by Robin Norwood
Twice daily, for three minutes at a time, maintain eye contact with yourself in a mirror as you say out loud, "(your name), I love you and accept you exactly the way you are."
This is also an excellent affirmation to repeat out loud to yourself while you are in your car alone driving, or silently whenever you are feeling self-critical. One cannot hold two thoughts at the same time, so replace your negative statements about yourself, such as, "How could I be so dumb?" or, "I'll never get this right," with positive affirmations. Repeated diligently, positive affirmations actually have the power to cancel out destructive thoughts and feelings, even when the negativity has been going on for years.
Other affirmations that are short and easy to remember, and which can be used in the time you spend driving, exercising, waiting, or simply holding still, follow:
I am free of pain, anger, and fear.
I enjoy perfect peace and well-being.
In every aspect of my life,
I am guided to my highest happiness and fulfillment.
All problems and struggles now fade away.
I am serene.
The perfect solution for every problem now manifests.
I am free and filled with light.
If you have a belief in God or a higher power, make that belief as important as your affirmations:
God loves me.
God blesses me.
God is working in my life.
The serenity prayer is one of the best affirmations possible when said thus:
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
(Remember, you cannot change others; you can change yourself.)
If you do not have a belief in God you may be more comfortable with an affirmation like the following:
All things are possible through love.
Love is working in me to heal me and strengthen me,
To calm me and guide me in peace.
It is important that you also make up your own affirmations. Those which feel and sound exactly right to you will work best for you, so practice some of the ones listed here until you are ready to design your own 100 % positive, unconditional, fully validating affirmations, tailor-made by you, for you. Do not create affirmations such as, "Everything works out perfectly between Tom and me and we get married." The "and we get married" may not be the perfect solution for whatever goes on between you and Tom. Leave it as, "Everything works out perfectly," maybe adding, "for my highest good." Stay away from demanding specific results. Simply affirm yourself, your life, your worth, and your wonderful future. When you make affirmations, you are programming your unconscious to become willing to let go of the old patterns and move into new, healthy, joyous, and prosperous ways of living. In fact, that's not bad as an affirmation:
I release all the pain of the past
that are mine to claim.