Map of the County
The Caerns of The Central Region

· Stirling fiefdom is marked with a solid black line.
· The Fianna caern itself is located in the city of Stirling (1).
· The Black Spiral Dancer's hive, a desecrated caern, is further out, in Grangemouth (2).
· The North is held mostly by the Fae.
· Elsewhere, to the south, east and west, the Dancers hold sway.
· There are frequent Pentex incursions into the area in kindred (and Fianna) control.
· Main areas in dispute are along the river bank by Alloa, and north towards Bannockburn, both highly industrialised areas

Wallace Monument The Wallace Monument - Fianna Caern

One of the best vantage points from which to view Stirling is the top of the Wallace Monument, a prominent Victorian tower which stands above the river on a rocky crag and catches the eye for miles around. In the 1850's a tide of nationalism swept across the globe which the Fianna, with help from their kindred allies, took advantage of. One of the outcomes was the erection of the National Wallace Monument, in memory of the great Scottish hero, William Wallace ((who was in truth Fianna kinfolk)). The original structure was completed in 1869 with an addition by the toreador at a later date. This addition was the 'Hall of Heroes' in which you can find marble sculptures of other Scottish heroes as well as information concerning such greats as Robert the Bruce, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns and David Livingston. It stands on Abbey Craig where vast areas of unspoiled land and beautiful forests can be found.

It is this caern which has caused the ongoing war between the Fianna and Black Spiral Dancer tribes of the area. It is a caern of great importance and power, much stronger than the local Dancer caern. So far all attempts by them to capture the city and caern have failed, but their relentlessness may yet swing the war to their side.

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