Hi-de-ho neighbors!!! ***Waving***

Thanks for dropping by my room here. Not gonna promise you a bunch of fancy links or amazing downloads at first. Maybe as I learn more about the workings of the internet I can add some. BUT!, I will give you a glimpse into my world, and just maybe you will learn more about ol' ~KeyMaster~.

Before I forget...I want to thank two special people who helped me set this up, for without them, I'd be as lost as a blind man in a Nudist Camp.....I'd just be groping around!!!

A big snuggly hug and deep, erotic kiss to Tink Tink, or GateKeeper as she is also known....my beautiful bride of 18 years....it was looking at her homepage that inspired me. That, and her constant prodding to get me to finally start one. ***LOL*** And second, to Dana....aka...Tiki*Tiki Girl....aka Miss 'Puter Girl ^_^...for putting up with my "computer illiteracy"...makes you feel old when a 16 year old talks about wallpaper and the first thing you think of is the living room wall!!!

To the rest of the old reg "family" there in the 30's room.... ~Trace ~Charmin{wink} ~Tigger ~Arianna ~Ann ~Satin ~mudpuppy ~Haunted ~SuzieQ ~Weezie ~Larry {you almost got those frogs huh??!!!} ~Marielyn ~Nadine ~Standard Options ~Droid&Lace ~Playful Joker ~WildFilly ~Lioness ......Hmmmm, am I forgetting anyone???....OH YEAH!!!....the sweetest of the sweet ~Dawn~.....***HUGS*** to all of you. I thank you all for accepting me into your room, I hope that I have added to it somehow and made it a better place. A special thought for all my FRIENDS

And who could forget all the new friends in there... ~turbo ~RED ~D@isy ~Ripley ~HOSS ~Madison ~Marielyn ~PoolBoy(you eat at Cracker Barrel lately???...*grin*) I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of ya....thanks for being such good friends. Check out the "FRIENDS" link above for a special word for y'all!!

Now....lean back in your chair, prop your feet up, and enjoy my home....again, I thank you for dropping in and ask you add your comments, for thats the only way I know what works and what falls flat!!! I wish you all peace and love...for I do feel loved by all of you.

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