Other Names: Ass's foot, Baccy plant, British tobacco, Bull's foot, Calve's foot, Clatterclogs,
Cleate, Clote, Coughwort, Cowheave, Dishilago, Dove-dock, Dummy leaf, Dummy weed, Flower velure, Foal's foot,
Fohanan, Hogweed, Hoofs, Horse's hoof, Poor man's baccy, Son afore the father, Sowfoot, Sweeps brushes, Tushalagies,
Tushalan, Tushy-lushy gowan, Yellow stars, Yellow trumpets.
A hardy perennial growing 3-12" (8-30cm) high. It has a small, white, spreading root which
produces tender stalks. The leaves are toothed, dark green with grey beneaths, and the dentate,
cordate shape is as a small cloven hoof. Small, yellow, daisy-like flowers with a short life span
appear in spring.
Site: |
Almost anywhere so long as the soil is moist, though it seems to prefer loamy or limestone dirt. |
Propagation: | Sow in spring if none grows wild nearby. Take root cuttings spring/autumn. Divide in autumn. |
Harvest: | Leaves as required. |
Preservation: Dry leaves, for tobacco. Decoct.
Tussilago is latin meaning 'cough-dispeller'. It is smoked and is an expectorant.
For all its benefits, however, too much of any tobacco is bad for you!