what’s going on?" The captain still had his back to her.

"Well, I wasn’t sure if I should push my luck." Kate mumbled again.

The captain, a distinguished looking man in his late forties, smiled an absolutely open and honest smile at Kate. "You are definitely lucky Ms. McKenna. You are lucky you chose this station, and you are lucky I was here when you did. I’ve been investigating Gregory for several months now. It seems he is involved in some not quite legal ventures here in the city of dreams. Several officers both here, and at another of the stations, are periodically on Gregory’s payroll. I let him think that he has a hold on me, so I can get closer to his operation. He’ll stew for a while at missing you, but you can bet he tries again. I just hope I have enough evidence to bag him, before he does."

The captain was pacing, and stopped to stare her right in the eye. He was trying to emphasize how important this investigation was to him, and how dangerous it could be should Gregory find out that the captain wasn’t really on his side. Kate thought about how much to tell him, and then decided it could only be to her advantage, and Jessica’s if they had an ally on the force.

"Captain, how much do you really know about Gregory, or his wife Jessica Ryan?" Kate decided to play a cat and mouse game with him.

"Alright Ms. McKenna. I’ll play." He caught on quick. "Gregory is a small time hood, a scam artist, and an abusive asshole. I know he has taken a hand to his wife in the past, and I know he is blackmailing her. I just don’t know why, or for how much."

Kate considered her response for a moment. "I don’t pretend to know any of the details, Captain, but I do know that his threats against Ms. Ryan are getting worse. She told me about a situation that occurred last year on the set, and I haven’t seen or talked to her yet today, but something may have happened last night. She seems to have disappeared." Kate congratulated herself for being smart. Even though the captain sounded sincere, he could be using her for information. Like finding Jessica, and leading Gregory to her.

"I take it you don’t know where she is then?" The captain asked directly.

"No, and unless she was guilty of a crime, I probably wouldn’t tell you anyway. Your story sounds legitimate, but I can’t be sure. As her Personal Assistant, it’s my job to protect her. Completely! Now, I think we’ve said enough for the moment. I’d like to leave now if you don’t mind." She risked another glance out the window. The limousine was nowhere in sight.

"He is truly gone Ms. McKenna. However don’t underestimate his power and influence. Money can buy a lot more things than we give it credit for. Including people. I hope that you can find it in yourself to trust me Ms. McKenna. And soon. For the safety of all of you. If you need me, call the number on this card. I’ll do what I can." The captain tried to sound reassuring.

Kate accepted the card, and slipped it into the pocket of her pack. She thanked the captain again, and then slipped out the rear door of his office at his request. She ended up in the hallway, right near the door to the lot where she was parked. The captain had called the original officer that found her, and kept him busy on the phone while she made her exit. It seemed that the captain thought the officer might be one of Gregory’s playmates. He wanted her long gone, before anyone had figured out she had left. He knew she didn’t trust him. But in a strange way that made him feel better. It wouldn’t be good to trust just anyone in this situation. He just hoped that he could keep both Ms. McKenna and Jessica Ryan alive long enough to close this case. It would be a shame for Ms. McKenna to get killed simply because she was doing her job.

Kate walked as quickly as she could to the car, and pulled out, heading in the opposite direction than when she had entered. She appreciated the captain’s caution, but still couldn’t bring herself to trust him. Probably a good thing too. She barely knew Jessica, but what little she did know, was enough to convince her she had to help. She made the determination then that even if it meant she had to die trying. Whoa, I think I need to have my head examined. I need to talk to Laura, and soon!

45 minutes later, Kate pulled into her driveway, just in time to see a large black pickup truck, with an equally as large man behind the wheel. She couldn’t hide her relief at seeing Jessica sitting next to him. They were discussing something, and then the large man patted her on the head with his humongous hand, and then she kind of hugged him, and jumped from the truck. Kate had a moment of what she interpreted as jealousy seep into her heart. Not important McKenna! Ms. Ryan is an adult, and she has every right to spend her time with whomever she wished. As the large guy roared off down the street, Kate discreetly let herself in through the side door. She didn’t want Jessica to think she was spying on her.

Kate set her purchases down on the counter, and began the task of sorting through, and beginning the preparation for lunch. She was trying desperately to keep herself from dropping everything, and running into the living room, to see if Ms. Ryan was okay. Kate had decided that her ordeal was not that important. Important to the overall situation, but not enough to interrupt everyone, and make them feel sorry for them.

Kate took out her knife, and began slicing vegetables for a salad. To her utter surprise, she overheard Michael telling Jessica about what had happened to her. She realized that she had been so quiet coming in, that they didn’t know she was there.

"Jess, she sounded scared. Gregory and the goon squad were chasing her. All I could do was tell her to go to a police station and get help. We haven’t heard from her since." Michael sounded grief stricken.

"Michael, her car is in the driveway. She must have come in when you were letting me in the front door. We have to make sure she’s alright. Come on." Jessica was sounding worried now.

Kate set her knife down, and wiped her hands. She was preparing to head into the other room, when Jessica came bursting through the door into the kitchen. Without even thinking, she wrapped Kate in her strong, warm embrace, and hugged her tightly. Kate was surprised, but then the events of the last day or so took over, and she burst into tears. Jessica held her tightly. Stroking her hair with a light but comforting touch. Michael, who was standing directly behind his sister, decided that he could go and wait in the living room. Something was happening here, and it didn’t involve him.

Jessica realized a moment too late what she had just done. Almost stepping back, she decided that she didn’t give a damn. Besides, Kate needed her just now, and she needed Kate. If the tight grip around her waist, and the warm body in her arms meant anything, then she was staying right where she was.

