25th January, 1999. West point, Exeter
On the 25 Janaury 1999 I actually saw the Corrs live at Exeter West Point.
We were lucky enough to be seated fairly near the front even though there
were the big screens available to look at!!! I didn't want to look at those
as you might as well be watching the TV, so I screwed my eyes up to the
stage instead!
The support band started at 7:30PM and I must say they were quite good, but
after about half an hour I was dying to see the Corrs themselves.
At 8:30pm the Corrs came on and opened with "When he's not around". After
that Andrea said a few introductory words and the show went on. Throughout
the evening The Corrs sung:- Haste to the Wedding, Queen of Hollywood,
Dreams, What can I do, So Young,The Right time, Secet Life, Forgiven Not
Forgotton, Erin Shore, No good for me, I never really loved you anyway and
Only when I sleep.
All of which sounded perfect and was better than the recorded version by
far!!! I always think that if you can reproduce the goods from the studio
then you are a good band!!!
There was such an amazing buzz all evening , people were dancing up and down
in the ailses and fortunately for me I was on the end so I too joined in.
Towards the end everybody was standing up and clapping in time with the beat.
The bit I loved best though was Jim's piano solo and then Caroline and
Sharon singing "No Frontiers". I never realised what lovely voices they had
and it was nice to hear that the Backing vocals can sing by themselves!!!
Andrea then came back on and thanked an anonymous person for throwing on a
sachet on Lemsip!!!! Who carries lemsip to a Concert with them anyway?!!!(
Andrea was recovering from a bout of Flu').
This was the first Concert that I have ever been to in my life and it
certainly exceeded my expectations!!! I was on a high for about a week
afterwards, my throat was hoarse from singing and cheering and my ears
buzzed with noise of the other screaming fans!!
Even after the Corrs left the stage people were screaming for an Encore with
I myself joined in with and lo and behold the Corrs re-entered , complete
with costume change and performed Haste to the Wedding and So Young.
Obviously after they exited again but the screaming was relentless.
I think the Corrs now deserved a well earned break as they would be
performing again the following night.
If I had the money I would've gone back for the second night but as it was I
had to be satisfied with their T-Shirt with I treasure!!!
If anyone is in doubt about going to their Concerts then I must reccommend
that you will certainly get your money's worth!!
Sarah Huxley