An attractive, hardy annual with a height of up to 2ft (60cm). It bears loosely packed umbels,
clusters, of white/light lilac flowers at the beginning of summer. Its seeds are small, round
and aromatic. They are beige and come in a round, ridged seed case, which is brown when ripe.
There are two distinct leaf types, the lower leaves and the upper leaves. The lower leaves have
wavy edges, are broad and have an oddly pungent scent. The upper leaves smell the same but are
finely cut, feathery, thin and bright green. The stem is paler, branching and finely lined.
Site: | Prefer full sun and rich, light soil. |
Propagation: | Sow seeds autumn through winter in mild climates or spring in final position. For a continuous harvest, sow seeds throughout summer in rows 1ft apart. |
General Care: | Thin to 8" (20cm) apart. Can grow indoors if can tolerate strong scent! |
Harvest: | Pick young leaves as required. Dig up roots in autumn. Once ripe, gather seeds before they drop. |
Preservation: Seeds to flavour vinegar. Dry in warmth, thresh out seeds by hand.
Relationships: Plant away from fennel as coriander seems to negatively affect it. Promotes growth of anise.