A few moments later, Kate broke from the embrace, and mumbled something about being sorry, and needing a tissue. Michael miraculously appeared with a box of tissues in one hand, and Steven’s hand in the other. He handed out the obligatory tissues, and then was amused to notice that after Kate availed herself of the tissues, she discreetly slipped back next to Jessica, her arm lightly placed around her waist. Jessica, without missing a beat, wrapped her long arm around Kate’s shoulder, and pulled her in closer.

Kate tilted her head towards Jessica’s ear, and very quietly whispered. "Thanks, I needed that. I’m sorry I am not normally such a bold and out of control person. I guess everything finally got to me." Getting closer still, with the aid of Jessica’s arm pulling her in, she covered her face with her hand to whisper. "Do you think they’re staring at us or what?" Then directly to the men, she turned and smiling said, "Take a picture boys. It will last longer."

The whole group of friends started laughing heartily, the tensions of the moment broken into nervous giggles. All four people piled into a group hug, including the two cats Corky and Violet, who joined the party when their mother started crying. They were very sensitive about those things, and didn’t appreciate the interruption to their dream period. (Which was most of the time).

The group shyly disbursed throughout the kitchen, Jessica, Michael and Steven taking seats at the table, and Kate returning to her cooking. She had originally intended to cook breakfast for the boys, and then lunch for all of them, but the schedule had radically altered with her wild morning encounter with evil. Instead she put together the makings of a five star brunch. The only thing missing was the champagne. Kate opted for orange juice instead. Under the circumstances, they needed to keep their heads on. You couldn’t tell when they might be under siege again.

When the meal was ready, everyone assisted Kate in setting the table, and putting the food out. It was by mutual silent consent, that they decided to put off talking about what happened until after they had eaten. It never occurred to Kate to ask Jessica if she had eaten already today. Looking at the huge piles of food placed around the table, she was worried she had over done it.

Handing Jessica a glass of orange juice, she suddenly felt shy. "Umm, I hope I’m not over feeding you. I wasn’t sure if you were someplace, where you could get something to eat."

Jessica fixed Kate with her beautiful, clear blue eyes. She smiled widely, and placing her hand over Kate’s looked down for a moment at the wonderful meal placed before her. Swallowing, she tried to speak, and stumbled for a moment, a catch in her throat. "I . . . . I managed to choke down a piece of toast and some coffee. My hostess was not very happy that I wasn’t eating, but I just didn’t feel like it. Something in my bones told me there was more trouble. Now that I know you’re okay, I’m . . . . quite frankly famished. Please, sit down and eat with us. We’ll deal with the unpleasantries later."

Kate smiled shyly back at her friend. A warm blush creeping up her neck. The two men were quietly poking each other in the ribs. They both saw something happening, that neither woman would dare speak of. It was almost as if they said something, then what ever this wonderful thing was, that was swirling around them, might just disappear. Before it had a chance to hatch. Jessica shot a sharp, kidding glance at her brother, and then settled into the business of consuming the contents of her plate.

Kate had really outdone herself with this meal. In a very short time, she had eggs benedict, fresh fruit with honey yogurt sauce, and sweet banana bread on the side. Fresh ground coffee capped off the meal. By the time everyone was done eating, the boys both were letting out their belts. Jessica sat back for a moment, and slowly sighed. She hadn’t eaten this well in a long time. She had even made a mental note this morning as she looked in the mirror, that she was starting to look a little on the thin side. Starting to show some ribs where before there had been muscle.

"Why don’t you guys go in the living room, and Kate and I will clean up this mess." Jessica addressed Michael and Steven. "Just don’t get any ideas that we’re going to wait on you all of the time." Kate smiled warmly at the reference to "we" the actress had casually dropped.

It didn’t take twice for the men to get the message. They grabbed fresh cups of coffee, and scrambled out of the women’s way. Jessica started to pick up dishes, and stack them. Kate stood rooted to the spot. Jessica stopped for a moment and tilting her head, smiled.

"What’s the matter? Never seen an actress clear a table before? Heck you should see me clean bathrooms. I am as they say Da’ Bomb." She chuckled at her joke.

Kate blushed again. "I’m sorry. I guess I am just overwhelmed. So much is happening so fast. I just haven’t caught up to myself yet." A small tear escaped her eye again.

Quicker than lightening, Jessica was by her side. Catching the tear with her finger, she took Kate’s other hand in hers. "Listen I know this is insane. If you don’t want to be involved with me, or any of this garbage, it’s okay, I understand. The last thing I want to do is willingly endanger you in any way. I have a lot of sadness, garbage, and yes even a bit of evil in my past. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I felt that I was forcing you into something you couldn’t handle."

Kate leaned into Jessica, and laid her head on her shoulder. "You have no idea how much I want to be by your side. To protect you, and to be there when you need me. I even told myself this morning, that I would die for you. I’m at the same time, terrified, and exhilarated about being a part of your life. I am just so confused about my feelings. One moment, I wish I was ten feet tall and bullet proof. The next moment, I want to be held in your arms, warm and safe from all of the bad things in the world. Then I think about how stupid I am, and the fact that I just met you, or you just met me for the first time a few days ago. I must be insane. I definitely don’t want to be a burden to you. I want to do my job and do it well. Oh, damn, I don’t know what I want, or what the hades I’m saying. You must think that I’m insane."

"No, I don’t. Unless of course we are sharing the same insanity. I have a confession to make. I caught myself the other day thinking about you. And thinking about how a part of me felt as though I had known you for most of my life. I just feel . . . . so comfortable with you. But, my comfort is not important, if it risks your safety." Jessica turned away. Her sadness and regret becoming an ominous cloud in the room.

