Southernwood - Artemisia abrotanum

Other Names: Lad's love, Old man, Old man lad's love, Old man's love, Maidens ruin.

A perennial growing to 4ft (1.2m) high with beautiful silver-grey foliage. Its stem is green and slightly rigdged when young; tawny and woody when mature. The leaves are thread-like, silvery-green and semi-evergreen. They have a somewhat pungent, spicy aroma.

Warning: Very poisonous! Not a plant to be eaten!

Relationships: Aids fruit trees and cabbage.

Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris

Other Names: Applepie, Bowlocks, Bulwand, Common mugwort, Docks, Docko, Dog's ears, Fat hen, Felon herb, Gallwood, Green ginger, Grey bulwand, Migwort, Mogvord, Moogard, Mugger, Muggert, Muggert kail, Muggons, Muggurth, Mugweed, Mugwood, Old uncle Harry, Sailor's tobacco, Smotherwood.

A perennial growing to about 4ft (1.2m) high. The stem is downy, woody, grooved and has a slight red tinge. The leaves are green on top; downy and silvery underneath. They are indented, alternate and pinnate, the leaflets being coarley toothed. It also has a basal rosette of leaves which survives most winters. Small, greenish yellow to red brown flowerheads appear summer to mid autumn.

Site: Prefers a sunny position with light, well drained, dryish soil. Can tolerate dirt and traffic fumes and can also be grown indoors.
Propagation: Plant autumn/spring. Take semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer.
General Care: Thin/transplant to 18" - 3ft (45cm - 1m) apart.
Harvest: Pick flowering tops and leaves in mid-late summer

Preserve: Dry leaves and flowering tops.

Warning: Excessive doses can lead to Poisoning! Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.

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