An Overview Of Stirling Fief

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The Princes Haven castle
The Castle is situated at the head of Stirling's Old Town, mounted high on an old volcanic outcrop. No kine can confirm when Stirling castle was first built, but references to it begin to appear in historical records of the early 12th Century. However, these records themselves refer to an earlier occupation of the site. The Castle that stands today is recorded to have been built between 1370 and 1750 in various different stages by the numerous different occupants of the stronghold. Kindred know that it was built by the previous Prince, Culchamhain.

The prince allowed toreador influences to affect the overall feel of the castle, hoping to strengthen the friendship of their two clans. The varied types of statues and stone carvings that are mounted around the castle walls and on display in the gardens have a wide diversity of sources, ranging from the Devil to Planetary Gods and even sculptures of kings through the centuries. The result was a castle which not only impressed visiting dignitaries, it relaxed them also; a situation the Prince found ideal. Nowadays, the kindred have found it has a new purpose: a little extra income from the tourist trade never hurt anyone.

Places of Elysium

A pub with much history behind it and favoured by the Prince himself, Whistlebinkies is the main meeting point for all kindred in Stirling. It is a relaxed, informal environment and is used accordingly.

Tolbooth Theatre:
Located on Broad Street, just off from the centre of town, this theatre has provided many a safe haven during the day. Built and maintained through the local toreador, it is mainly used for semi-formal business meetings, etc.

Albert Hall:
Owned by Alex White, most major decisions and treaties are made in this place. This is due, in part, to the fact that it is large enough to contain the whole kindred population comfortably and then some. It is used for very formal meetings, business 'lunches', etc. It is very upper class, so much so that no gangrel other than Bethany has ever stepped foot in it!

The Wilds

The area around Stirling is rich with magic and magical beings. Garou and fae are equally in abundance, especially to the north. Few kindred venture into these parts other than the gangrel, who sometimes bring back rumours of a hidden network of magi, probably Verbena.

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