Kate immediately felt the loss. A sense of overwhelming despair settled over her, as though a part of her had been taken away. Choking back a new torrent of tears, she stepped back towards Jessica, and turning her resumed her position in the taller woman’s embrace. "Don’t. Don’t turn away from me. This has got to be the strangest job interview on record, but every time you pull away, or leave me, the pain becomes stronger. I don’t know what it is, but for the moment, just let me be here for you. Hell, I’ll work for free. Even if it means starving. I’ll make the cats get jobs, or I’ll make Steven dance at night to supplement our income. Just don’t shut me out."

Jessica couldn’t hold herself in check any longer. A trickle of her own tears mixed with Kate’s honest and unbridled revelations. No longer thinking about manners, or propriety, she bent her head low, and captured Kate’s lips in a deep and passionate kiss. All conscious thought disengaged itself and fluttered out the windows of their souls. Kate was so overwhelmed by the passion, that she returned the kiss. Her response was as though she were starving, endlessly, and suddenly she had been fed. The interruption of Michael’s voice coming from the front of the house brought them both back to reality.

Jessica broke the kiss, and then touching her forehead to Kate’s, called back out to Michael and Steven. "Sit down little brother. We have to finish cleaning the kitchen, and then we’ll be right with you." Kate giggled. The last thing she wanted to do right now was clean the kitchen.

Jessica clearly agreed with her. Her heart was pounding, and her knees were turning weak. Unfortunately her rational side took the wheel, and convinced her that this would have to wait. With a quiet groan, and a heavy sigh, she kissed Kate again, with promises of more later. Then she turned Kate around, and marched her to the sink. Kate suddenly turned shy again, and thinking that maybe she had done something wrong, she bowed her head, and began idly rinsing dishes, and loading them into the dishwasher.


Buried in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized she had stopped again, until a pair of warm lips grazed the skin below her right ear. Smiling at the warm shivers that ran down her spine, she reached behind her, and grasping Jessica’s hand, pulled her in closer. Kate had never felt like this before. The few times she had dated, had mostly ended in disaster. A trip to the bar, too many drinks, and a night of unsatisfying groping were about all the "romantic" memories she had. Except for one very bad experience, and that had convinced her that feeling this good was no longer an option for her. Right here, right now made all of her loneliness, and all of the waiting worth it. If she died right now, she would die happy.

Jessica nuzzled the top of Kate’s head with her chin. Her voice a soft, low murmur that tickled the edges of Kate’s senses reminding her that if they didn’t stay focused, they were sure to have company. "Are you ready to let them know what just happened? Or would you rather have time to think about it some more. There is no pressure here from me. Honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing anyway. I could have very well just sealed your death warrant, but I do know that something deep inside of me refuses to back away. I have never known such pleasurable feelings before. I do know that I want to know more of them. But only when you are ready."

Kate nodded her head, not looking back, and not speaking her answer. Her body language answered for her. She pressed back into her human shield, and turned her head slightly for another kiss. Then she quickly returned to the dishes. Jessica, blushing again, took the opportunity to finish clearing the table, and then kept herself busy by catching Corky, the bigger and friendlier of the two cats, and hefting her bulk into her lap. Kate was amused at the quick friendship that was born between her pet and her friend. Corky listened attentively, and meowed, and purred appropriately when called upon to comment. She finally crawled up on Jessica’s chest, pushing her head under her chin as though to say, "okay, you can whisper to me, and mommy won’t hear. I’m a good listener".

Kate chuckled. "I see she has captured you in her snare."

Jessica, so deeply involved in her conversation with the cat, hadn’t realized that Kate was finished with the dishes, and was leaning against the counter watching her. Embarrassed, she started to put the animal down, when Kate shook her head.

"Oh, don’t stop on my account." Kate giggled again. "If she feels slighted, the next time you need her she may not want to be bothered. She’s very specific that way."

Jessica smiled. Right now she could turn her back on her entire life, and her career, just for a lifetime of moments like this. It was almost magic. She kept expecting to wake up and find herself back in the terrors of her childhood, or suffering the abuse and humiliation that she regularly received from Gregory. So much to think about, so little time. She gathered the bulk of her furry companion into her arms, and then followed a snickering Kate into the living room to go over the current events with her brother and Steven.


 I have accepted fear as a part of life

Specifically fear of change—

I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart,

That says: TURN BACK! . . .

********Erica Jong********

CHAPTER SIX: By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!

Michael and Steven could hardly contain the amusement they were struggling with. They had just spent the last several minutes betting on how long it would take before the two women fell in love. Or at the very least like. Michael was daring. He was sure that it had already happened, and that by default he was the winner. Steven was more cautious. He predicted that it would take a few more days before anything major happened. He knew how careful Katie could be with her feelings, and he was sure that the pressure of work and her marriage would be a definite barrier for Jessica.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the two women. Jessica carefully settled herself into a comfortable armchair, at opposite ends of the room from where Kate was sitting. They were both unconsciously trying to pretend that nothing had happened. It was all business from here on out. Both men were bursting at the seams watching the display in front of them. Michael elbowed Steven in the ribs, and received a response in kind.

Jessica fixed them with one of her best "I'm going to kill you both" looks. "What's so funny. Just because I'm am wearing a living brooch on my coat doesn't mean it's not fashionable."

The incongruity of her statement made her blush, and the rest of them fell apart laughing. Jessica scowled at them again, and then waited impatiently until they calmed down. While she waited, she quietly whispered to the cat.

"Are you done yet? I want to know what happened this morning. I don't like the idea of Gregory chasing anyone, or threatening them because of me. This is serious." Jessica's revelation quickly squelched the nervous giggling.

"Umm, you're right. We had better get down to brass tacks here. We need to know what happened to both of us, and then decide how to proceed." Without much preamble Katie immediately became all business. She had trained for years for similar kinds of harassment, and threats that were being made, and she was ready to jump in with both feet.

The next thirty minutes or so were spent recapping both women's ordeals. Everyone was amazed at the fact that Deborah's family had involved themselves so readily in Jessica's affairs. Of course injuring a member of their family, while trying to eliminate Jessica didn't win Gregory and his goons any popularity points.

Jessica was especially concerned about Kate's ordeal that morning, and the fact that Gregory was so close to finding out where Kate lived. The last thing she wanted was for Gregory to find her, and attempt to harm her. Or use her for extortion.

"What would you think if we moved this entire operation to another location, say a security hotel downtown somewhere?" Jessica ventured forth with the question. Somehow she knew before she said it that she would be met with opposition.

Kate surprised her though. "I think you might be right. We would all probably be safer, if we weren't so easy to find. All he has to do is contact Diane, or one of his buddies, and soon enough we'll be found. With my luck, he'll probably blow the place up." This was met by a semi-terrified look from Steven.

Michael comforted his friend, and then added his comments. "I'll book the rooms. If you don't mind, I think we would get along better, if we weren't under each other's feet all of the time. I'll need to know if there is anything special anyone wants or needs for your temporary lodging." Kate asked if she could have a modem line. She wanted to be able to maintain contact with Laura.

They discussed further details, and then made plans to be safely in their new location by nightfall. Fresh cups of coffee were handed around, and then silence fell among them as they contemplated their collective futures. Jessica was at the highest risk, because of the responsibilities of her job. Kate refused to be locked away. She felt that her place was right beside her boss.

A heated discussion was about to ensue, when a loud knocking sounded at the door. Michael and Steven ducked behind the couch, while Kate dropped to the floor, and crawled to the small window that flanked the front door. Jessica got ready to cover her on the other side, when Kate carefully pulled the curtain aside just a tiny bit. Suddenly Kate was rolling backwards on the floor. She landed on her feet, and in one fluid motion she was in combat stance. The others visibly paled, expecting Gregory, and a group of gun wielding terrorists to come busting through the door, and fill them all full of lead.

Kate did her best to stay as straight faced as possible. When she could no longer contain herself, she let out a loud "HYAHHH!", and then grabbed the knob and threw open the door. Standing on the front porch, looking every bit as though she had been caught naked at the grocery store, was Diane, Steven and Kate's boss.

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!?!? Give me a heart attack or something. Honey! You scared the daylights out of me. What is wrong with you?" Diane was alternately yelling, and stomping one foot as she stepped into the room, and stopped each time to address Kate, who was laughing so hard she almost wet her pants.

Michael and Steven, were visibly shaken. They were certain that they were about to meet death. No one expected to see the devil in a blue dress and stilletos that came in the door. Jessica was the most bewildered of all. She hadn't realized that Kate had such a warped, and yet cute sense of humor. She caught Kate's eye, and then tilted her head, and smiled a half grin.

"I am so sorry you guys." Kate pleaded to her friends. "It was getting so intense in here, I thought I might loosen it all up a bit. I didn't mean to scare all of you."

"Honey, what has gotten into you? Geez, after the morning I've had, what with the office being torn apart and all, the last thing I need is to have you Hyahing, and scaring me half to death." Diane was still huffing and angry.

Jessica was the first to process what Diane had just said. "You said your office was torn apart? Tell us what happened."

Diane, always ready to be in the center spotlight, settled in to tell her story. "I got in around 9:00 this morning, because you know I see my yoga teacher before I come into work. Oh I just love yoga, and . . ." She paused when she got a collective glare from the group. "Okay, okay. Anyway, someone broke in through the door, by jimmying the lock, and basically ransacked everything. The only thing missing was Kate's personnel file folder."

Kate turned a sad look in Jessica's direction. Jessica wanted to reach for her, and hold her, but she wasn't sure if that would be appreciated given Diane's presence. Or her brother and Steven for that matter. After all, Jess, she may change her mind after this.

Steven was the first to speak. "Maybe we should start packing up and getting ready to leave here. There can't be much time before they find us."

Diane looked around the room, questions crossing her perfectly made up features. "Who's coming, and why are we packing? What don't I know here?"

Kate shook herself out of her shock and depair, and attempted to bring Diane up to speed. "So, you see, they are trying to use me to find Jessica. Apparently Gregory is trying to kill Jessica. We believe he may have some sort of Insurance policy on her that gives him everything if she is killed on the job. She was supposed to go and sign it today, but we decided that was definitely not going to happen. He needed my file, to find out where we live, to either locate Jessica, or find me."

Diane seemed to consider, and then process all of the information she had just heard. "Why would he want to find you? What if Jessica wasn't here if he came here. Why would he need to bother with you?"

Jessica stepped in this time. "It wouldn't be beyond Gregory to kidnap Kate and use her as leverage against me. He knows I wouldn't sacrifice her or anyone else for my problems. If I didn't go to him, he would torture, or kill her. The man is insane."

"Well, good thing he didn't get the information he was seeking." Diane said noncommittally.

All eyes immediately turned in her direction. "What do you mean he didn't get the information?" Jessica asked quietly.

"Oh, darlin', I'm sorry, I took the papers out, and mis-filed them when I sent the file out for copying, and loading onto a disk. I am trying to join the 90's with my filing. So far though, I have a long way to go to get caught up." Diane took on a look of deep regret.

