Blessing from the Goddess Bast
Blessing from the Goddess Bast

For blessing by the Goddess Bast for yourself or your cats set up an alter with cat pictures and/or statues. Have two green candles on the alter. This can be preformed by itself or as part of a circle casting. Take the Sistrum (I use bells) and slowly dance or walk around the ritual area shaking it as you go. Begin in the East and move clock wise as you go.

"Joy comes from Bast, the Lady of cats
The Goddess loves and protects all animals
As a daughter/son of Bast, I call upon her
To pour out her blessings"

Return to the alter and shake the Sistrum while you say:

"Hail, Bast, the Lady of cats
Hail, Goddess or earthly delights
Teach me to rejoice in the being that I am
Teach me to love and to be happy."

If you have pictures of your cats, look at them now with love and happiness. If you don't have pictures, call up their images mentally. Call each cat by name as if presenting him/her to the Goddess. Be alert to the atmosphere around you, for you will very likely experience the presence of the goddess in some manner. When you have finished take the Sistrum and go to the East, shake it five times and say:

"The ears of Bast as sensitive to everyword of harm sent against me and my pets. My cats and I are protected"

Go South, shake the Sistrum five times and say:

"The claws of Bast are sharp in my defense, my cats and I are protected"

Move to the West shake the Sistrum five times and say:

The teeth of Bast are Bared to evil doers. My cats and I are protected.

Move to the North shake the Sistrum five times and say:

"The eyes of Bast can see through darkness, nothing excepts her notice. My cats and I are protected."

Return to the alter and shake the Sistrum three times and say:

"Listen well, all those who would harm me and mine.
Here is erected a mighty fortress, an unbreakable shield.
You cannot enter here. Your evil thoughts return to you
The gate is locked against you."

Visualize a green light filling the room, caressing you and the picture or mental images of your cats.

"Lovely Cat-Goddess, I thank you for your blessings
keep us in safety, good health and happiness
protect my little ones where ever they may roam."

Blow a kiss to the Goddess and extinguish the candles. As a special treat, both to Bast and to your cats, present your pets with a catnip toy to play with.

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