The Kender Greeting Ritual
Well now then there are times in my travels when I have come across many a fellow Kenders and may many other travelers. Now the problem with meeting the other travelers is that they have no idea how to properly greet a Kender. Well now I thought that if I put it up people will read it and then know and can never say that they didn't. ~ looks over my shoulder at the Dragon behind her ~ Well I'm rambling again so here it is :)
(A sound of trumpets fill the air)
The Kender Greeting Ritual
#1 Shake hands
#2 Introduce yourself
#3 Correct the pronunciation
#4 Correct the pronunciation
#5 Correct the pronunciation
#6 Figure out if you are related in some way
(but of course we all know Kenders are related in some way due to uncle Trapspringer)
#7 By now after exchanging hugs with those you are related with you all sit down, no mater where you are, being the middle of a street or what ever, empty your pouches and begin looking threw each others belongings.
#8 Then you gather up your things, and exchanging things that some how managed to find it's way into your pouches and getting yours back, you exchange clothing and anythiing else you no longer want.
#9 say a tearful good by and promise to say hello to Uncle Trapspringer for the others.
#10 Return to your companions tired hungry but happy and tell them what you had done and show them everything that you had found.
Well there you are folks, now you are truly prepared to travel :)