Ferret Appearance Page!

I hope you won't get too bored by this part, most likely you already know 
what a ferret looks like.

	Now that you know where ferrets live and what they eat, another piece of information you might want 
to know is what ferrets look like. This is a common question that is asked since ferrets are nocturnal
and solitary which makes them harder to spot (this picture is of a group of ferrets because this 
household happens to have three ferrets living in the same house). The European and Domestic ferrets 
look very similar, probably because the Domestic ferret originated from the European ferret. The 
European ferret's back is anywhere from white to black in color but is often on the darker side. Their 
undercoat is usually light grey or yellowish-white, and their face is white with a black mask around 
the eyes. The Domestic ferrets are usually light in color but may also be brown. The European and 
Domestic ferrets both range in size from 12-20 inches and weigh 1-3.3 pounds. The Black-Footed 
ferret's backside and undercoat are yellow or white in color. The tip of their tail, the mask around 
the eyes, and their feet are jet black. And they  measure 14-22 inches long and weigh up to 4 pounds. 
The Steppe polecat is almost the same as the Black-Footed ferret except for the fact that they have a 
brown back and underside. Last but not least, the Marbled Polecat has spotted yellow and white marks 
on a red and brown back, their underside is black, they have a white stripe down their forehead, and 
their muzzle is either brown or black. Their length is 11-16 inches and their weight is 1-3 pounds.

Ferret Information

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Ferret History:
Ferret Habitat:
Ferret Food:
Ferret Adaptation and Defense:
Ferret Status:
Should ferrets be pets?: