Welcome! To My Commentaries:

The following is a list of topics which I have written about, that I hope you will take time to read. As far as they go, they are opinions that I have concerning the topic in the title. I have tried to present this material in as fair a way as is possible, providing references where I could and links that may be beneficial in understanding what I am trying to say. I hope you will find these views and observations useful.

I hope if you do not find a topic of interest in this list today that you will try again later. As I intend to update this list of topics with other subjects and commentaries as time permits.


  1. Year 2000 Problems
  2. Can Everyone See Your Web Site?
  3. Are you getting the most from you web advertising dollars?
  4. Other Topics:

If you would like me to address a special topic, make a comment on one of the topics, please e-mail me at: kenevans@bigfoot.com

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-All commentaries at the links listed above are original works, and are written by Ken Evans. Copyright (C) 1999. All Rights Reserved.