Feverfew - Tanecetum (Crysanthemum) parthenium

Other Names:
Arsesmart, Bachelor's Buttons, Bothem, Buttons, Devil Daisy, Featherfew, Febrifuge plant, Midsummer Daisy, Nosebleed, Stink Dasies, Whitewort.

A perennial, similar to chamomile in looks, growing to about 2ft (60cm) in height. Strongly aromatic. The root is hard and short with many strong fibres about it. It has a round, branching, stem which sets forth many leaves on hard, round, short stalks. The leaves themselves are much divided, each leaflet being ovate and hoary-green. Single 1" (1-2.5cm) in diameter flowers appear on small footstalks in summer. They have a central yellow disc surrounded with 10-20 outer white ray florets.

Site:Full sun, any soil.
Propagation:Sow seed in spring.
Harvest:Flowers in early summer. Leaves as required.

Preserve: Dry leaves, flowers and seeds. Store seeds seperately.

Warning: Do not ingest if taking anti-clotting agents. When fresh it occasionally causes mouth ulcers.

Tansy - Tanecetum (Crysanthemum) vulgare

Other Names:
Bachelor Buttons, Bitter buttons, Buttons, Common tansy, Ginger plant, Golden buttons, Hindheal, Parsley fern, Scented daisies, Scented fern, Stinking elshander, Stinking willie, Traveller's rest, Weebo, Yellow buttons.

An aromatic perennial growing to 4ft (120cm) high. It has many erect, angular almost round, purplish brown stems. The leaves are feathery, pinnately (evenly) divided, dark green, smooth and lanceolate. The leaflets are acute and toothed. The root is short and creeping. Terminal button-shaped, rounded, golden yellow flowers, without ray florets, appear in compound flat-topped clusters. The fruit is an achene (small dry fruit containing a loose seed).

Site:Full sun, poor, fairly sandy soil suffices.
Propagation:Sow seed or divide in spring.
Harvest:Flowers in summer.

Be aware that it is a dangerous irritant to the stomach. Leaves and stems are poisonous. For rest, do not use in pregnancy as it can cause the onset of a period. Overdose of tansy can be FATAL.

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