The group looked around at each other, and breathed a sigh of relief. "That buys us some time. Let's get busy and start packing to go. Kate, I'll help you, and Michael you help Steven. Try to keep it light folks, and don't leave anything around that might lead them to us." Jessica decided to take charge of this operation.

Michael made the appropriate phone calls, and then he and Steve started packing a suitcase, and gathering some of the necessary business paraphenalia for Steven's job. They left first, planning to stop at Michael's place, and then go on to the hotel. In the midst of all of the activity, Diane decided to leave and take care of some other business. She promised to be in contact with them all later.

All that was left, was to take care of Kate and her belongings. Jessica lost track of her, and after a small search found her sitting on the back porch staring at the flowers. Kate didn't turn to see who was there when Jessica came out the back door.

Hesitating for a moment, Jessica reached to touch her shoulder, and then pulled back. "I don't bite, you know. I'm just trying to gather my thoughts together. This is all happening so fast, and I'm just a little shook up. I mean what about Corky and Violet?" Kate was softly crying.

Jessica smiled. So that was the problem. Piece of cake. "Kate? Do you actually think that I was just talking to Corky about my problems? I should say not. I told her to pack her bags, that mommy, Violet, Jessica, and Corky were going on a vacation. She thought it would be fun, but she wanted to know if we could leave Violet here. She said Gregory could have her if he wanted her, because the Corky could have all of the cookies to herself." Jessica held her breath.

Her imagination was soon rewarded. Kate jumped from her seat, and wrapped her arms around Jessica's neck, squeezing her tightly. "I just didn't know how you would feel, and I . . .I . . .I couldn't leave them. I couldn't. I was contemplating getting a gun, and barracading myself in here. I knew that was a stupid thought. But . . ."

Jessica placed her fingers over Kate's lips effectively stopping her sobs for a moment. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not leaving you or your babies to that bastard. If he harmed any of you, I wouldn't be able to control myself. No way, you're all going with me, or I am not going. And that's final."

Kate buried her face in the soft shoulder of Jessica's shirt. Her mind was spinning with all the things that were happening. Just three days prior she was a PA for an aging Diva, and now she was involved in a life or death situation, and she was rapidly falling in . . . well, maybe, just maybe, love. I think I'm losing my mind. I need to think, but I can't. Later . . . . . .

Kate took Jessica by the hand, and led her into the house. After making a preliminary trip through the house to determine what was important, and what wasn't they packed a medium duffle bag with Kate's clothes, and then another with kitty toys, and food etc. for Corky and Violet. Jessica busied herself with loading the bags and cat supplies into Kate's car. She was very proud of herself that she remembered the cat box, and all the various things that go along with that. She had never had a pet, but she knew the basics.

A very short time later, Jessica went in search of Kate. She was starting to worry again about allowing herself to fall victim to her emotions. Jessica had spent so much of her life hiding her feelings from the rest of the world, that she was starting to have doubts. Do I continue this? Am I wrong? I should just back off, and let her go. I'll end up hurting her or worse. I need to think. But I can't. I have to think. Later . . . . .

Kate was sitting at her desk downloading information from her PC to a laptop computer. Corky was sitting on her lap, while Violet was draped over the top of her desk. Jessica stood in the doorway for a moment, she was debating on whether or not she should go in. She almost felt like she did not belong in this picture. Maybe I can disappear before anybody figures out I'm gone.

Corky saw her first, and started meowing at her new friend. "Aren't thinking about taking off now are you?" Kate startled her out of her thoughts.

"No, I , no I." Jessica had a "deer in the headlights" look.

Kate turned, and smiled. Her look totally melted away any misgivings and fear that were building in Jessica's heart. Kate tilted her head and held out her hand. "I didn't know you could speak Spanish. No hay hmmm? Que paso? Muy malo, chica?"

Jessica blushed, and took the offered hand, her much larger hand completely wrapping around those delicate fingers. "No, I mean yes, I mean to say, that . . . well, I don't know what I'm saying. Stupid cat anyway. Does she have radar or what?"

Kate giggled, and stroked Corky's head. "Maybe she does. I think though, that she likes laying on your shoulder. Her primary focus is comfort, and she thinks that your shoulder is the most comfortable she's laid her head on yet. And, truth be told, I agree with her. She is a very sensible person, don't you think?"

The two women's eyes locked. Both gazes were unwavering. It almost seemed as though a curtain of energy had been lifted, and they were seeing each other for the first, or maybe the hundredth time. Jessica bent slowly, never losing her grip on those beautiful emerald pools. Touching her lips softly to Kate's equally as soft lips, she refused to break her gaze. Whether from fear of rejection, or fear of waking from a dream, she kept her eyes open and locked in place. Slowly Kate's eyes closed, a feeling of utter trust, and security wrapping her up like a favorite old blanket. Deepening her response, and flirting with the idea of throwing caution to the wind, Jessica stood back up, pulling Kate into her arms as she did. Both women felt as though they were moving through a warm pool of still water. Nothing around them mattered. Slowly Jessica extended her tongue, brushing along Kate's lips politely requesting entry. Kate responded immediately drinking from her partner's invitation like a hummingbird to a flower.

The fire slowly built in intensity. Jessica from a long practiced exile from happiness or personal pleasure, and Kate, a self-imposed restraint born by a need to succeed, and a deep fear brought by her brutal rape the prior year, and an inability to get close to anyone since she had been treated so horribly by someone she thought she cared about.

Hands began to move of their own accord, lightly touching, caressing each surface they touched. The phone began to ring, and went largely unnoticed so intense was the energy passing between the two women.

