Pirammer Rashkov, the Dark Elf

	I was an adventurous turnip farmer, but living at home with my folks,
nothing exciting really happened. On a hot summers day in the fields I
got so bored that I took a stroll through town and into the woods. I came
up on a creatures lair, not knowing what was inside and the risk taker
that I am I picked up a stick and decided to venture further into the
unknown. Before I knew it I had been knocked unconsious by something that
could only be described as a hairy beast looking much like a lamb. Waking
in a back alley I find myself with nothing but a short sword and a shield
 to defend myself with. As I run out into the busy Town Center I can't
yet fathom what I have gotten myself into. I look around and there I am
surrounded by inteligent looking creatures. When I take a good look at
myself I realize that I too look like one of them, something I now know
myself as a Dark Elf. Many of them look like Titans or Elves to me. All I
could tell about them is that they are very powerful and are of chosen
professions. I creep to the east side of the town and find myself
standing in front of a bank. I spotted a small arms shop so I decided to
go in and meet the shop owner, when I had asked him where I was he could
only laugh and tell me I am in Elanthia. Repeating the word I walked out
and still could not fathom what I had gotten myself into.

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