Born and bred in the beauty of Eire's countryside, Kith quickly developed a love for nature alongside her childhood friend,
Thomas. She set up as a healer in her home town, and by the age of 23 had two sons, Ethan and Wren, by her husband Daniel.
When they died in a sudden accident she left for Venice, immersing herself in her work to escape the grief.
She set up another practise there, specialising her abilities to help animals - activities which caught the attention of the Gangrel Primogen, Marcus Colmarni, who embraced her and left her to fend for herself for a year. Unable to return home, she continued her work, learning about her new abilities and weaknesses. She met other kindred but remained friends with only one, an Assamite named Kalen Finn Valari de Vindicare.
Her unlife started relatively quietly, with only occasional disturbances such as her first run in with the sabbat, an event which terrifies her to this day. When she eventually returned home she discovered the Garou and was shocked to discover Thomas himself was a Fianna Galliard named Waning Moon, now in his last years. It was only his intervention that saved her. From then on she spent much of her time in Venice, where she founded Abineri Vetinary and Rescue Centre, and was joined by Sorrow, her magpie companion. Many years passed. Then world-wide rioting and other strange occurrences saw much of her resources destroyed. She set on a journey, by order of the Prince of Venice, to discover the cause, travelling with others:
Kalen: Who poses as a gangrel to all others.
Corinth: A Gangrel whore with a strangely intact set of principles and a great sense of humour.
Mark Lloyd: Brujah, but honourable...bit of a puppy underneath it all.
Jake Giovanni: An underhanded, sneaky, infernalist, diabolist bastard, though she doesn't know it.
Over the course of the journey Sorrow was killed, for which she blames and hates the Tremere. She became firm friends with Corinth and Mark. Both Kith and Corinth bound themselves to Kalen, believing him to be more trustworthy than the people they are now forced to deal with. ((Though he most certainly was not, as they later discovered)). The bond confused Kith's true feelings. Mark became bound to her, which she finds a blessing. He is her emotional 'net' for she knows he will always be there for her, and loyal, powerful friends are hard to come by. They fought many skirmishes along the way, during which Kith was injured badly. She recovered with grievous scarring to her face and neck, for which she turned to her friend Albert. He was able to heal them with Vissicitude in payment in full of a boon he owed to her. With a few of his personal touches of course... few gangrel are blessed, or perhaps cursed, with such good looks as Kith now has.
She became friends with the Garou shortly afterwards, by making a gift of the grand claive she salvaged from a fight with the Black Spiral Dancers during the riots. A terrible incident where she met the alien-creatures used by the sabbat and pentex. Waning Moon and his pack gave her the Talen she now wears round her neck and she allowed them free run of the 200acres of forest she owns.
Cleaning up after the riots has brought much vying for power; the anarchs, the Camarilla and the Black Hand have all approached the party at some point. The Sabbat haven't so much approached them as try to kill them. All except Kalen, who works with them anyway, are now Black Hand - the choice being join or die, they joined. The Camarilla believe they have the support of one half of the party, the half with Kith. The Anarchs believe they have the support of the other half. During this Kith managed to "persuade" the Tremere to return Sorrow to her in return for her 'support'. She didn't expect it to happen, but it did. Sorrow was returned to her, a risen magpie inside a living body.
So now all is settling back to how it was... the petty bickering and squabbling of politics. She has rebuilt somewhat but is still adjusting to her new position, trying to keep her freedom in amongst the factions.