Hello! Here's part 1 of my first posted Gundam Wing fanfic. It is an anime romantic comedy/friendship/love triangle...er, polygon/idol story/drama in the tradition of Marmalade Boy, Mint na Bokura, Kodomo no Omocha, Kimagure Orange Road, etc. This fic is about the Gundam Wing characters but is not set in the GW universe; itıs a different story entirely, taking place in Japan right now. Enjoy! =) This fic is does not contain yaoi or hentai. It can contain shounen ai ideas if you want it to (see Notes). Notes: 1) This fic was designed for fans of yaoi or non-yaoi fanfics to enjoy. Itıs a love triangle story, but Iım deviating from the usual habit of these type of series in that you know off the bat who the main character ends up with. That is NOT the case in this story, and until the end you donıt know who anybody else in the fic ends up with either. I think itıs more suspenseful this way, and will make the story more enjoyable for fans of any pairing. Just imagine it how you want, because nothing will be in cement until the final chapter, which I hope will be a long way from chapter 1. ^_^ 2) All of the charactersı nationalities in this fic are Japanese, with the exception of Duo, Wufei, & Meiran. Pretend with me, okay? They donıt look Japanese, but most anime characters donıt anyway. 3) All Japanese words used in this fic are translated into English after the story for your reference. 4) Pretty much all major characters from the TV anime will be coming into this story. Please be patient for those who don't appear in this chapter. Thanks! -Stephanie Junshin na Kare (Innocent Boyfriend) A Gundam Wing Fan Fiction by Stephanie Taylor Dedicated to Midori OPENING THEME Toku ni kirameku Yume o mi ageteru bakari da to Jibun no ibasho o Mi ushinattari mo suru sa Yozora wa mugen no hoshi o Kira kira kagayakasete Kizuitenai dake Kimi no kokoro to onnaji If you are always looking up at a dream Glittering in the distance You just might forget where you are now. The night sky makes the infinite Stars to sparkle Without being aware of it. Your heart is the same way. Dareka ga soba ni iru to Minna hambun ni naru We are only half ourselves When someone is standing beside us. Kanashii koto mo nayamigoto de mo Fushigina kurai hagemasareru yo It's mysterious how sad things and worries Can encourage us onward. Shinjite goran mahou ja nakute Kimi no yasashisa wa subete no chikara Boku wa I'm your friend Please believe. It's not magic. It's your kindness that holds all the power. I'm your friend. Dear Daiki, Itıs the start of my first summer without you. We just got settled into the new house. The town is quaint and fairly small; Iıve never seen anything like it before. All of the houses are spread apart and sort of surround a pretty lake. Youıd never know this was Japan. Well, itıs not Tokyo and not what Iım used to, but itıs very scenic. Say hi to everyone for me and give them my phone number. Okaasama wants me to go out to explore the area (or rather, get me out of the house for a few hours while she finishes arranging the kitchen) so Iıll end this letter here. Iıll write again once I find out more about the place. Always remember, Iım your friend. Sincerely, Quatre Episode 1: The Start of Summer! ³Iıd Love to Be Your Friend.² Quatre Raberba Winner folded a sheet of sky blue paper and slid it into a waiting envelope. He stood up from the desk and took a survey of his room. Yes, it was looking good. Two flowers in a glass vase on his hardwood bed stand, a poster of a violin resting on a piano placed carefully over his bed, a small animal cage on the floor in one corner, a wall scroll on the long wall, and his romance novels lined up on the bookshelf. The room didnıt have a particular theme, but it was almost like Quatreıs old room, so he was pleased with the results of his three hoursı work earlier that morning. Quatre kneeled down beside the metal wire cage and unlatched the swing-up lid. A slight rustling was heard coming from the wooden nesting box. ³Tomo-kun, how are you, boy?² Quatre lifted the lid of the box and carefully scooped up a palm-sized flying squirrel. For a moment the little creature blinked at him with large black eyes, and then it shinnied up Quatreıs arm to sit on his shoulder. ³Tomo-kun, youıre such a cute baby,² Quatre couldnıt help crooning. ³Iım going out soon. Just wanted to say good morning. Iıll see you later, okay?