"I speak Chinese. I know the culture. I can shoot the eye of a
sparrow. Can I have his job?" - Peter
"When did you get so cynical?" - Tyler to Peter
"When I learned the truth about Milli Vanilli." - Peter's response
"You must learn to see with more than your eyes." - Caine to Peter
"A wise man accomplishes his goals without love of glory." - Caine
"Without love of violence." - Peter finished.
"I am glad to see you remember some of my useless sayings." - Caine
"I remembered part of my kung fu training." - Peter to Caine
"But you forgot the most important part." - Caine in reply
"What's that?" - Peter
"To duck." - Caine
"If I can't dazzle them with my game, I'll baffle them with my
bull." - Peter
"You have a lot to learn, my son ... but you do have ... a good
right cross." - Caine to Peter
"I'm supposed to be a hot shot cop, but (uh) sometimes my partners
bore me. If I can't solve a case, my pop will solve it for me!" -
Peter, singing an impromptu duet with TJ at Chandlers