Elemental correspondence


Direction: East
Season: Spring
Time: Dawn
Colours: Yellow, Gray, Violet
Metal: Tin, Copper
Sense: Smell
Phase of life: Childhood
Lunar phase: New moon
Animals: Eagle, Birds, Insects
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Chakra: Throat
Energy: Male
Tools: Wand, Censer, in some traditions the Atham
Angel: Michale
Spirit guardian: Sylphs
Rules: The mind, intelligence, light, knowledge, logic, reason, thought, theory, questing, learning, visions, dreams, physic skills, windy beaches, hills, planes, high mountain peaks, high towers.
Type of magik ruled: Divination, consecration, visualization and wind magik


Direction: South
Season: Summer
Time: Noon
Colours: Red, Orange, Gold
Metal: Gold
Sense: Sight
Phase of life: Adolescence
Lunar phase: Full moon
Animals: Lion, Cheetah, Horse, Rabbit, Swift moving animals.
Zodiac signs: Arise, Leo, Sagittarius,
Chakra: Solar plexus
Energy: Male
Tools: Athame, in some traditions the Wand and Censor
Angel: Ariel
Spirit guardian: Salamander
Rules: Energy, spirit, life, will, illumination, power, strength, courage, action, blood, heat, flame, purification, sun, deserts, volcano, bonfires.
Type of magik ruled: Candle, Storm, Time, Star.


Direction: West
Season: Autumn
Time: Dusk
Colours: Blue: Aqua, Indego
Metal: Silver
Sense: Taste
Phase of life: Adult/family years
Lunar phase: Waxing moon
Animals: Dolphin, serpents, Fish, Seals, Water creatures and Sea birds
Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Chakra: Heart
Energy: Female
Tools: Chalice
Angel: Raphael
Spirit guardian: Undines
Rules: Emotion, feelings, love, friends and family, sensitivity, recptivility, cleansing, intuition, physic development, the unconsiouse mind, the rythms of nature, the womb, oceans, lakes, streams, rivers.
Type of magik ruled: Sea, Ice, Snow, Fog, Mirror, Magnet


Direction: North
Season: Winter
Time: Midnight
Colours: Green, Brown, Ebony
Metal: Iron
Sense: Touch
Phase of life: Old age
Lunar phase: Waning
Animals: Bull, Bison, Stag, Slow moving animals
Zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Chakra: Base of the spine
Energy: Female
Tools: Penticle
Angel: Gabriel
Spirit guardian: Gnome
Rules: The body, healing, laughter, relaxation, patience, joy, growth, nature, structure, material growth, money, practicality, creativity, construction, birth, death, silence, trees, plants, rocks, mountains, crystals, jewls, metal, bones.
Type of magik ruled: Gardening, magnet image, stone, tree, knot and binding

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