² ³Chu,² Tomokazu chirped back. Quatre laughed. Darling little animals always seemed to make him act silly. He lowered his friend back into the cage, and blew him a kiss as he left the room. The fifteen-year-old softly walked downstairs. From the delicate chime of chinaware being moved about he knew his mother must be sorting and positioning dishes in the kitchen cupboards. ³Oi, Quatre,² came a voice from the living room. ³Are you off to the post office?² ³Oniisan.² Quatre greeted his older brother. ³Yes, Okaasama wants to get me out of her hair so Iım going out. What about you?² Zechs turned from watching the TV, smoothing out microscopic winkles in his t-shirt. ³Iıll be going in a minute. This showıs almost over. Could you mail a postcard for me? Iım entering a sweepstakes to win a car.² ³Of course I could.² Quatre closed his eyes and smiled. ³Now donıt loose it.² ³I wonıt. I know how to get to the post office and Iım going there straight.² ³What are you mailing? Aa. Could it be.... a love letter?² ³No. There isnıt anyone I like. Iıve told you that a hundred times. Itıs for Daiki.² ³Hm. See, I told you it was a love letter.² ³It isnıt! Heıs my best friend.² ³Or so you say.² ³Quit teasing me.² ³Oh, but youıre so much fun, Quatre. Blushing madly whenever anyone talks about love. Or relationships. Or -² ³Please just give me the postcard.² ³You spend so much time reading those books of yours that you donıt try to find romance in the real world. But then again, maybe thatıs for the best. After all, anyone who sees my beauty wouldnıt fall for you, now, would they? Itıs unfortunate, but lifeıs not fair....² ³The postcard, please?² Zechs dug the card out of his jacket pocket and after handing it to Quatre the younger boy stepped out the front door. ³Iım leaving!² Quatre said as always. ³Come back safely,² Zechs returned in the essential tradition. Quatre caught the earnest look on this brotherıs face and felt that the sentiment wasnıt said purely out of habit. Quatre left the post office and started walking down the main road in town. He tucked his city map into a jeans pocket and pondered his situation. Everything here was different from what he knew. Trees and woods surrounded him instead of apartment buildings and skyscrapers. It was quite picturesque really. The teen had already decided to take a stroll along one side of the lake before heading home. However, a beautiful forest was coming up on his left so he deviated from the main road. It was such a romantic place, Quatre thought, looking upward at the sunlight gently filtering through the trees. He could almost feel the moss underfoot through his tennis shoes. He paused to gaze respectfully at a cheerful little stream before heading on. ³Kusooooo!² Quatre stopped his casual stroll abruptly when he heard a yell coming from the direction of the residential area. Quatre silently hurried to see if somebody was in trouble. He pushed aside some low branches and found himself staring right into the violet eyes of someone about his own age. They stood frozen for a moment, nose to nose, until Quatre backed away. ³Excuse me,² Quatre apologized. ³I didnıt mean to get in your way.² ³No problem!² The other boy put two hands on his hips and grinned. ³Maybe you could help me out, though? I just dropped my colored pencils in the water over there but Iım wearing borrowed clothes so I canıt get them wet trying to fish Œem out, you know?² The boy ran a hand through his brown bangs and then offered the other to Quatre. ³Iım Duo. Nice to meet you! Howıd you get here?² Quatre shook his hand and smiled. ³Iım Quatre Raberba Winner. My family just moved into town over that way yesterday. We used to live in Asakusa. Iım just taking a walk and Iım glad to be of aid.² Duoıs eyeıs widened. ³Cool. Youıre sure polite,² he replied, winking. ³Youıll notice as you get to know me that Iım a real hang-loose kind of guy. Iım pretty cool myself, so Iım sure we can get along.