Suddenly the loud and evil sound, that could only be Gregory broke through the veil of passion that surrounded them. BEEP! "READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!! Be ready little rabbit. Big daddy's on his way. He's going to show you what a real man is like, and then you're going to take him to his bad girl wife. Act right, do what I say, and you'll come out of this only slightly damaged. Fight me, and I'll kill you. After I get what I want. Hard or easy, babe. It's your call. Toodle-oooo."

Quickly, but reluctantly they separated. Kate disconnected the laptop, and grabbed Corky, while Jessica grabbed the snoozing Violet. They both shoved their reluctant passengers into the cat carrier Kate had brought earlier from the garage. She silently promised them she would make up for it later. Running to the closet in her office, she grabbed a larger, heavy duffle bag. Jessica grabbed it from her has they hastened out the door to Kate's car. Kate carefully placed the cat carrier in the back seat of her car, and then indicated that Jessica should put the large bag back there too.

As they jumped into the car, Jessica began to fear that they would be too late, that they might not make it out of the driveway before Gregory arrived. As Kate started the car, and threw it into reverse, her cell phone rang. Digging in her fanny pack, she withdrew the phone and grazed the button with her thumb.

"Hello?" she said hesitantly. "Diane? What's going on? Where are you? You WHAT? Diane, don't get me wrong, I appreciate you looking out for us, but you might have gotten yourself killed. No, thanks, you're a real pal, you know that don't you? We'll see you later. Call first. If our cover gets blown, we'll be on the run again. Love you too Diane."

Kate hung up, and slowly dropped her phone back in her bag. Jessica's patience wearing thin, she couldn't wait for Kate to tell her what had just happened. "So? What happened? What's going on?" She sounded exasperated.

"Calm down. I'm thinking. Diane, Gods love her, but she can be real stupid sometimes, went down to the office building where Jackson Briggs' office is located. She had a feeling that if Gregory didn't find my information, the next stop would probably be Jackson's office. She was right. She stood around, waiting to see when they left, and called me immediately. She doesn't think anyone saw her, but she wanted to make sure we were gone." Kate slowed down in traffic now, the urgency to get away waning by each mile.

"If they're just now leaving Jackson's office, then it will be at least 30-40 minutes before they get to your house. That will give us a great lead, and time to get settled before I have to go to work." Jessica visibly relaxed.

"Oh, I forgot you still have to work tonight. Well, you're not going alone. Since I am now officially an employee, I expect to be in your general vicinity at all times. And there won't be any discussion about it either. Boy, now I am glad I brought my other bag along." Kate was thinking aloud.

Jessica almost started to argue about Kate going to work with her, but decided she probably wouldn't win anyway. Her thoughts turned to the heavy duffle bag sitting next to the surprisingly quiet cat carrier. "What's in that bag anyway? It was pretty heavy. And what's wrong with the cats? They're so quiet.

Kate shot a quick glance over her shoulder at the cat carrier. "Violet has a tendency to get car sick, and Corky hates it. Corky's probably bunched in the corner with her skirts up, praying that Violet holds it until we get there. Violet is just plain praying. Oh, and the bag? It's full of weapons. An MK-47 assault rifle, a Kendo Samurai sword, some throwing stars, a Glock 9mm revolver with a 90 round speed loader, and various other support items. I also have two flak jackets, and both a stun gun, and several pepper spray cannisters. Oh, and there's also rounds of ammunition for all of the guns. I hate guns, and actually I hate violence. But sometimes . . . ." Her thought was interrupted by Jessica's first gasp of disbelief, and then her nervous chuckles.

"Hades, don't ever let me make you mad. What are you doing with all of that stuff anyway? Is it yours? I mean like are you licensed to have all that stuff?" Jessica was blown away. Figuratively speaking of course.

Kate shot her a sideways glance. "I thought you read my resume'." She playfully admonished her friend. "I am a highly, and expensively trained killing machine. Each of those weapons were registered and given to me as I completed each phase of my training. I didn't ever expect to have a use for them, but I didn't want to leave them laying around. You never know who might find them, and to what end that would come. I just feel better having them with me. Besides, if we end up with a show down at the OK Corral, maybe we'll have a fighting chance."

Jessica turned her head so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. Her long dark hair whipped across her eyes, slapping her in the face. "Excuse me?" She stared incredulously.

Kate giggled at her reaction. "Don't worry. I could never shoot another living being, even if it was Gregory. But you have to admit, 5 feet 4 inches tall, wielding an MK-47 assault rifle is a pretty formidable picture. Besides, the vests might come in handy. Don't you wear a jumpsuit on your show?" Kate knew very well what Kendra Knight was regularly attired in. She knew every curve by heart. However, she was much too embarrassed to show the depth of her obsession.

"Hmmm, you know very well what Kendra Knight wears. Did you forget we were just standing in your office a minute or two ago?" Jessica was grinning slyly.

The thought hadn't occurred to Kate at the time, but now she was thoroughly embarrassed. "Oh, " she said quietly, "I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry. Actually if I could, I would crawl under a rock and die right about now. AUUGGHHHH!" She slapped the steering wheel with the palm of her hand.

Jessica let her have her moment, then reached over and took her free hand. "Hey, it's okay. Sometimes entertainers get so wrapped up in what they do, they forget the fans. And quite often, they are offended by the attention. I'm probably more embarrassed by it than you are. When you go through life being reminded about how to stand, how to look, how to act, constantly pretending to be someone else, and forever being taken advantage of by pond scum, it is hard to believe that anyone would be interested in you. Especially when you don't like yourself . . . .I guess I don't find what I do, or who I am very admirable. It's just a job. I . . . don't feel glamorous. I'm not sure I could be glamorous."

