Katie Flies to Friendly Cove (Yuquot) - September 1999
On September 15, 1999 I was hired to go up in a float plane to photography the MV Uchuck III on it's last trip of the season to Friendly Cove. I waited at the Air Nootka base for final instructions and right up until the last moment we weren't sure if the fog would clear. The fog thinned out and we took off around 11:00AM from Gold River harbour. Jerry West (my boss at the paper, sort of) arrived just minutes before we took off and shot a couple of photos of me and the one on the left is my favorite.
It was a beautiful day and my pilot Grant and I flew out to where the MV Uchuck was making it's way towards Friendly Cove. We circled around the ship and I took pictures from all kinds of angles with different lighting. Good thing I took a bit of Gravol earlier in the morning...with all the manuevering, I'm sure I would have been sick. It was a smooth flight...but I am prone to motion sickness.
We followed the Uchuck taking many photos along the way and then flew ahead to Yuquot (Friendly Cove) to wait for shots of the ship arriving at Friendly Cove.
Grant dropped me off at Friendly Cove and kindly helped me ashore with my gear. I was riding the Uchuck back to Gold River to continue photographing the people on board and the crew at work.
It was a fabulous day and a wonderful experience.
MV Uchuck III: Information about trips, schedules and rates.
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