² ³Oh, Iıd love to be your friend,² Quatre offered. Duo stopped to looked at the blonde for a moment, trying to figure him out. ³Super,² he told him. ³The pencils are down there.² ³Was it you who was yelling a minute ago? I was wondering if someone is in danger or something.² ³Aa, you heard that?² Duo shrugged. ³Heh, yep. Those pencils cost 100 en each. I was dumb to drop them all like that. They were in this pencil holder I had on the ground next to the water but it tipped over. Iım workinı on a sketch.² ³Of the brook? How lovely.² ³Hei hei, I canıt draw masterpieces. This place is just shady and sorta secluded so I draw here. I do fanart of anime.² Duo turned to lead the way the short distance to the waterıs edge and Quatre started. The other boy had a long braid trailing down his back past his waist. Quatre hadnıt seen anything like it before. Not on a male, that is. Duo paused. ³Something wrong?² Quatreıs face turned a light shade of pink and he tried to smile nonchalantly. He was afraid it was turning out more like a goofy grin, although why he was feeling slightly embarrassed he couldnıt tell. ³No, nothing really,² Quatre responded. ³I just didnıt notice how long your hair was Œtil now. Itıs very pretty.² Duo raised one eyebrow. Quatre felt flustered. ³What I mean is, itıs rather becoming on you. No, that is -² ³Thatıs fine. I get the jist. People used to comment, but Iıve been here a few years now and after a month or two, you get to know everyone in the community. Heh, whether you want to or not; weıre that tiny. This way.² The two boys leaned over the greenish water. The stream Quatre had come across earlier widened and emptied into a small pond. Quatre sighted some rods of color under the water and, hiking up his jeans as much as possible, he retrieved them without getting too soaked. ³Thanks a lot!² Duo exclaimed, gathering the beloved pencils in his hands. ³Come here, you can take a look at my art. Not that I show it to everybody, but I owe you something at least for rescuing these babies for me. You like anime?² ³Definitely.² Duo dropped himself onto the grass and pulled up his sketch pad. Quatre settled himself beside the artist. ³If you donıt mind, Iım just gonna let you see some of the newer stuff. Not that you have much of a choice, huh? Anyway, the early pictures arenıt too good. Suffice to say Iıd be mortified if anyone saw those scribbles.² Quatre watched captivated as Duo started turning the pages and remarking on various drafts. ³Donıt think Iım abnormal or anything, but I thought Ranma 1/2 was kinda cool just Œcuz heıs got a braid, you know? But the show was sorta slapsticky, I donıt know. So thatıs supposed to be Akane and Ranma. Boy, the armıs too small in that one. I never go back and fix my old work. See, each oneıs dated so I can see how Iım progressing.... or if Iım progressing, I guess. You seen Beruseiya no Bara? Thisıs Oscar. Sheıs a girl, not a bishounen. She just dresses like a guy. She was before Utena. That show was sorta like inspired maybe from BeruBara; Iıve got an Anthy & Miki picture somewhere in here....² ³Oh, thatıs stunning, Duo,² Quatre commented, pointing at an Escaflowne group drawing as Duo flipped past. ³You like Esca? Itıs the best, donıt ya think? Well, one of Œem. What kind of anime do you like most?² ³Well, I like seishun romances.² Duo stopped whipping the pages for a second. ³Hm? Interesting. Pardon me for sayinı so, but I just wouldnıt have imagined you liking ecchi.² Quatre froze for second. ³Aa, no. Um, see, I like romances. I donıt watch.... e.... e.... ecchi.... very often. Thereıs a number of good programs that arenıt ecchi.² Quatre paused. He was talking about ecchi with someone heıd just met! ³And some of the ecchi series arenıt ecchi the whole way through or anything, just hardly,² he continued, rubbing his hands together. ³I donıt.... really..... look at those scenes much.² ³Sure, Iıve gotcha. Donıt be shy. I like mecha series and sentai, but everything, really. Yeah, Iım an all-around otaku. Oh, here we go. I knew there was an Utena picture. I like Miki and Anthy. Too bad they didnıt end up together. Did you watch that?² ³No.² ³Iıll loan you the LDs. But see this sketch? Itıs of Rurouni Kenshin. Now thatıs a great show.