
OECD member countries

WTO members --WTO observers -- International organisations
31 countries are now members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Here they are here listed in alphabetical order with the year of accession.


Australia 1971
Belgium 1961
Canada 1961
Czech Republic 1995
Denmark 1961
Finland 1969
France 1961
Germany 1961
Greece 1961
Hungary 1996
Iceland 1961
Ireland 1961
Japan 1964
Korea (South)1996
Luxemburg 1961
Mexico 1994
Netherlands 1961
New Zealand 1973
Norway 1961
Portugal 1961
Spain 1961
Sweden 1961
Switzerland 1961
Turkey 1961
United Kingdom 1961
United States 1961


Last updated 10 December 2000.

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