Meadowsweet - Spiraea ulmaria

Other Names: Bittersweet, Blackin-girse, Bridewort, Courtship-and-Matrimony, Dolloff, Goats beard, Hayriff, Kiss me Quick, Lady-of-the-meadow, Maid of the Mead, May of the Meadow, Meadsweet, Meadwort, Meadow-soot, Meadow queen, Meadow-wort, Meaduart, Meadwort, New mown hay, Pride of the Meadow, Queen of the Meadow, Queens feather, Summers farewell, Sweethay, Tea flower, Wireweed.

A decorative perennial with a height of 2-4ft (60-120cm). Its delicate leaves are wrinkly and impressed deeply. They are darkgreen above, greygreen below and are scented. The stem is reddish, hollow, furrowed and branched. The root is a pinky red, creeping and sweetly scented. Creamy-white, almond scented flowers appear in small clusters throughout summer.

Site: Prefers sun or light shade but must have moist, fertile alkaline soil.
Propagation: Sow in sprng. Divide in autumn.
General Care: Thin/transplant to 12" (30cm) apart. Not good for the indoors.
Harvest: Pick young leaves before flowers appear. Pick flowers when new.

Preserve: Dry leaves and flowers.

Warning: Do not take if allergic to aspirin! ((The active chemical in aspirin is derived from this plant. The name 'Aspirin' comes from the latin name for meadowsweet.))

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