² Quatre gazed at the page respectfully. He moved his legs in front of his chest and wrapped his arms around them. ³Duo?² he asked. ³Hm?² ³Are you Japanese?² Duo laughed and stretched out his legs in front of him. ³Oh, you could tell Iım not, huh? Nope, Iım totally American. My momıs English and Scottish and German and about 20 other things. I forgot what my dad is.... cultural melting pot descendants, both of Œem. We lived in California until I was 10.² ³Thatıs so interesting. Iıve never been to the United States.² ³Oh, itıs great. Southern California, where I lived, has a nice climate and you can buy Japanese stuff there.² Duo shrugged. ³Iıve liked anime since I first saw a dubbed TV show airing on American TV. I was so psyched to move here.² ³Thatıs amazing,² Quatre replied. ³Iıve lived in Japan all my life, but I didnıt really get into anime fandom until last summer.² Duo tossed the blonde boy a crooked grin. ³Weirdo,² he said. ³Oiiiiiiiii, Duo!² The two boys spun around to see two girls on bicycles riding toward them. Quatre wasnıt expecting that and promptly bumped into Duo, who consequently nearly fell into the stream but hastily grabbed onto Quatreıs shirt to hold himself up. ³What are you doing, Duo?² one of the girlıs voices rang out as she slowed to a stop. She hopped off the bike and looked down at him, eyebrows high in question. ³Nothing. It was him.² Duo jerked a finger at Quatreıs head. ³Iım sorry. I didnıt mean to push you.² Quatre quickly pried Duoıs other hand from his shirt and rose to nod at the girls. ³This is Quatre,² Duo introduced. ³He just moved to town. This is Relena.² ³Relena Peacecraft,² the girl supplied. She flipped her dark blonde hair over one shoulder and gave a slight curtsy. ³Nice to make your acquaintance.² ³What the -?² Duo demanded. He shot a look at Quatre. ³Sheıs not usually this formal.² Relena smiled. ³I am too, when Iım in the presence of those worthy of my civility.² Duo shrugged. ³Hei, I didnıt do anything to you.² ³No, you didnıt. I just like to give you a hard time once in a while.² She winked. ³Iım touched,² Duo replied dryly. ³Duo?² a second voice interjected. ³Introductions seem to be in order.² Quatre sighted the other girl who was leaning her bicycle against a tree trunk. She straightened and walked over to them, grinning cheerfully. Her dark hair was mostly hidden beneath a deep rose-colored hat, but her eyes were sparkling and her mouth almost had a laugh on it. Quatre thought she was charming. ³Iım Hilde. You are?² Quatre gave his classic closed-eye smile. ³Iım Quatre Raberba Winner. Iım very pleased to meet you. And you,² he added, turning to shine his smile at Relena. ³I donıt mean to be forward, but.... I seem to recognize your face from somewhere. Perhaps Iım mistaken.² Relena chuckled and Duo took it as an opportunity to explain for her. ³I bet you have,² he agreed. ³Wouldnıt you know the second person you meet in town is our most famous resident. Ojousan was a supporting role on a short-lived TV drama called ŒToe Shoesı. It just ended production a few months ago and now she might get a new part in something else.² Hilde placed her hands on Relenaıs shoulders. ³Yes, Relena-chan is really talented. Sheıs also -² Hilde stuck out her tongue playfully, ³- my best friend.² Relena raised a palm to her face in mock bashfulness. The girls giggled. Duo impetuously twirled on his heels and stomped to the creek. He proceeded to glare into the lapping water. Quatre hesitantly took a step toward him but Hilde rushed past him, and, from behind, swung her arms around the angry boy. ³Iım sorry, sorry!² she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. ³Youıre my best friend too! Seriously, I wasnıt being mean or anything. Forgive me, okay?² Duo pouted for a minute and then relented. Quatre had never had friends like these before. Duo walked back awkwardly, Hilde still hanging from his neck. She waved at Quatre. ³Good to meet you,² she told him. ³It seems youıre Duoıs new best friend too?² ³Um-² ³Yep!² Duo affirmed. ³Quatre and I are so close now. ŒCuz.... I let him see my drawings.² Duo gave an all-knowing look to the girls. ³You didnıt!² Hilde demanded to know. ³You donıt let anybody look at those. You didnıt let me look at them until I knew you for weeks! Now Iım hurt. Okay, Iım kidding. But can I see your new ones?