

He was old. He felt old. His body did not work right any more, and he was always tried. His eyes were rheumy, and there were pains in his joints that woke him in the cold night time. One night, as he slept, a soft whit light filled his hut. He looked up, and saw the most beautiful Lady he had ever seen standing in the room.

"Who are you?" He whispered
"Death" She answered, quietly.
"Death?" He replied confused "I never thought Death was so beautiful! We have always pictured you as some kind specter of fear." The Lady smiled.
"You only fear Death because you do not remember it. Just as you fear Life, because you so not remember it. Come. Walk with me, and be at peace."

He got out of his straw bed, and walked towards her. She took his hand, and he looked back at the bed. He saw his body, laying there still and unmoving. Dead.
"It's quite a shock isn't it?" Her face was calm.
"Am I … dead?"
"Most assuredly so. Come."

They walked out of the cottage, hand in hand, and he noticed that they were not walking through the streets of the village where he had lived.
"Where are we?"
"You'll see in a moment. Wait"
"Am I bound for Hell?" He asked.
She stopped and looked him in the eyes.
"There is no Hell. You lived as most humans do, loving, hating, being loved and being hated. You did the best you could with the Light you had to see by. You have learned much, and earned much."
Her voice was low, but filled with a vibrancy that touched his very soul. They continued a little way down a hill, and then turned a corner, or something very much like it, and he saw, and head the laughter.

"Is it Heaven? What is it? It's beautiful!"
"This is the Summerland. Here you will rest a while, and play and perhaps meet old playmates again and discuss your Game, and ways to improve it. It's time for you to remember all your lives."
She reached up, and softly touched him on the forehead.
"Now remember"

And he did.

ps. I didn't write this, but if you know who did could you drop me a line so I can give due credit
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