Kate looked out the side window, contemplating her response. "Well, I must say that's not the usual response I expect from an actress. However, I think you're underselling yourself. Just from my use of the internet alone, the fan response to you, and your show is overwhelming. And glamour? Not important to the average fan. I mean I'm sure there are those moments, when they do a photo shoot with you in evening wear, or whatever. But the actual photos that get the responses are when you are dressed down in casual stuff, and they don't have you layered in tons of makeup. My favorite is the Valentine's Day picture they took of you in the tuxedo. It was very . . . . hot. Besides, most of the people I talk to like you for your honesty, and your natural, friendly attitude. Even though, your "representatives" depict you as hard, cold, and a bear to work with. Diane told me you eat PA's for breakfast."

Jessica blushed first with embarrassment at the compliments, and then with anger at the way she was represented to the public. She was left without a response to either claim. She decided to avoid the issue for now. "So, did anyone ever tell you that you have a gift for gab? That's very admirable. I often have a hard time communicating with people. I guess it's just from years of training to keep my mouth shut and go unnoticed. Maybe that's why people think I'm so mean. But, really it's just to be invisible."

Kate stole a sideways glance at her. Jessica had such a sad look on her face, that Kate wished she could stop the car and just hold her. "Hey," she gave the hand she was holding a squeeze, "I don't think you're mean, and I never have. I don't trust anything anyone tells me about other people without meeting those people first. I learned a long time ago, to form my own impressions. It wouldn't be right to do otherwise."

Jessica pulled Kate's hand to her lips and kissed the back of it tenderly holding it against her cheek with her eyes closed. After a few moments, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of light crying coming from Kate.

"What's wrong? I didn't hurt your feelings did I? I wouldn't want to do that. I would rather die. " Jessica was deeply concerned.

Kate shook her head, trying to hold her tears in check. Taking several deep breaths, she forced herself to calm down. "It's just the feeling of pain, that I feel from you. It's not right. I want to hold you, and make it all go away. Mean people SUCK!"

Their discussion was interrupted by two simultaneous incidents. The traffic in front of them had ground to a sudden halt, and poor Violet couldn't hold herself in check any longer. She heaved twice, and then exploded in the carrier. Corky immediately began yowling. Kate looked apologetically at Jessica. She was sure that this whole scenario must really be making the actress sick. It's not every day you get to witness a carsick cat in rush hour traffic.

"Oh, Gods, I'm so sorry. That is so gross. If I had known we were going to travel today, I wouldn't have fed her. Poor Corky! She's probably standing on her tiptoes about now." Kate was stricken.

Jessica kissed the back of her hand again, and then much to Kate's surprise unfastened her seat belt, and turning in her seat reached for the cage, grabbed Corky first setting her on the seat. Then without removing Violet, she took the small blanket that provided the floor for the cage, and carefully rolled it up, effectively keeping its contents from spilling. Making sure that Violet was settled again, she closed the door, picked Corky up and turned back in her seat. Fastening her seat belt, she settled in for the rest of their ride, Corky quite smugly nestled on Jessica's chest, with her head under her chin.

Kate stared at her in disbelief. "You, uhh, you just . . . ." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"What? They were in distress, as were you, so I thought I could help. Is that okay?" Jessica smiled at her bewildered friend.

"Umm, yes, of course it is. I'm just, umm, well, surprised. All though I'm ashamed of myself for being so. Why would I think that just because you are who you are, doesn't mean you wouldn't take care of the cats. I should close my mouth while I'm behind." Kate turned her gaze back to the traffic, clearly embarrassed, for about the millionth time.

Jessica was thoroughly amused. Jessie, Jessie, Jessie! What do you think you are doing? Being happy. For as long as it lasts. Because I feel great.

Several more minutes, and Kate signaled to exit from the freeway. They managed to work their way through the busy traffic, and then before too much more time went by, ended up at the hotel.

Michael had chosen wisely. He had reserved cottages for them at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Each cottage has its own security system, and the management is very discreet, an protective of their guests. Many entertainers, and other wealthy people had stayed there, and more than once an irate husband or wife had tried to bribe, cajole, or threaten the staff into leading them to their spouses. Not once has a staff member ever given in. It was an unwritten rule, that they formed an inpentrable barrier against the outside world. Of course, you had to pay for the privilege, but it was well worth it to those who could afford it.

Kate had driven by here hundreds of times, and fantasized about staying in one of the cottages, or even the main hotel. She never would have believed that she would be going into hiding with her boss here. They pulled into the driveway in front of the lobby, and allowed the valet, and the bell boy to take charge of the car. The staff offered to take the cats as well, but Kate was reluctant.

"Tell you what, why don't we let them take the carrier, the blanket and the cats, and get everyone cleaned up and comfortable. Then when they're done, they can bring them over to the cottage. They'll take good care of them, and feed them as well. I promise, nothing bad will happen." Jessica tried to reassure Kate.

Kate looked at her pensively. "Okay, if you say so. But . . . . .we've never been separated, and I would feel bad if they were upset. If you think they'll be alright, well okay." She grimaced slightly at the thought of being separated from her best friends.

Jessica took Kate's arm, and followed the bell boy down the pathway to their cottage. Jessica gave the bell boy a tip, and then ordered a menu for room service. While she took care of business, she failed to notice Kate standing in the corner, looking bewildered, and out of place.

Quickly she crossed the room, and then stopped short of grabbing Kate and wrapping her tightly in an embrace. She correctly guessed that this could be part of the problem.

"What's wrong? Would you like another room? What can I do to make you feel better?" She realized she was babbling, but she didn't know what else to do.