² ³Mmmm...... nope, you canıt,² Duo answered. He loudly whispered toward Quatre, ³A girl likes it if youıre standoffish.² ³Duo, I do not! Come on, letıs have the sketch book.² Hilde hurried to pick it off the ground. ³Hilde, I donıt mean to intercede,² Relena spoke up, ³but you might want to comply with Duoıs wishes. If you take a peek without permission, youıre dead meat. Heıs a violent youth.² ³A violent youth?² Duo mouthed at Hilde with a quizzical expression. ³Whereıd she get that?² Relena caught a glimpse of this and conceded. ³Well, you never know. He seems like he could kill a person.² Quatre gave Duo a once-over and tried not to appear unnerved. Duo scoffed.... and then pretended to go after Relena with a bladed weapon. ³Hahahaha! Iım after your blood, beautiful Ojousan!² he cackled. ³Come to Duo, the Shinigami!² Relena shrieked, dropped her bike, and ran circles around Quatre and Hilde, the latter who was laughing. Relena was laughing too. She was the only person Quatre had seen who could laugh and shriek at the same time. ³Enough, enough already!² Hilde cried after a few minutes. ³Duo!² Quatre grabbed onto his sleeve to slow him down. However, Duo had too much momentum to equal Quatreıs strength and he spun out of control and directly into the stream. ³Kuso!² Relena stopped shrieking and Hilde stopped laughing. ³Why Duo!² the navy-haired girl said incredulously as he stumbled, dripping, out of the water. ³Duo....!² Duo shrugged his shoulders and tried to wring out his braid. ³Duo Maxwell!² Hilde sputtered. ³Youıre in for it! Thatıs my best shirt, you idiot!² Quatre felt a large sweatdrop slide down the back of his head. Hilde frowned. ³Okay, youıve gotta pay me back for it. Whereıs your wallet?! And give me back my shirt! Take it off! I canıt believe youıre this irresponsible.² Hilde grabbed at Duo, yanking at and unbuttoning the shirt. ³Hei, stop it!² Duo protested, doing his best to shove Hilde off of him but at the same time keep his clothing intact. Relena sat down on the ground, watching the unusual spectacle with some interest. Quatre found that to be a good idea and sat down next to her. When Duo promised to pay for the shirt Hilde gave up. But not after convincing him to wash it for her and return it the next day. Duo soon struck up an animated argument with Relena regarding which of them was more violent in general. Quatre turned to Hilde and was a little surprised to see her gazing at his face intently. She smiled shyly. Quatre thought it a bit humorous as she had been yelling reprimands the minute before. ³Quatre-kun? Would you walk over there with me for a minute? Please?² Hilde motioned toward her bike, which was a few yards away. ³Sure. Um, why?² Quatre got to his feet and followed her, feeling a bit nervous for some reason. This always seemed to happen when he talked to girls. ³Oh, itıs....² Hilde stopped her even stride beneath a maple tree. She lowered her head slightly. ³You see, thereıs something that Iıve been wondering about lately. I hadnıt found someone right to do it with before, but I just noticed youıre.... perfect.² Hilde looked up at Quatre from under long lashes and his nervousness increased. ³Yeah. Just.... stand there,² she told him quietly. ³And close your eyes?² Quatre found himself complying, but a hundred thoughts were flooding through his mind. He wasnıt even sure why he was going along with this.... He could hear Hilde rummaging in a pocket for a moment, and then he sensed her step closer to him. And closer. Then her breath was on his cheek. Just then a loud noise erupted in Quatreıs ear and his eyes flew open. Suddenly his brain registered. It sounded like a gunshot. To Be Continued ENDING THEME EVERYBODY, NICE! EVERYBODY, NICE! ashita no kagayaki wo shinjiteru EVERYBODY, CHANCE! EVERYBODY, CHANCE! kono te ni tsukamaeyou CARRY ON Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice! Believe in the shining of tomorrow. Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance! Grab onto my hand and carry on. kata wo butsukete surechigau nido to aenai oretachi jibun kattena yarikata de ashita wo sagasou We who just bumped shoulders and brushed past each other Each in our own way, we'll search for tomorrow. itsuka aerusa omae ga sagashiteiru yume ni kaze ni sakaratte toozakaru sono senaka ni GOOD LUCK & GOOD BYE We'll meet again sometime in the dreams you're searching for as you face into the wind and I see your back becoming small in the distance Good luck & good bye. PREVIEW ³Iım Quatre Raberba Winner. My new friends I met in the forest are an unlikely group. Duo says I should audition for a summer musical with Relena. Iıve never been in the spotlight. What should I do? Hilde got a little too close to me for comfort. What was happening? And a mysterious destructive boy is suspicious.... ³Next time on ŒJunshin na Kareı! ŒEpisode 2: Quatreıs Decision. Can I Act Alongside Semi-Professionals?ı ³Please stay tuned!² JAPANESE WORD & SUFFIXES KEY: -chan: added to given name to address children affectionately, can also be used among girls who are close friends -kun: added to given or family name of male friends or someone of lower status, also rarely can be used for girls oniisan: someone else's older brother OR as a term of address "my older brother" okaasama: polite form of okaasan, as a term of address "my mother² ojousan: your or someone else's daughter OR a young lady or girl oi: hey hei: hey kuso: crap en: yen, the currency in Japan Beruseiya no Bara: Rose of Versailles, a classic anime series seishun: youth, adolescence. More broadly, the time of growing up, experiencing first love, trials of school and trying to graduate, figuring out what future to pursue, etc. ecchi: ³H², short for the word hentai which means perverted. Ecchi anime has sex in it. Some seishun romance series are ecchi. mecha: short for mechanical, in anime anything mechanical from giant robots to hand-size gadgets sentai: team fighting, a genre in anime and live-action TV shows otaku: obsessed fan. Derogatory connotation, but used by many American anime fans to describe themselves. Shinigami: God of Death SONG CREDITS: Iım your friend Words: Kimito Keiko Music: Iwasaki Motoyoshi Arrange: Iwasaki Motoyoshi Song: Orikasa Ai (as Quatre Raberba-Winner) Romanization: Kristen Translation: Katherine Found At: The Gundam Wing Archive (http://www.gundamwing.net/gwarchive/) GOOD LUCK AND GOOD BYE Words: Andou Yoshihiko Music: Ozeki Masaya Arrange: Iwasaki Motoyoshi Song: Seki Toshihiko (as Duo Maxwell) Romanization: ??? (Found at DejaNews) Translation: Katherine Found At: The Gundam Wing Archive (http://www.gundamwing.net/gwarchive/) Authorıs Notes: I got through chapter, or I should say, episode, 1 and Iım quite happy about it. The idea for this story came to me probably in June or July and Iıve been wanting to write it for a while now. Zechs isnıt quite himself from the real Gundam Wing, is he? ^_^; If youıre wondering where in Japan Quatre and co. live, I donıt know. Iım picturing the place in an episode of Card Captor Sakura when Sakura went on a vacation and met her grandfather. It is likely a fantasy area only for summer homes, but I donıt know. If anyone knows of a place in Japan that fits what Iıve described in the fic, please let me know. Iıd like to note that Quatreıs friend in Tokyo, Daiki, is named after my favorite manga/anime character, Asuka Daiki (more commonly known as Asuka Jr.) from Kaitou Saint Tail by Tachikawa Megumi. This is a very sweet romantic comedy, so if you enjoy romance please check it out. The manga is absolutely enjoyable and endearing. ^_~ You might have noticed that the TV drama ³Toe Shoes² has the same name as a shoujo manga series by Mizusawa Megumi. There isnıt really a TV drama; I made it up. Thanks for reading! -Stephanie Gundam Wing characters, names, etc. İ copyright by Soutsu Agency, Sunrise, Terebi Asahi, Bandai, and associated parties. The characters of this work are used WITHOUT permission for entertainment only. This story is not meant for sale or profit. Story İ copyright 1999 by Stephanie M. Taylor ==================================== Comments and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated! Please e-mail me by removing the spaces: dioptase @ quixium .com Stephanie's Anime Fan Fiction Collection http://KawaiiKenshin.tripod.com/fanfic.html