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Try These Links for Great Information and Products! |
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Langa List is great... Try it, if you want to be among the first to KNOW about Computer and Internet Information. |
ABCNews.com | The Best Web National News Web Site, abcnews.com covers the stories used in the ABC News cast daily in more depth than could be provided in the news show. Plus they include other links to further information. |
Evans, David & Kathy's Family web site | A web site dedicated to the loss of a unborn child. They also have pages with family members insterests. |
Excite Search Engine | One of many search engines on the web. This site is included here to provide convience. |
HotBot.com | This used to be the best search engine on the web! I do not use it much now because they want you to accept too many cookies and their cookies are not for a limited time like they should be, instead they want them to use up space on you computer for thirty plus years. |
Howard Cann'sTest Your Church Web Site | Howard always has interesting things on his web site. Besides a test to help you see how your church is doing or maybe is not doing to further the Christian Faith, he has pages about missions. Howard is a good contact for amateur radio. |
Fred Langa's LangalistWeb Site | Fred Langa puts out the most impressive newsletter about computing on the Web, and via e-mail. I like most readers look forward to the Langalist Newsletter which we receive via e-mail each week, because it provides the most up to date information about computer news. He reports on computer bugs, helpful apps, security issues, and most other news. With the help of a hugh network of readers, he is able to provide you the news sooner than most. If it makes Fred's newsletter, you'd better sit up and take notice! So click this link to go to his web site, or click on the banner ad on this page to sign up for the newsletter. Best of all, it's free. |
Lycos Search Engine | Another of the many search engines on the web. |
NorthernLight Search Engine | Yet another of the search engines on the web, this one it is claimed to be a big one, boasting a higher precentage of web sites cataloged. |
Salisbury, Md. Weather | This is a good quick site to get the latest weather report for Salisbury. They provide a copy of the latest teletype printout from the national weather service. Text only makes this a fast site to get the information. |
TechWebInternet Web Site | TechWeb posts the latest news from the internet and technology companies. They provide the latest news and can help keep you up to date on the latest happenings. Hear about the new product releases here. |
Tripod's HomepageGet FREE Web Pages Here | Tripod hosts free web pages with 11 Megabytes of Free Space available. They also sell additional space for a fee. The users agree to allow host sponsored advertising, through either pop-up or embedded ads. |
Windows MagazineElectronic Only | Windows Magazine stopped publishing on paper a while back, but they still put out one great magazine electroncially. On their site you will find lots of the storys you would have found in the magazine, except you do not have to buy it now, just view it free on the web. winmag.com is a great site for news, utilities, and news columns (or topical newsletters). |
WMDT's Web Page | An ABC affiliate, WMDT-TV47 located in Salisbury, Maryland has it's homepage here. Information on this site includes, TV listings, local news and weather, school closings, Community Events, and Skyeye, a TV camera high atop the station's headquarters which allows you to view the current weather and nearby traffic conditions. |
Yahoo Search Engine | Probably the best known search engine, Yahoo is reliable for providing listings. |
ZDNetNews.com | This is a Net News service, which covers internet news and computers. It is a part of ZiffDavis Publishing family. |
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