Kate felt terrible that she hurt her friend, without really even trying. "Wait, I just . . ., I don't know what's wrong. I guess things are moving so fast, that I can't keep up. Yesterday, I meet you in the restroom of your agent's office building, and today I'm sharing a room with you in a luxury hotel. I couldn't even afford a towel from here, let alone spend the night. I mean. . . .I don't know what I mean. This is all so weird. Sit down with me here at the table. We need to talk about all of this." She realized she was babbling as well, but things were so crazy. She really wanted to be here with Jessica, but she didn't want to seem like a freeloader either.

Bewildered and confused herself, Jessica sat down in the chair that Kate indicated for her. "Listen, I understand if you want to back out of all of this. I mean, I've endangered your life, kissed you at least three times without an invitation, and basically thrown myself lock, stock, and dysfunction at you. This would make a great soap opera. I haven't even taken you to the personnel office, and set you up with any of the important stuff. Probably because I don't know what the important stuff is that I need to set you up with. There is always someone who takes care of everything. I'm surprised I get to go to the bathroom without an entourage. I never carry any money, or credit cards. The money I gave the bell boy was from Michael. I just sign the paper, and do my job. Somewhere, my money gets deposited, or invested, but where or how I don't even have a clue. Unfortunately Gregory takes care of a large part of that. . . . ."

Kate reached over and took Jessica's hand, effectively silencing her for a moment. "Hey, talk about gift of gab. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just feel like a freeloader. I mean I realize that in the classic sense I work for you now, but I feel bad. I should be paying for some of this. As far as endangering my life, well in the big picture, this is the most fun I have had in a long time. And the kisses?" Kate had the decency to blush right about now. "I think they did more to endanger my life, than Gregory and all of his sorry ass sheep. I just don't want you to think I am taking advantage of you. I feel like I better tell you about the depth of my fandom. I don't want there to be any secrets between us. And I want our friendship, and our working relationship to be as honest as possible."

Jessica considered everything that Kate had just said. She took a moment to stare deep into Kate's emerald eyes, and see if she could find any reason not to believe in her. Nothing came to mind. Nothing but honesty, and a great deal of passion. About herself, and her beliefs. Jessica could find no fault in those attributes. She stood up, and getting down on bended knee, responded in the best way she could.

"Kate, I don't have any qualms about our friendship or our working together. I've spent so much time being around people whose only goal in life is to literally suck the life out of you. I don't see you doing that. I would quit today, if it meant making a pathway for you in my life. I need you." She couldn't say anymore. She found herself choking up.

"Well, I still think I need to tell you about my hobbies. You see, and this is quite embarassing, but I, as well as several of my internet friends and acquaintances, well, we write." Kate began wringing her hands nervously.

"Yes, lots of people write to each other on the internet." Jessica was trying to help her along.

"No, I mean yes, they do. But this is different. We write stories. Lots of stories. They are called fan fiction. You know, like about your favorite TV show. See what I mean?" Kate looked at Jessica for any signs of recognition. Unfortunately none were coming forth.

"What kind of stories are these? By your reaction, I might think they were like about me, and my show, and me having sex with Deborah my costar, or you for instance or something." Jessica couldn't help it. She was starting to make Kate squirm, and she kind of enjoyed it. Someone at the studio had showed her a story about her a long time ago. She thought it was pretty amazing stuff, but the studio discouraged the performers from reading any more. They didn't want them to compromise the work that was already being done for them. She thought it quite flattering that Kate wrote stories about her. She just hoped that they didn't start including her private life. That made her stop and look at Kate for a moment.

Kate was now deeply embarrassed. It was beginning to seem like embarrassed was a good buzz word for this relationship. "Oh well, I guess you do read minds. Yeah, that's right we do write about Kendra Knight, and we put her into all kinds of well, situations. And yes, oh shoot, you do have relationships with your costar, and various villains, and especially with me. Oh GOD! I can't believe I just told you that. Kill Me Now!!!" Kate covered her face with her hands.

Jessica gave her a moment, and then burst into laughter. "Hey it's okay. I read a fanfic story a long time ago. I think it's great that it inspires people to bring out their creativity. I just have one request. Please don't go an start describing my private life, okay? That would probably freak me out. Other than that, knock yourself out. Heck, show me some one of these days. Even thought we are not supposed to read it, what they don't know won't hurt them. Now listen, I need to get off this floor, and eat something before work. What about you? Oh, and if it's too much for you, I'll sleep on the sofa. I don't mind, and I don't want you to feel pressured."

Kate held her hands out, and helped Jessica stand up. "I appreciate that. And thanks again for everything. I think you are probably the nicest person I have ever met in this business, with the exception of Lola. Of course she had her moments, but I forgave her. She was always trying to get me into bed. I never gave in, but she kept trying. It got to be a game. I will always love her though, you can put money on that." Without out thinking, Kate pulled herself into Jessica's embrace, and standing on her tiptoe's, kissed her lightly on the lips.

Jessica smiled warmly, and then held her tightly. She didn't want to spoil the moment by pushing the issue. They stood like that for several minutes, and then a knock at the door interrupted them.

Kate reluctantly broke the embrace, and waving Jessica back behind her, slowly peeked in the spy-hole, and checked to see who was there. Steven and Michael were standing outside the door, with the cat carrier, and both cats. Kate unlocked the door, and let them in. Releasing the cats from their plastic prison, she was delighted to see that they had been brushed, and bathed, and blow dried. The three B's. She gave each of them a hug, and then turned them loose to explore the cottage. Jessica had already busied herself setting up the cat box in the bathroom. That still blew Kate away. An actress setting up a cat box.